Looking to better understand your customer’s needs and expectations? You’re in the right place.

Nowadays most businesses frequently search for techniques to enhance their grasp of client interactions and maximize their involvement tactics. For this problem, conversation analytics is the way to go. 

In today’s in-depth blog guide, we will examine conversation analytics and how it works, its benefits, common challenges, and why the business uses it. This modern method is highly recommended for understanding customer-business interactions.

Let’s get started!!!!!!!!

🔑 Key Highlight
  • Conversation analytics systems use artificial intelligence (AI) to evaluate and extract insights from conversations.
  • In conversation analysis, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a typical instrument used to collect and review information from human dialogue.
  • Better decision-making, enhanced customer satisfaction, enhanced call center efficiency, and higher sales conversion rates are some of the main advantages of conversation analytics.
  • Talkdesk, Zendesk, VoiceBase, etc, are some of the best conversation analytics available in the market. 

What is Conversation Analytics? 

What is conversation analytics

Conversation Analytics is a process of using Natural language processing (NLP) to extract data from human-to-human conversations. The extracted conversation Analytics data can then be processed by AI and used by your business. 

Using conversation Analytics is the best way to collect unsolicited feedback about your business. By looking closely at customer emotions and behaviors, customer data can be used more effectively to improve customer experience while also giving tailored answers.

How Does Conversation Analytics Work?

Conversation Analytics examines the interaction between people to gain a deeper knowledge of their communication patterns, their behavior, and outcomes. Here’s a broad overview of how conversation Analytics works: 

  • Collecting and pre-processing data: The first step in the process is gathering conversational data. In this context, various sources like chat conversations, phone conversations, e-mail correspondence, social media conversations, and interactions with voice assistants can be utilized. After client data is gathered, it is pre-processed to clean and normalize the text, removing noise and unnecessary information (voice data requires transcription). 
  • Understanding the language and text analysis: Tokenization, stemming, and lemmatization are a few Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques used in text analysis to process and simplify text data. Topic modeling uses algorithms to find and categorize topics in the talks, while emotion analysis assesses the emotional tone and assigns it a positive, negative, or neutral classification.
  • Blending the data source: To obtain an in-depth comprehension of your consumers, conversation analytics solutions are combined with traditional analytics data sources such as CRM, call center software and knowledge bases. The program recognizes interactions with the same client across several devices and applications by utilizing data and algorithms.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): The text data is then analyzed using machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. These algorithms are trained to recognize emotions, keywords, and speech patterns.

Ultimately, the conversation AI tool transforms this complex data into understandable reports and visualizations. These reports help you quickly identify patterns and trends in all of your customer contacts.

What are the benefits of Conversation Analytics?

Benefits of Conversation Analytics

The following are some of the top benefits of conversation Analytics:

1. Increases sales conversation rate

Imagine being able to identify when prospects are most likely to convert during a sales call. Sales teams can increase their ability to complete transactions by using conversation analytics to monitor sales conversations and uncover buying signals and client objections. By being aware of these challenges, you can improve the way you handle sales objections and increase conversion rates.

2. Improved call center efficiency

Organizations can quickly highlight particular terms and issues with conversation analytics. Sorting and routing based on this data is another inventive way to use it. Your call-routing methods can be improved by identifying which of your agents are more adept at addressing particular topics by reviewing the call records. With the use of analytics and insights, you can assign agents to call queues based on their expertise and skill sets.

3. Higher customer satisfaction 

Conversation analytics can improve response quality and customize interactions to increase customer happiness. This approach will undoubtedly lead to better product development that is completely in tune with current consumer needs and desires, give consumers more control over their purchasing decisions, and result in far greater market acceptability.

4. Improved decision making 

Data-driven decision-making, which uses actionable intelligence obtained through conversation analytics, influences strategic planning and change. Businesses can make decisions and improve strategies by examining data, which provides helpful information that helps them base decisions on actual data rather than speculation. This strategy makes their strategic initiatives more accurate and effective.

5. Agent performance monitoring

By analyzing customer and agent feelings, conversational analytics allows agents to analyze their performance in almost real-time, provide visibility for tracking their well-being, and allow for quick agent support action. Furthermore, solutions for conversational analytics can offer real-time agent performance monitoring, assisting in problem identification and customer support.

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What Factors to Consider When Buying Conversation Analytics Software? 

The following are some factors you should consider when thinking of buying conversation analytics software:

I. Pricing 

The total cost of ownership (TCO), which includes licensing fees and subscription plans as well as any additional expenditures for new features or support, should be carefully considered when evaluating conversation analytics software. By assessing these costs, you can ensure that you are aware of the entire financial commitment and can decide what is best for you in terms of needs and budget.

II. Integration 

The conversation analytics software you select easily must interact with your current systems, such as your CRM, support platforms, and communication channels. Good integration allows data to flow easily and that the program to work well with the rest of your technology stack, improving functionality and efficiency overall.

III. Security 

Consumer data is a sensitive topic, and countries worldwide are working to strengthen privacy laws in this area. That said, the conversation analytics software you choose needs to conform to every regulation and law that applies. Strong security procedures and real data governance concepts are required to make your conversation analytics strong. 

IV. Customer support 

When choosing conversation analytics software, make sure the provider offers sufficient customer support and training materials. This support is essential for a successful implementation process and for resolving any problems that may develop during continued use. Proper training is also necessary to enable users to take full advantage of the software’s features and benefits.

V. User-friendly interface

When evaluating conversation analytics software, consider how user-friendly it is for both admins and end users. An apparent layout makes common tasks and simple navigation easier, and easily accessible training resources guarantee that users can quickly become skilled with the program and use it effectively. The program has to be easy to use to reap the benefits and ensure a smooth adoption process.

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Common Challenges of Conversational Analytics

The following are some popular common challenges relating to conversational Analytics:

1. User adaptation 

One of the main challenges to conversation analytics is user acceptance, which calls for integrating new workflows and getting above people’s resistance to change. In addition to providing tool training, creating a data-driven culture is essential to ensuring that employees and stakeholders use insights and take action on them. Inappropriate engagement might result in a lack of crucial ideas.

2. Data security and privacy 

Privacy and data security issues remain significant challenges. Access to sensitive data is necessary for conversational data analysis, which raises concerns about the ethical and secure use of personal information. Finding the right balance between protecting consumer privacy and generating useful data is essential to a successful conversation analytics strategy.

3. Reliability

Another issue is data reliability, as conversation analytics heavily relies on the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the data it examines. It is important to ensure that data is correct and consistent since incomplete or incorrect information might result in poor insights and decision-making.

4. Software scalability 

Conversation analytics software must be able to handle the increasing data load at the same pace as the business expands as the number of client conversations rises. Scalability is essential for ensuring the tool can effectively give client insights in the future when business grows without any issues.

5. Integration issue 

Integration worries can be a major difficulty when integrating conversation analytics. It can be difficult and time-consuming to connect these tools effectively with current systems like support platforms or CRM. Careful coordination and technological know-how are needed for this process to guarantee that data moves between systems without interruption and that all features perform as intended.

6. Uncertainty of natural language

Natural language’s unique unclear and uncertainty are common challenges for conversation analytics. Accurately understanding and evaluating interactions can be difficult for analytics systems due to the diversity of human conversational details, context, and various expressions. This can cause huge problems when using conversational Analytics.

Best Conversation Analytics Software

The following are the top best conversation Analytic software available in the market:

Software Pricing  Best for  Key feature 
Chorus Custom pricing Sales teams looking to optimize performance through interaction analysis
  • Conversation intelligence 
  • Sales analytics
  • Performance Coaching
Talkdesk Starts at   $75/user/month Businesses requiring scalable contact center solutions
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Real-time analytics
  • AI-powered insights
Zendesk Starts at $19/user/month Customer support and ticketing systems
  • AI-driven analytics
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Real-time dashboards
Freshdesk Starts at $15/user/month Small to medium-sized businesses seeking efficient support
  • Conversation tracking
  •  AI-based insights
  •  Workflow automation
Intercom Starts at $39/user/month Businesses focusing on customer engagement and support
  • Conversation tracking
  • Automated Insights 
  • Customer engagement tools
VoiceBase Starts at $0.10/minute of audio Organizations needing detailed voice interaction analysis
  • Speech-to-text
  • Sentiment analysis 
  • Topic modeling

Final Words

To sum everything up, Conversation analytics can help organizations change the way they normally see and communicate with their consumers and audience. 

If you are looking to integrate conversation analytics into your business, we highly recommend Dialaxy. The call analytics function helps businesses track customer satisfaction levels, analyze agent performance, and obtain insights into their call center operations. 

In addition, Dialaxy provides a call recording feature that can be used to track agent performance, analyze data and insights, and monitor customer satisfaction rates. This feature allows for the capture of detailed call recordings, automatic call recording, and the ability to listen to recorded calls at different speeds.


What is an example of conversational analytics?

An example of conversational analytics involves analyzing customer interactions to uncover insights, such as identifying common issues or improving communication strategies.

What is conversation analysis used for?

Conversation analysis is used to study the structure and patterns of talk and interaction in communication to understand how people create and interpret meaning in conversations.

What is the conversation analytic approach?

The conversation analytic approach studies how people use language and interactional patterns to communicate in everyday conversations.

What is a conversation in Google Analytics?

In Google Analytics, a “conversation” refers to a user interaction that involves multiple touchpoints or sessions, typically across various channels or devices. This idea allows for the tracking and analyzing of users’ interactions with an application or website over time, taking into account their entire trip rather than just individual visits.

What are the three basic rules of conversation analysis?

The following are the three basic rules of conversation analysis:

  • The talk is a form of action 
  • The action is structurally organized 
  • The talk creates and maintains intersubjectivity

What is a key assumption of conversation analysis?

Conversation analysis operates under the fundamental premise that social interactions are structured, with participants managing and making meaning of their communication in real time through the use of conversational rules and practices. This method assumes that speech and interaction are systematically organized and that these structures can be comprehended by closely examining individuals’ linguistic and interactional techniques.


Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.