Businesses are quickly shifting from on-premise communication models to cloud-based ones designed to provide different types of solutions for business communication.

Cloud-based communication systems present various “as a Service” models, including the popular UCaaS and CCaaS

These cloud-based services, UCaaS, CCaaS, and CPaaS, share similar attributes but differ in service purpose and functionalities. As they become popular in modern enterprises, people often get confused when choosing between them.

This blog will provide in-depth information on UCaaS and CCaaS cloud communication services,  UCaaS vs CCaaS and similarities, and how to choose between them. 

🔑 Key Highlight

UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service)

  • Focuses on internal communication and collaboration (team calls, video meetings, messaging)
  • Integrates with business tools and platforms
  • Suitable for businesses looking to improve teamwork and communication efficiency
  • Examples: Microsoft Teams, Zoom

CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service)

  • Focuses on external communication and customer interactions (omnichannel support – calls, chats, emails, social media)
  • Offers features like call routing, IVR, call analytics
  • Suitable for businesses aiming to improve customer service and experience
  • Examples: Dialaxy, Talkdesk


  • Both are cloud-based solutions
  • Offer scalability and softphone apps
  • Can integrate with other platforms

Choosing Between UCaaS and CCaaS

  • Choose UCaaS for improved internal communication and collaboration
  • Choose CCaaS for improved customer service and experience

What is UCaaS?

What is UCaaS

UCaaS stands as Unified Communications as a Service. As the name suggests, it unifies multiple communication services into a central platform. Service providers are responsible for streamlining communications and combining various communication channels and features into one single cloud-calling platform. Voice, conferencing, SMS, and chat applications are general areas focused on by UCaaS vendors and can be used through the same interface.

This unified communication system lets your teams switch between multiple channels or platforms to communicate easily. It eliminates the need to use multiple platforms and interfaces for various purposes, making it seamless and time-saving to achieve multiple communication tasks with unified communication.

UCaaS is hosted on cloud servers, and users need an active internet service or connection to use this service while eliminating the need to purchase hardware devices and infrastructure. 

It facilitates a better customer experience for users and teams via different communication channels, such as instant messages and audio or video calls. Employees and Agents can also access various enterprise tools and data without switching between applications to provide customer services.

For instance, your business is currently using multiple communication tools. UCaaS combines these current communication tools into a single platform. All communications can be performed from a single interface or platform, whether it is messaging teammates, calling customers for follow-ups, or attending virtual meetups with investors. 

What is CCaas?

What is CCaaS?

CCaaS stands as Contact Center as a Service. As the name suggests, it provides a contact center service to businesses that require a cloud contact center to connect with customers through multiple channels. It is also a cloud-based technology that allows users to set up a contact center for their business requirements.

CCaaS solution is an upgrade to the call center version that allows you to communicate with customers via phone, SMS, or chat in multiple channels from a single interface and platform.

Similar to the virtual call center, customer support representatives or agents can use the interface to make or receive more than just a call. They are served with additional contact channels like text messages, web chats, emails, and social media.

Some of the features of CCaaS are:

UCaaS VS CCaaS: Key Differences 

Although UCaaS and CCaaS platforms seem similar as a service, they have distinctive roles when it comes to the usage of communications. They offer a range of services and advanced business communication capabilities that can be utilized for various business areas depending on the needs and purpose of the type of business.

The major differences between UCaaS and CCaaS are:

UCaaS provides communication tools for internal business communications, such as phone, messaging, and video conferencing, for Agents, teams, and employees.

CCaaS focuses on external communication, enhancing customer interactions through various communication channels for connecting with customers via email, social media, live chat, audio calls, and SMS.

Here in the table below, you can see other differences:

Aspects UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service)
Focuses Connecting team members and employees for collaboration, team communication, and workforce management

(internal communications)

Connecting customers to a business via multiple communication or omnichannel contact center

(external communications)

Features Voice calling, text messages, video conference, file share Advanced call routing, IVR system, analytics tools, other self-service options
Aim Improve team collaboration to deliver productivity Optimize customer interactions and communication channels for better customer service
Integration features Integrates with business tools and platforms Can integrate with UCaaS and CRM systems
Suitable for Businesses looking to modernize their communication infrastructure Businesses aiming to improve service quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction

Similarities Between UCaaS and CCaaS

UCaaS solution and CCaaS software are both cloud-based platforms. Some of the other similarities between them are:

  • Cloud-based tech: UCaaS and CCaaS are delivered via cloud technology, eliminating the need for on-premise hardware and infrastructure, which offers better scalability.
  • Similar as-a-service application deployment models
  • Both can be used for external communication.
  • Both have Integration capabilities with other platforms, CRM systems, and productivity apps.
  • Scalability to go up and down as per user’s requirement
  • Desktop and mobile apps for call control and communication

What does your business need UCaaS or CCaaS?

Deciding whether you need UCaaS or CCaaS is challenging, and Several factors come into play. Both share similar qualities, such as communication qualities, service, and features.

Let’s take a closer look at the table below to understand better when choosing two services:

Choosing UCaaS Choosing CCaaS
If Your focus is improving internal communications and seamless employee collaboration with voice videos or audio messages. If Your focus is improving your customer’s experience, customer communication system, and business external communication 
When you want effective and cost-saving communication for your team. To upgrade your call center operation to a multi-communication channels customer support system
Your business deals with limited queries from customers, and your team needs frequent meetings, conferences, and seamless remote collaboration If your business deals with a high volume of calls and user queries for customer support.
When you want to create a centralized business and employee communication platform. When you want to create a centralized communication platform for customer support

Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) and Unified Communication as a service (UCaaS) solutions greatly enhance customer engagement and team and customer communication satisfaction. 

These services simplify and automate business operations and flow with advanced communication features, simultaneously making customer services and agent’s performance more productive and efficient.

Dialaxy’s cloud-based communication solution can be the best choice for your business and its external and internal communication systems. With it, your teams, employees, and customer service agents can deliver smooth omnichannel communication, enhancing customer service journeys and boosting team collaborations effectively.

Try our 7-day free trial to experience the dedicated business cloud communication solution. Optimize your internal and external communications for customer support service with seamless team collaboration and enhanced customer experience.


What do UCaaS and CCaaS stand for?

Here below is what each stands for:

UCaaS: Unified Communications as a Service (integrates communication tools for internal collaboration). Examples of UCaaS are Microsoft Teams and Zoom

CCaaS: Contact Center as a Service (focuses on improving customer interactions). Examples of CCaaS are Dialaxy and Talkdesk.

Difference between CCaaS and CPaaS

The difference between CCaaS and CPaaS are:

  • CCaaS: Pre-built software with communication features, billed monthly per user, offering a complete customer contact solution.
  • CPaaS: Building blocks (APIs) to add communication features to your applications, pay-as-you-go model and offers more customization but requires development effort.

What are the benefits of UCaaS and CCaaS?

The benefits of UCaaS are as follows:

  • Cost-effective technology
  • Enhanced mobility
  • Scalability
  • Improved customer experience
  • Robust security

Benefits of CCaaS are:

  • Flexible
  • Omnichannel support
  • Saves costs on hardware and software
  • Real-time analytics and reporting
  • Enhanced agent productivity

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.