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Introducing SMS Filters for Refined Messaging

Unlock the power of personalized messaging with Dialaxy’s innovative SMS filters. It is time to welcome tailored messages that resonate with your audience.

Endorsed by top industry leaders

Trusted by industry experts for excellence and innovation.

Automated Segmentation with the Use of SMS Filters

Ensure that each message is relevant and personalized by automating the process of segmenting. 

Maximized Impact for Better Marketing Campaigns

Deliver targeted content for better results and improve ROI for your messaging campaigns.

Customizable Filters

Criteria Selection

Choose from various criteria, such as demographics, behavior, or engagement level, to target specific audience segments effectively.

Filter Customization

Customize filters as per your needs or requirements, fostering audience segmentation and tailored messaging strategies. 

Precision Targeting

Tailored Messaging

Create personalized messages that align with each audience segment, enhancing engagement and driving higher conversion rates.

Granular Control

Refine your audience segmentation with granular control over filters, allowing detailed customization for each messaging campaign.

Maximized Impact for Better Marketing Campaigns

Deliver targeted content for better results and improve ROI for your messaging campaigns.

Customizable Filters

Criteria Selection

Choose from various criteria, such as demographics, behavior, or engagement level, to target specific audience segments effectively.

Filter Customization

Customize filters as per your needs or requirements, fostering audience segmentation and tailored messaging strategies. 

Precision Targeting

Tailored Messaging

Create personalized messages that align with each audience segment, enhancing engagement and driving higher conversion rates.

Granular Control

Refine your audience segmentation with granular control over filters, allowing detailed customization for each messaging campaign.


What are SMS filters in Dialaxy?

SMS filters in Dialaxy are tools by which users can segment their audience depending on various criteria like demographics, behavior, or engagement level.

How do SMS filters work?

SMS filters allow users to define various criteria for segmenting their audience. These criteria can include factors such as age, location, past interactions, and more.

Can I create custom filters in Dialaxy?

Of course. With it, you can create custom filters to suit your needs. You can segment your audience by age, location, purchasing behavior, or any other criteria.

What criteria can I use for SMS filters?

Dialaxy offers a variety of criteria for segmenting your audience, including demographics, behavior, engagement level, and more.

How can I get started with SMS filters in Dialaxy?

Simply log in to your Dialaxy account and navigate to the SMS filters section. From there, begin creating filters based on your desired criteria.

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