Are you using a virtual phone number but still struggling to use call analytics to improve customer satisfaction? Once you forget the importance of call analytics for virtual phone systems in call centers, you might have trouble managing customer interaction at your call center.

Your call center requires valuable insights, data-driven decisions, and improved work efficiency to attract customers. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for you to complete these needs manually without any tools. 

You can use call analytics with advanced data collecting and analyzing features to change your game in the market.  You can keep track of every data and record to run your call center efficiently with excellent customer service.

This article will provide you with all the features and importance of call analytics for virtual phone systems with real-world examples. Get ready to discover the unleashed power and potential of call analytics to unlock a new level of success for your call center.

Understanding the importance of call analytics for Virtual Phone Systems in Call Centers

importance of call analytics for Virtual Phone Systems in Call Centers

Call analytics is a powerful tool used in call center software to measure and analyze customer interactions. It provides valuable insights into customer behavior, allowing businesses to make better decisions regarding providing quality service. 

Call analytics collects call data, such as duration, wait times, caller satisfaction scores, etc. This information can be used to identify trends in customer needs or preferences that can help inform future strategies for improving services offered by the call center.

Types of Call Analytics in call centers:

1. Predictive Analytics:

Predictive analysis is used to predict the future of customer behavior by using historical data. It is performed by AI-driven algorithms, machine learning, and predictive analysis using the customers’ past data and predicting future outcomes. 

It uses customer data such as purchase history, words and phrases used in the conversation, number of contact with the contact centers, and many more. 

2. Voice Analytics:

Voice analytics helps to monitor calls in real-time, review automated transcripts, analyze audio streams from calls, IVR(Interactive Voice Response) menu responses, and more.  

It uses advanced AI to detect keywords, differentiate speakers, remember speech patterns, and note tone changes.

The calls are recorded in the call center, and voice analytics analyses the following:

  • Customer intent
  • Employee performance
  • Customer sentiment
  • Customer data (history, address, phone number)
  • Recurring complaints and issues
  • Product information

3. Self-Service Analytics:

Self-service analytics lets managers and employees produce their own reports without the help of IT professionals.

It provides faster understanding, reduces costs, faster resolution, and quick improvements.  After training the managers and the employees to use the tools, they can easily generate reports related to their goals. 

4. Text Analytics:

Text analytics uses NLP(Natural Language Processing) to analyze data in text forms. Like voice analytics, text analytics highlights the customer’s recurring issues, complaints, sentiments, reviews, and more. 

Text analytics analyzes the data from the following sources:

  • Customer service feedbacks
  • DMs, comments on social media
  • Live chat, chatbot, conversations on web chat
  • SMS and email conversations

5. Omnichannel Analytics:

Omnichannel Analytics collects data from different communication channels to improve performance in customer interactions. Call analytics usually analyzes voice calls, but due to the emergence of technologies, there are chat, SMS, email, social media, and messaging apps have made omnichannel analytics important.

Omnichannel analytics helps businesses help in customer satisfaction by analyzing customer behaviors. It also helps to convert prospects into customers by identifying the trends, and customer needs via different communication platforms. 

Benefits of using Call Analytics for Virtual Phone Systems in Call Centers

  • Improved efficiency: Automation capabilities such as IVR systems reduce wait times significantly while allowing agents more time per conversation resulting in higher satisfaction levels among customers calling a contact center.
  • Customer insights: Call analytics provides clear insights into customer behavior. It helps to know customer satisfaction, preferences, feedback, and sentiments. After knowing customer insights, businesses can follow the current trends and understand customer needs.   
  • Better decision-making is informed by predictive models built using past experiences.
  • Increased accuracy through speech recognition technologies that help proper interpretation even when dealing with difficult accents.
  • Through NLP applications, managers can better understand how their employees interact with clients over the phone. 
  • Quality Assurance: Call analytics in the call center helps to perform comprehensive quality check assessments. By assessing recorded calls, text messages, emails, and reviews, managers can find gaps in the quality and consistency of service delivery. 

How to Improve Call Center Performance with Call Analytics

How to Improve Call Center Performance with Call Analytics

Call analytics software plays a crucial role in improving and analyzing call center performance metrics. You can follow some of the ideas to improve call center performance and improve productivity.

  • Call Monitoring and Evaluation

Supervisors can use call analytics to monitor and evaluate real-time calls/recorded calls. After reviewing live or recorded data gathered from different analytics tools, supervisors can take immediate action to solve the issues. 

Call monitoring and evaluation help to address the issues of the customers, solve issues, make them happy, and eases pressure on new staff. 

  • Agent Training and Development

Analytics on call centers points out the weaknesses, and potential, of agents through data-driven analytics and performances. Agents can improve customer interaction, time management, refocus on the main areas, and many more. 

Call analytics also helps to reduce employee turnover by providing them with the necessary tools to manage their workflow and provide better services. Analyzing the call center data for a long time also helps to know the training requirement of the employees. 

  • Customer Experience Enhancement

Customers nowadays anticipate personalized customer service along with fast and convenient service. Analytics helps to analyze customer behaviors and learn which customers prefer the way of communication, such as text, calls, and email. 

After knowing the preferences, call centers can personalize the way of communication for specific customers. Analytics helps to know customer behavior and follow the common trends and purchases so they can analyze their market and build better processes and tools. 

  • Operational Efficiency

With the help of call analytics, businesses can expand after understanding the customers, location, and ways to reach them. It helps businesses to make data-driven decisions, optimize resources and needs, and streamline business operations. 

Call centers can use the power of call analytics to upgrade their operational efficiency in various ways. Features such as call management, process improvement, call optimization, and others help a lot to run the operation smoothly. 

Call centers can upgrade customer satisfaction, and employee productivity, increase revenue, and allocate resources perfectly for their businesses. 

  • Proactive Issue Resolution

Businesses can relish proactive issue resolution as a key benefit for the customer service and support domain. Before any problem harms the organization, the issues can be solved immediately with the help of call analytics in a call center. 

By taking advantage of proactive issue resolution, call centers can identify the issues, anticipate the customer’s needs, and take immediate action to solve the problems. 

Ways to Optimize Marketing and Sales with Call Analytics

With the help of call analytics,  call centers can release a more farsighted view of business and the markets. Here are the ways that pave the way for optimizing marketing and sales.

Ways to Optimize Marketing and Sales with Call Analytics

  • Call Tracking

As a marketer, you should understand that call tracking is important to clearly understand which ads and marketing campaigns generate more calls. Call tracking also helps marketers to personalize ads to certain customers or prospects.

Call tracking helps marketers to improve ROI by targeting prospects using the data of incoming and outgoing calls. It helps marketers to change their negotiation strategy according to the call history and speech patterns. 

  • Track Close Rates

By tracking close rates of incoming calls, businesses can identify areas where they could improve their conversion rate by making changes, such as improving customer service skills or offering better incentives during negotiations with customers over the phone.

  • Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is an effective way of determining which prospects have higher chances of converting leads.  It can be based on certain criteria like demographics, past interactions, and behaviors with products and services. 

After call tracking, call analysis, conversion analysis, and performance evaluation, lead scoring is done.  Thus enabling more targeted approaches when it comes time for a sale pitch over the phone.

  • Track Phone Sales Analytics

Call centers should also keep tabs on how many people actually make purchases after being contacted via telephone.  The data can measure success rates among different teams/agents who handle these calls. These data will help managers determine if any team members need additional training for them to perform better at closing deals over the phone. 

  • Dramatically Improve Sales Training

With call analytics tools available today, it’s easier than ever before for organizations to train staff effectively using real-time feedback from actual conversations between agents and customers. This ensures everyone understands what works best when discussing product features/benefits, etc. Call analytics helps in improved lead generation & conversion figures overall. 

  • Manage Customer Experience

Call analytics provides valuable information regarding how customers feel about your business, even after completing transactions with you. Collecting this type of data through surveys & interviews allows brands to assess whether current strategies produce desired outcomes.

After analyzing all the data from customer reviews and feedback, you can tweak things accordingly if needed.

How Call Analytics Ensure Compliance and Security

Call analytics comes with great security features; you and your customers do not have to worry about data breaches and hacks. Some of the great security features that keep your information confidential are given below. 

1. Data Encryption and Protection

Call analytics has advanced security to protect data during transmission and while at rest. Data encryption and protection help to make sure that the data is in safe hands. 

The call center will be at risk if the data is gone to unauthorized persons or hackers. Call analytics for virtual phone systems in call centers uses advanced encryption algorithms to enhance security. 

2. Anonymization and Privacy Safeguards

Privacy safeguards help to protect the data of the customers during the call. It keeps the anonymity of the user by hiding the username or caller ID, phone number, address, and other sensitive information. 

Call centers can implement pseudo information to make the call safe and secure and follow the rules of legal and security compliance.  

3. Access Control and User Permissions

Call centers should access controls to authorized personnel to ensure that authorized persons manipulate sensitive information. You should grant access based on the roles and responsibilities so that your call centers can minimize the risks of data breaches and unauthorized access. 

4. Call Monitoring for Compliance

Call monitoring helps to confirm that all calls comply with company rules and regulations. Voice and text analytics help detect inappropriate words or speech that do not comply with company policy. 

It also helps to detect unauthorized activities and data information breaches from customers or agents. 

5. Audit Trail and Reporting

An audit trail is one of the most important tasks for call center security to audit trail all of the activities on a call center. It helps you access all the information about data history, usage, modification, and even data breaches. 

Regular reporting on the legal aspects and metrics helps to identify areas of improvement, strengths, and weaknesses of your call center security. After identifying all the issues, you can select the correct metrics to improve the call center security.  

Best Practices for Call Analytics in Call Centers

After harnessing the power of call center analytics, businesses can improve their revenue after understanding the market and trends. Implementing the given points will help you make your call center stand out among the competitors. 

  • Define clear objectives

Before implementing call analytics in your call center, you should predefine your objectives and set clear goals. You should know the metrics you want to track and set the process of the company’s milestone and time calculation. 

To align your call analytics with your business goals, it is essential to set milestones such as customer satisfaction, call resolution time, agent performance, and ROI, while also prioritizing the acquisition of more accurate data.

  • Use an automated analytical tool

After you set your goals, it is time for you to implement an analytical tool in your call center. The analytical tool will help you to streamline the analysis process without human effort. 

Advanced automated tools with artificial intelligence and machine learning will help you to identify data patterns, customer needs, sentiments, and other necessary information. You can save a lot of time for the insights of the important information.  

  • Monitor agent performance

Advanced analytical will help to improve your agent call performance with customers and prospects. You can analyze the call time, handling, quality, obedience to script or guidance, and customer satisfaction. 

Identify the agent with top performance and low performance and provide them with training, support, and necessary resources. Motivate your agents and share performance track to drive them to continuous improvement.  

  • Identify the customer’s needs

Collect all the data from the call analytics tools, identify the data patterns, current trends, and customer reviews to identify the customer needs. You should be able to recognize customers recurring issues, pain, and problems. 

These pieces of information can be used to implement the self-service options, develop plans to satisfy the customers, and overall improve customer experience. 

  • Real-time analytics and optimization

You can use live data from the analytics tool to promptly implement the problem to the solution. It will help to resolve urgent issues immediately.  Real-time analytics will also help agents to identify critical situations.   

With real-time analytics, managers can address the issues and provide immediate assistance to the call center agents to solve the problem. 

Case Study of Call Center Using Call Analytics

We have done a brief case study of NICE Systems Ltd. that used call analytics to improve call center operations and customer experience. 


Nice Systems Ltd aimed to reduce call wait times and first call resolution times, seamlessly operate call center calls, and enhance customer satisfaction. 


The main challenges of the organization were to identify, categorize, and analyze the call volumes and had issues with first call resolution times. The organization needed to improve the quality program, operation efficiencies, and data-driven decision makings for their call center.

The company needed a proper call analytic tool with advanced interactive analytical features to quantify calls in the call center and change operational efficiency.


After using the call analytic tool on the call center, here are the results gained by the company.

  • In the website category, the volume of complaints could be charted on a weekly basis and broken down by the percentage of dissatisfied repeat callers and the overall volume.
  • Along with the call tracking volume, they could track customer impacts with repeated calls and customer dissatisfaction. In their study, NICE received 22% more dissatisfied customer calls than repeat phone calls, which means that even though the customers were unhappy, their issues were resolved on their first call.
  •  The company evaluated all the agent’s performance, customer satisfaction percentage, and caller and call center impacts.  

Choosing the Right Call Analytics Solution for Virtual Phone Systems in Call Centers

Your call center needs the perfect call analytics tools to run your call center smoothly. You should be careful while choosing the call analytics solution. Here are some of the strategies to choose the best call analytics solution for your call center. 

  • Identify your goals and requirements.

Before you plan to use call analytics, you should set clear goals and define the objectives you want to achieve.  You should decide which metrics you want to use to improve your call center operation. 

For instance, if you want to reduce call handling time, you should monitor agent performance and increase call resolution time. 

  • Research available solutions

Perform in-depth research on the best call analytics on the market that helps to meet your goals. Look for virtual phone number providers with the best call analytics and track record. 

Research the provider’s uptime, user reviews, customer support, and case studies if available. Explore the features such as sentiment, speech, text analysis, and other analytics features.  

  • Evaluate data collection capabilities

Data collection is the main feature you should look for in a call analytics tool. You should understand how it collects data and processes the call data.

You should evaluate whether the tool can capture the data such as call recordings, call transcripts, customer feedback, and metadata.  Check the tool’s accuracy and depth of insights to ensure it can handle your call center data. 

  • Check integration features

Check how well the call analytics can integrate with your existing call center workspace and infrastructure. Look for integration features such as CRM(Customer Relationship Management) and other virtual workspaces like Slack, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, etc. 

Integration features will help you with seamless contact center data flow and provide a clear view of customer interactions. 

  • Pricing and ROI

Along with all the features, it is equally important to check the pricing of the analytical tools. You should check the pricing on different service providers and determine whether it can give ROI. 

Choose the best value-for-money plan that provides advanced features to improve customer satisfaction by comparing different providers’ pricing plans.

  • Try a demo and read user reviews

After you shortlist the different providers that fit your call center needs, request a demo.  Trying a demo will help you familiarize yourself with the user experience features and functionalities. 

A free trial or demo will help you to decide whether the features and user experience align with your call center’s workflow. Also, don’t forget to read the user review and feedback. 


We hope this article gave you the depth insight into the importance of call analytics for virtual phone systems in Call Centers. The importance of call analytics cannot be overstated, as it improves your business overall. 

Call center analytics is a game changer for virtual phone systems in call center software. It can take your business to new heights in this competitive market. So unleash and utilize the power of call analytics and take your business to the top!

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.