We would like to know if anybody has ever wished to provide their phone number for a coworker to take their place in receiving incoming business calls or answering messages. Or do they just want a phone number that alerts all members of the unit at once?

Is it challenging for you to keep track of which team member is managing specific calls and their respective timings? Or does your team utilize a single business phone number that can only handle one call at a time, leaving others waiting for their turn?

It leads to frustration, no!

But don’t worry, we will guide everything through our information including everything things about sharing business phone numbers.

So, without any further delay, let’s get started on the main topic of how to share business phone numbers.

🔑 Key Highlights
  • A shared phone number is like a shared email inbox, allowing multiple people to call and text a single number.
  • It enhances customer satisfaction by minimizing the number of calls that go to voicemail.
  • Everyone receives calls, but only one person can answer at a time.
  • Sharing a number with multiple users can increase the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Allows multiple people to access messages and voicemails.

What is a shared phone number?

A shared phone number is like a shared email inbox for a phone. Because of shared phone numbers, people can call and text one phone number many times.

A common number guarantees that all incoming calls are handled properly and that each lead is followed up with. This way, potential customers do not vanish into thin air or experience bad times.

A Voice over Internet Protocol, or “VoIP” service provider, typically facilitates number sharing. The system routes incoming calls to shared devices in a predetermined sequence.

How does calling and texting on a shared number work?

How does calling and texting on a shared number work

1. Calls are received by everyone.

If someone calls your phone, all people possessing the number will hear ring tones in their phones or get ringing sounds in their computers provided they are not in Do Not Disturb mode. The ring order is customizable to be either all at once, random, or in a certain order of choice. 

The person who accepts first prevents other people’s phones from ringing. When you are making calls with your team members, the line is always open. Instead of forwarding calls to your teammate’s direct number whenever you are not around, you can just give your own number to still know what conversations happened when you come back.

2. Messages and voicemails are received by everyone.

When the shared number receives a message or voicemail, everyone sees it in their Dialaxy app. All messages, voicemails, and call histories are synced so you know if a conversation was opened.

3. Seem who said what

Each outgoing message displays the name of the team member who sent it, allowing you to provide guidance and coaching to your team as necessary. Additionally, you have visibility into who made or accepted a call.

4. You can see who’s typing 

You can easily identify who is composing a response as they are typing, so you can avoid sending multiple replies to a customer (we’ve all been there).

5. Shared contact

At Dialaxy, your business address book is accessible to everyone who shares the same number. This means that if a team member adds a customer’s name or details, all other team members will immediately have access to that contact information on Dialaxy.

What are the types of shared phone numbers?

I. Virtual phone numbers 

VoIP technology routes call in and out of the cloud using virtual phone numbers. Users must have an internet connection to access the virtual number from a device (a smartphone, computer, or tablet).

Multiple users can handle inbound and outbound calls using the same virtual number from various devices using desktop applications, web apps, or mobile apps. The Dialaxy virtual phone system manages incoming, outgoing, missed, and transferred calls from the same phone number.

II. Traditional multi-line phone systems

PBX (Private Branch Exchange) systems, which are conventional multi-line phone systems, are generally placed on-site. They all have the same phone number, but each phone in the company has a distinct extension number.

Staff members use these extension numbers to make internal calls and transfer incoming calls to the appropriate department or extension. Instead of giving each employee their own phone number, multi-line phone systems allow outgoing calls to be made using a single number.

Difference between a Shared number and a Dedicated phone number

Feature  Shared Phone Number

Dedicated Phone Number

Usage One number is shared by multiple people or departments, with calls routed through a menu or automated system. A specific number is assigned to one individual or department, allowing direct communication.
Cost More cost-effective, as the expense is shared among several users. Generally more expensive since it’s exclusive to one user or department.
Call routing Calls typically go through an IVR system or menu to reach the right person. Calls connect directly to the intended recipient without any routing.
Caller experience Callers might need to navigate options or wait, making it less personal but suitable for high call volumes. Callers have a more direct and personal connection, reaching the intended contact immediately.
Personalization Less personalized, as different people may handle each call. Highly personalized, with consistent contact with the same person or team.

How to share business phone number: set up a shared phone number

If you are looking for a shared business phone number, Dialaxy has the best plans. Here is a step-by-step guide to getting a shared phone number using Dialaxy. 

Step 1:  Sign up 

Sign up to Dialaxy and create an account. As you sign up, select a country code or area code. By this shared phone number, the team members can connect with the customers as well as among themselves internally. 

Step 2: Choose a local, mobile, or toll-free phone number

Dialaxy has a big collection of virtual numbers and group phone numbers. Choose a phone number that you like and prefer. Dialaxy provides local, mobile, and toll-free phone numbers. If you need a toll-free number, you can choose to get one. 

Choose the phone number you want for your business. In Dialaxy, you can also search for the number by any prefix of your choice. For instance, if you have specific digits in mind, just start typing them out, and you will get the availability based on them. It is also possible to transfer your existing line onto this platform.

Step 3: Select a subscription plan that is right for your team

Select a subscription plan that meets your financial requirements and other technical preferences. You may also select additional options like add-ons. All subscriptions come with free trials lasting up to 7 days every month, and there is no fee attached to anyone who simply wants to use the basic account from Dialaxy itself without paying anything like “subscription plan” fees whatsoever.

Step 4: Inviting team members to phone number 

Invite the team member(s) you’d like to have access to your phone number via the Admin Dashboard. They’ll get an email with the link to the mobile and web apps.

Step 5: Customizing Inbox and Call Settings

Customize your inbox and call settings. Once you add your team, you can label phone numbers, create a phone menu, set up business hours, set up voicemail with custom greetings, and more. 

What are the uses of shared phone numbers?

Depending upon your needs, shared numbers can be used for various purposes

  • Healthcare services use these numbers as emergency numbers to assist needy people in emergencies 24/7.
  • Both government and non-government organizations employ such phone numbers to communicate with people and provide community services.
  • Businesses operate shared team phone numbers as hotlines, allowing multiple agents to assist callers with queries. 
  • Business enterprises use shared phone numbers for customer support, allowing calls to be queued when an operator is busy with another call.

Things to consider when choosing a shared business phone number?

When choosing a shared business phone number, consider the following:

  1. Call Volume: Ensure the system can handle the expected number of incoming calls without overwhelming users or causing delays for callers.
  2. Routing Options: Look for flexible call routing features, such as automated menus (IVR), to direct callers to the right department or person efficiently.
  3. Integration with Tools: Check if the shared number integrates smoothly with your CRM, helpdesk, or other business tools to streamline communication and data management.
  4. Cost and Budget: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of sharing a number versus dedicated lines, considering both short-term savings and long-term business needs.
  5. Scalability: Choose a service that can grow with your business, allowing you to add more users or departments without significant changes or costs.

What are the pros and cons of a shared phone number?

Advantages of using shared phone numbers for your business.

I. Timely response to customer calls

Incoming calls will be routed to anyone on your team with authorization for the company phone number. As soon as someone answers the call, it will cease ringing for everyone on the group. Thus, you can address customers’ requests without any delay. 

II. Distribute the workload among the team members

A shared telephone number enables your employees to equally share the load hence avoiding burning out accusations against them. When some staff are off work during holidays or at night they may set their phones on Do Not Disturb mode. You can easily cover up for them by using a shared phone number.

III. Increased transparency

In traditional telephone systems of organizations where dedicated phone lines exist or if using personal numbers, one will need to call forwarding before having their associates respond to their work-related calls. 

And you may not know the details of the conversation when you are back. By sharing a phone number, you can access the call history, voicemail, and conversation anytime. Everyone on the team has access to the conversation, and this helps take the conversation forward from where someone has left off. 

IV. Avoid multiple replies

When using shared phone numbers, all team members have access to the conversation and can see when someone is drafting a response. This helps avoid sending multiple responses to the customer seeking information. 

V. Cost-effective option

Employing shared cell phone numbers can be a cost-effective solution, particularly advantageous for smaller businesses or organizations. They serve to mitigate the necessity of having multiple phone lines and numbers, thereby streamlining communications and reducing operational costs.

There are some cons of sharing a phone number with a team

VI. Increased responsibility

Team members share the responsibility of promptly answering calls and offering support to individuals in need. This task can often be demanding, requiring a significant investment of time and effort.

VII. Blacklisting problem 

If one team member on a shared network doesn’t comply with rules and regulations, it affects the whole team and leads to problems in your business, too.

VIII. Privacy and security risks

Multiple users use the same shared phone number. If not properly managed, unauthorized access may increase. This makes it harder to secure sensitive information, leading to potential data breaches and also huge losses in your business.

Also read: Complete guide to cloud phone system selection


How do you format a business phone number?

Start with a “+” and the country code, followed by the area code and the main number. Group digits for readability and add “ext.” for extensions if needed. Example: +1 555-123-4567.

How do I get a specific phone number for my business?

Choose a VoIP provider like Us or a telecom company that offers custom number selection. Search their available numbers, select one that fits your business needs, and complete the registration process. Some providers may charge extra for vanity or toll-free numbers.

How to transfer a business phone to a cell phone?

Enable call forwarding on your business phone system. Enter your cell phone number as the destination for forwarded calls. This can typically be set up through your phone system’s settings or by contacting your service provider.

What happens if a shared phone number is lost or stolen?

Immediately contact your service provider to suspend the number and prevent unauthorized use. You can request to transfer the number to a new device or secure it until you recover or replace the lost phone. Act quickly to minimize potential security risks.

Can you use an existing phone number?

Yes, you can port your existing phone number to a new service or provider. Contact your new provider to initiate the porting process. You’ll need to provide your current account details to ensure a smooth transfer. This allows you to keep your number even when switching services.

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.