Has your call center gone out of track? Are your customers frustrated while your agents are disengaged in their work? Don’t worry! We have the right solution for you: Call Center Quality Assurance (QA). Implementing QA in your call center can transform your operation from mediocre to efficient in no time.

So, in this blog, we will discuss the tips and best practices for call center quality assurance. Furthermore, we will also cover the challenges and how to address them. 

What is Call Center Quality Assurance?

What is Call Center Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is ensuring your call center meets business standards and maintains high levels of customer service quality. A key component of this strategy is evaluating agent performance regularly and monitoring adherence to established quality standards. 

In addition, various existing inefficiencies in the process and operations are also identified and addressed in this call center process.

The quality assurance (QA) process can separate high-performing call centers from mediocre ones. Hence, the sooner businesses implement quality assurance at every stage of their customer process, the more likely they are to resolve problems and retain customers.

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Why Is Quality Assurance Important in a Call Center?

Quality Assurance is very important for any given call center’s success, despite their nature and industry. However, call center success might sound very vague and generic. So, let’s see in more detail why quality assurance is important in a call center. 

1. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

QA enables call center managers to understand whether or not their customers are satisfied with the products and services they receive. This can be a huge indicator of potential customer loyalty to the company. A call center’s quality assurance metrics reduce customer churn and prevent major issues from spiraling out of control.

Customer loyalty means a higher chance of repeat business, ultimately improving sales and revenue. 

2. Enhanced Operation and Decision Making

Businesses and managers can optimize agent schedules, routing strategies, employee workshops and training, business processes, and more by regularly conducting Quality Assurance testing within their call centers. 

In addition, analyzing the performance of a call center through quality assurance (QA) helps identify and resolve any obstacles or inefficiencies in its processes. By addressing these issues, the overall operational efficiency of the center can be enhanced.

3. Brand Reputation

Ensuring a customer experience maintained by quality assurance (QA) is crucial in building a strong brand reputation. When customers are satisfied, they tend to be more inclined to recommend the brand to others. This can be helpful in the long-term sustainability and success of the call center and the business. 

Quality Control (QC) vs. Quality Assurance (QA) 

Quality Assurance is often confused with Quality Control. Although these terms sound similar, they are quite different fundamentally. So, before moving on to the ways of improving the quality assurance process, let’s address this confusion. 

Quality control is used in call centers to ensure smooth operations. The most common examples of call center quality control are attendance, punctuality, and after-hours work. In addition, QC monitors and evaluates actual customer interactions, such as phone calls, chats, or emails.

In contrast, Quality Assurance (QA) is a process designed to ensure customers get the best experience possible. QC includes call flow management, scripts, and soft skills like proper communication. The role of QA in a call centre goes beyond handling interactions and encompasses the entire customer service process. 

Challenges of Call Center Quality Assurance

Challenges of Call Center Quality Assurance

It is necessary to have a quality assurance process, but believe us when we say it is definitely not an easy task. A continuous process needs to be implemented across all levels of an organization in order to guarantee the best possible service to customers. 

At first, the process can be tedious and expensive, but it will pay off in efficiency and better service over time. So, here are some of the most common challenges of call center quality assurance. 

Excess Data and Metrics

There are many call center KPIs and metrics. To be precise, there are more than a hundred metrics and KPIs that are used in a call center. All call centers might not implement all the metrics; however, even if they leave some, there will still be a number of data that cannot be processed effectively. 

You can avoid this challenge by focusing only on the most important KPIs and limiting monitoring whenever possible, such as by recording only selected calls instead of all calls. Furthermore, many of these metrics can be recorded and processed automatically using software tools.

Resistance to Change 

Another major challenge when discussing the proper call center quality assurance (QA) is resistance to change from the employees. Whenever there is a new metric or KPI that is being planned for implementation, the employees take it as an extra burden and try to avoid it as much as possible. 

For example, if a call center wants to record and calculate the average idle time of each employee, the agents might argue that they are being micromanaged and, hence, not adhere to this metric. In such cases, the manager and supervisor should communicate the new implementation and its needs carefully. In addition, the supervisor should also listen to what the agents have to say.

Non-Uniformity in Teams

It can be quite challenging to maintain evaluation criteria and standards across teams or shifts. When there is variability in evaluations, it can lead to discrepancies in performance feedback, which can ultimately hinder the quality of service.

Hence, call centers should implement strict guidelines to ensure uniformity in the performance of various teams. 

Scalability Issues

Last but definitely not least, there are always scalability issues when talking about Call Center Quality Assurance. As call centers expand in size or manage higher volumes of calls, it becomes more difficult to scale quality assurance processes. 

Ensuring that quality assurance systems can adapt to a workforce without compromising accuracy and effectiveness poses a challenge. As a result,  call centers need to prepare and implement a proactive plan like increasing the number of staff or implementing software tools to calculate the metrics. 

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How do you create a QA Framework for a call center?

Creating a QA framework for a call center can be a rigorous process at the start. However, this process will be worth it in the end. It facilitates the identification of needs and helps in decision-making accordingly. So, let’s learn how to create a QA framework for a call center. 

  • Plan the Required KPIs and Metrics: The first step to creating a quality assurance framework is to decide which key performance indicators (KPIs) are most relevant to your needs. For instance, you might focus on customer satisfaction (CSAT) or Adherence to Schedule. In addition, develop a plan and process for evaluating the metrics.
  • Integrate Monitoring Tools: Use monitoring technology to keep track of and document customer interactions. Select systems for recording calls, keeping chat logs, or tracking emails that give you a picture of how agents and customers engage with each other. This data serves as the foundation for evaluations.
  • Employee Training: Provide training programs based on quality assurance assessments. Identify areas of weakness or improvement requirements. Customize the training sessions to address those specific needs. The training should encompass not only performance but also any changes in policies, procedures, or products.
  • Set Milestones: Create achievable performance goals for agents to meet. Make sure to communicate these expectations to all team members and regularly review and update the goals to align with changes in business priorities or customer expectations.

Call Center Quality Assurance Best Practices

The best practices for call center quality assurance will vary from team to team and will depend on the culture, goals, and size of the company. However, your call center will be more efficient if you implement a few suggestions below.

Use Call Center Software

Use Call Center Software

QA on call centers can be enhanced by a mile by using software to automate tasks, collect and analyze data, and record conversations. With call center software, KPIs can be tracked, and reports are sent automatically to managers at preset intervals. 

In addition, call center software can be used to ensure scripts and procedures are error-free before they’re used or to monitor calls in order to let administrators and IT managers know exactly what needs to be fixed.

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Implement QA Framework and Update it

It is important to have clear guidelines so that everyone involved–from developers to executives–understands what they are expected to do at any given point during the customer journey. Teams working on different aspects can communicate more easily when expectations are clear. 

It will be easier for team members to meet benchmarks if they understand what KPIs are being tracked and why. In addition, this can easily help in addressing some common issues like resistance to change. 

Incentivizing High Performance

When agents know they are appreciated and their work is valued, they will perform at their best. So, you can offer incentives and rewards for agents who achieve their monthly targets. This does not always have to be monetary incentives; sometimes, it can be as simple as an award or recognition.

This can increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and lead to better performance from the agents overall. This can increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and lead to better performance from the agents overall. 

Agent Training

train your agents effectively. So, develop and implement training programs that are continuously updated to address any identified weaknesses, ensuring agents are well-informed about the updates and equipped with enhanced skills to meet the changing needs of customers. 

Moreover, it is always a good idea to encourage agent involvement in the quality assurance process by seeking their input, promoting self-assessment, and fostering an environment that prioritizes ongoing improvement.

Incorporate Customer Feedback

Getting direct feedback from your customers is the best way to learn how they feel about your business. However, getting feedback and implementing it are two different things. Taking action on customer feedback will make them feel more valued and heard. 

In addition, learning about customer needs and addressing them can significantly improve the overall quality assurance of any business call center.  


Summing up, quality assurance (QA) is very important for the effective operation and success of any call center. Hence, it is very crucial for you as a business to implement proper QA in your call center for the best results and customer satisfaction. 

Although there is no doubt that call center QA is very important in any business, its effective implementation comes with a set of challenges. So, you can cover the points mentioned above to ensure the best implementation of the QA framework and program. 


How do you create a quality assurance framework?

You can create a quality assurance framework with the help of the following steps:

  • Define the purpose and scope.
  • Identify stakeholders and their needs.
  • Develop the quality standards and metrics.
  • Craft the quality assurance plan.
  • Choose the right tools and techniques.
  • Implement and train.
  • Measure, monitor, and improve.

What are the components of the quality assurance framework?

There are many important components of a quality assurance framework. However, the most common ones are:

  • Quality and Reliable Goals and Standards
  • Detailed Processes and Procedures
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Technology Integration
  • Training and Development
  • Continuous Improvement

Why is a quality assurance framework important?

A QA framework acts like a quality roadmap for any call center. It is important because it ensures consistent performance, customer satisfaction, and a smooth operation, which boosts efficiency and business success

What is the main difference between QA and QC?

QA (Quality Assurance) is an approach that aims to prevent defects during development or production by focusing on processes. On the other hand, QC (Quality Control) is an approach that involves inspecting and rectifying defects in the final product after it has been delivered or produced.

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.