🎙️ “Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.” Ah, the digital era’s universal “talk to the hand” moment. We’ve all been there: you dial a number, your optimism peaks like a caffeine high, and then—poof—you’re greeted by the voicemail void. “Is their phone off? Are they avoiding me? Or did their phone ghost you via settings?

Fear not—this isn’t always a cryptic social snub (though let’s be real, sometimes it is 😉). More often, it’s a cocktail of tech gremlins: dead batteries, rogue airplane mode toggles, or cellular signals playing hide-and-seek. But before you draft a breakup text or refresh their LinkedIn for clues, let’s decode the mystery of the forwarded call.

Consider this your no-judgment guide to voicemail forensics. We’ll untangle blocked numbers from bad signals and even help you spot when someone’s actually ignoring you. (Spoiler: It’s not personal… until it is.)

🔑Key Highlights
  • Discover what it means when your call is redirected—essentially, you’re hearing a message from an automatic voice message system that sends calls to voicemail.
  • Learn why your call might go straight to voicemail, whether it’s due to the recipient’s phone being off, in airplane mode, on Do Not Disturb, or even if you’re potentially blocked.
  • Explore tips on how to set up a custom voicemail greeting or adjust call forwarding settings

Things You Should Know

  • An automatic voice message system is a pre-recorded system that answers calls when the recipient is unable to pick up. It plays a voice message and allows the caller to leave a voicemail. This system is commonly used in personal phones and business phone systems to manage incoming calls efficiently.
  • If the phone didn’t ring or only rang once, their phone could be off, on Do Not Disturb, in airplane mode, or just not getting any signal.
  • Forwarding can mean different things—sometimes a call is rejected, but it could also mean you’ve been blocked.

What “Your Call Has Been Forwarded” Means?

what your call has been forwarded means.

When you hear “your call has been forwarded”, it simply means your call has been redirected to voicemail instead of being answered. This is the default voicemail greeting for many phones, especially when the owner hasn’t set a custom voicemail message.

There are several reasons why this might happen:

  • The person’s phone is turned off or has run out of battery.
  • They have poor network coverage or no signal.
  • Do Not Disturb or airplane mode is enabled, preventing calls from coming through.
  • They blocked your number, which sends all your calls straight to voicemail.
  • They manually rejected the call, choosing not to answer at that moment.

Hearing this message doesn’t always mean something is wrong—it just means the person is currently unavailable to take your call.

What Should You Do When Your Call Gets Forwarded?

what should you do when your call gets forwarded.

Getting the “your call has been forwarded” message can be frustrating, but it doesn’t always mean you’re being ignored. Here’s how to understand forwarded calls and what you can do next.

If your call rings multiple times before going to voicemail, the recipient might just be unavailable. However, if your call goes straight to voicemail every time:

  • The person may have blocked your number.
  • They could have declined your call manually.
  • Do Not Disturb mode or airplane mode might be enabled on their phone.

Steps to Follow If Your Call Is Forwarded to Voicemail After Ringing

If your call keeps getting forwarded, try these steps:

Wait and call back later – The person might just be busy.

Try a different contact method – Send a text or message through another app.

Check if you’re blocked – If your calls always go straight to voicemail and your texts aren’t delivered, you might be blocked.

Leave a voicemail – If it’s urgent, leave a message and wait for a response.

What Might Be The Cause If The Phone Didn’t Ring?

If your call was forwarded to voicemail without ringing, it’s natural to wonder why. Several factors could be at play, and not all of them mean you’re being ignored.

I. Phone Didn’t Ring Before Being Forwarded—What Does It Mean?

When a call goes straight to voicemail without ringing, it usually means the recipient’s phone isn’t able to receive calls at that moment. This could be due to settings, network issues, or even intentional call rejection.

II. Common Reasons Why Your Call Is Sent to Voicemail Immediately

The phone is turned off – If the recipient’s phone is powered down, all calls will be forwarded to voicemail automatically.

No network signal – A weak or lost connection prevents calls from going through.

Call forwarding is enabled – The recipient may have set up their phone to send calls straight to voicemail or another number.

The number is blocked – If you’re blocked, your calls will always be forwarded without ringing.

III. How Do Not Disturb Mode and Airplane Mode Affect Incoming Calls?

  • Do Not Disturb mode (DND): When enabled, this feature silences incoming calls, sending them to voicemail unless the recipient has allowed specific contacts to bypass it.
  • Airplane mode: This setting disconnects the phone from networks, meaning calls won’t come through at all, and they’ll be forwarded to voicemail.

IV. Checking If the Recipient’s Phone Is Off or Out of Service

If your calls always go straight to voicemail, try:

🔹 Calling from a different number to see if it rings.

🔹 Sending a text—if it doesn’t deliver, their phone might be off or out of service.

🔹 Waiting and calling later, as the issue could be temporary.

Tips on Alternative “Your Call Has Been Forwarded” Messages?

Hearing the default “your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system” can feel impersonal. Fortunately, you can customize your voicemail and call forwarding settings to create a better experience for callers.

I. How to Customize a Voicemail Greeting or Forwarded Message

Instead of the standard voice message system, you can set a custom voicemail greeting to make it more informative or personal. Here’s how:

  • On most phones, go to Voicemail settings and record a personalized message.
  • Keep it short, clear, and professional, especially for business use.
  • For personal voicemails, consider adding a friendly touch like “Hey, I’m unavailable right now, but leave a message!”

II. Using Recorded Messages or a Custom Greeting for Voicemail Messages

A custom voicemail greeting allows you to:

✅ Let callers know when they can expect a callback.

✅ Provide an alternate way to reach you (like email or another number).

✅ Streamline communication by setting up an automated voice messaging system for efficiency.

III. Call Forwarding Options in Phone Systems and MS Teams

Many phone systems and MS Teams allow users to customize call forwarding settings:

IV. How Businesses Can Effectively Communicate Using Call Forwarding

Businesses can improve customer service with call forwarding by:

📞 Using a custom greeting that reassures customers of their call is important.

📞 Routing calls to available team members instead of sending them to voicemail.

📞 Setting up bilingual voicemail messages for diverse customer bases.

📞 Ensuring after-hours calls are forwarded to a live receptionist or an automated system.

Forwarded to Voicemail Vs. Manually Rejected Calls: Key Differences

Aspect Forwarded to Voicemail Manually Rejected Calls
  • Calls are automatically redirected to the recipient’s voicemail without their direct intervention.
  • The recipient actively declines the incoming call, sending it to voicemail or ending it without allowing voicemail.
Common Causes
  • The recipient’s phone is off or out of service area.
  • Enabled Do Not Disturb or Airplane Mode.
  • Call forwarding settings direct calls to voicemail.
  • The recipient sees the incoming call and chooses to decline it.
  • They might be busy or unable to take the call at that moment.
Caller Experience
  • The call goes directly to voicemail without ringing.
  • It may ring a few times before forwarding, depending on settings.
  • Typically, the call rings once or twice before being sent to voicemail or disconnected.
  • Some devices notify the caller that the call was declined.
Indications of Call Rejection
  • Not necessarily indicative of intentional call rejection.
  • It could be due to various reasons, like phone settings or network issues.
  • More likely a deliberate action by the recipient to not take the call.
  • Consistent immediate redirection may suggest intentional avoidance.
Voicemail Availability
  • Usually allows the caller to leave a voicemail message.
  • Depending on the settings, the caller may or may not have the option to leave a voicemail.

Wrapping Up

In today’s interconnected world, understanding the nuances of call forwarding and voicemail is essential for effective communication. Recognizing the reasons behind messages like “Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system” can help you navigate various scenarios, from technical issues to intentional call rejections.

By customizing your voicemail greetings and utilizing call forwarding options, you can enhance the caller experience and ensure important messages aren’t missed. Remember, staying informed about these features not only eases your communication but also fosters better relationships, whether personal or professional.


What does your call has been forwarded to voicemail mean?

This message indicates that your call couldn’t be answered and was redirected to the recipient’s voicemail system. Common reasons include the recipient’s phone being off, out of service range, set to Do Not Disturb, or the line being busy.

If my call was forwarded to voicemail, am I blocked?

Not necessarily. While being blocked can result in calls going directly to voicemail, other factors like the recipient’s phone being off, in Airplane Mode, or lacking signal can produce the same outcome.

When does it say your call has been forwarded?

This message typically plays when the recipient is unable to answer, and their phone is set to forward unanswered calls to voicemail. Situations include the phone being off, in Do Not Disturb mode, or when the call is manually declined.

How do you stop your call from being forwarded to voicemail?

To prevent your calls from going directly to voicemail:

  • Check Do Not Disturb and Call Forwarding Settings: Ensure these features are disabled.
  • Verify Network Connection: A stable signal is essential for receiving calls.
  • Inspect SIM Card: A malfunctioning SIM can disrupt call reception.
  • Disable Bluetooth: Connected devices might route calls elsewhere.

If issues persist, contact your mobile service provider for assistance.

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta, founder and CEO of Dialaxy, is redefining SaaS with creativity and dedication. Focused on simplifying sales and support, he drives innovation to deliver exceptional value and shape a new era of business excellence.

Prasanta, founder and CEO of Dialaxy, is redefining SaaS with creativity and dedication. Focused on simplifying sales and support, he drives innovation to deliver exceptional value and shape a new era of business excellence.