What if I told you that you can send prerecorded voice messages to a large number of recipients simultaneously through an automated process for various purposes, such as delivering alerts, reminders, marketing messages, and new product introductions? It would make your agents and employees convenient and remove workload as they dont have to call every person for the same information. 

You can do this by using an advanced VoIP tool called call blasting. This tool allows your business to spread information within the desired people groups, saving a lot of time and money. While using this software, you need to be careful that you use it limited and only when required; using this feature frequently can irritate your customers and increase the risk of spam calls. 

In this article, we will discuss call blasting, how it works, when you should use it and when not, best practices, and how it can help your business. So, let’s get into it.

🔑 Key Highlights
  • Call blasting is a VoIP technology that allows businesses to send pre-recorded voice messages to large groups of recipients simultaneously.
  • The process involves creating a recipient list, recording a message, using a call broadcasting system, scheduling the delivery, and sending the message.
  • Call blasting is useful for event reminders, surveys, emergency announcements, subscription renewals, and new product introductions.
  • Best practices include audience segmentation, message personalization, appropriate scheduling, concise and professional messaging, and transparency.
  • Benefits include wider customer reach, cost-effectiveness, real-time updates, enhanced productivity, and support for sales and lead generation.

What is a call blasting?

Call blasting is a VoIP technology that allows organizations to send messages via phone calls to a worldwide audience in a pre-recorded voicemail. Also known as Voice broadcasting, phone blasting, or robocalling, it helps businesses send similar messages to groups of people or individually to notify them about the delivery status, purchasing process, your business, or new products, enabling your business to save time and money. 

Your employees can focus on serious issues if automation tools like call blasting save their time by instantly contacting thousands of people for similar messages which was needed to do individually previously. Large groups of organizations mostly use call blasting to deliver important messages or announcements that need to be delivered to a huge number of people instantly. 

How does call blasting work?

Call blasting works in a systematic order, following each step. You must have heard about email blasting; call blasting works similarly to email blasting but in the form of audio. Let’s see the working mechanism of call blasting. 

I. Recipient list

The first step you do is to create the recipient list of whom you want to make your targeted audience. It contains the phone number of the recipient to whom you wish to send your message. You can create a list from various sources like customer databases, analytics, and Customer Relationship Management(CRM)  software. 

II. Message creation 

After you have your recipient list, you need to create a voicemail that contains all the information and messages that you want to send to your client. You can also separate the recipient list according to their interests, touchpoints, and database of similar types of customers. Now, include important aspects in the voicemail, such as the voicemail greeting, the recipient’s name, and other personalized information. 

III. Call broadcasting system

When you create a recipient list and message, you are ready to deliver them to the designated audience. Thus, you need to upload your voicemail to the call broadcasting system, which is responsible for managing outbound calls and delivering messages to the desired place. 

IV. Scheduling 

Businesses can schedule the call blasting process to start at specific times or dates to ensure that their message is delivered to the people at the perfect time. This includes factors like the recipient’s time zone and the optimal time for delivering the message. You can schedule your voicemail to be delivered at the times when recipients are more likely to answer the call.

V. Delivery 

Delivery is the final process of call blasting. After you have completed message creation, recipient list, call broadcasting, and scheduling, the system automatically delivers your message at the scheduled time. The call broadcasting system starts by dialing the phone number on the recipient list and plays the recorded voicemail after the call is picked up. If the call is not answered, then the system recognizes and leaves the voicemail. 

When do you need to use call blasting?

Call blasting is an effective tool that can help your business run business communication smoothly and effectively. However, using it more than necessary can hamper your business and cause you to lose clients. Thus, you need to understand when to use it and when not to. Here are some of the scenarios in which you need to use call blasting.

1. Event reminders 

You can send automatic messages to remind clients of upcoming events, programs, and appointments a few days before events, which can increase the presence rate at events. 

2. Surveys and feedback

Use call blasting to survey and gather feedback from your customers. This provides insights and valuable customer information and helps to make data driven decisions. 

3. Emergency announcement 

In case of an emergency in the organization, call blasting plays a vital role in helping customers learn about upcoming decisions and plans. Using call blasting, an organization can inform its employees and clients about things like working from home, salary information, opening dates, and other information. 

4. Subscription renewal 

Use call blasting to provide important information for clients, such as subscription renewal, the days remaining until subscription expiry, and the payment process. 

5. New product introduction 

Businesses can use call blasting to introduce new products or add new features to existing products. You can inform clients about product launch events and pre-order announcements and gather surveys for the new product as it supports remote communication. 

Call blasting best practices

Here are some of the best practices for call blasting. 

A. Separate audience 

Segment your audience on the basis of area, using pattern, geographical area, and preference so that you target a specific audience at a time. It becomes much easier for you to provide information to the same kind of audience and audience with similar preferences. You can implement and take advantage of customer data and preferences to segment your clients in a way that would improve your relationship with them. 

B. Personalization

While call blasting, you don’t let the customer know you are call blasting them, plus add the feeling of familiarity in the voicemail. You can add effects, such as taking their name, personalized greetings, and welcome messages. You can also remind them about previous conversation, their preference, and purchase history to strengthen your bonding with clients. 

Personalized messages are more likely to resonate with recipients and drive desired actions. It would be great to offer something to the recipient or share some information with them based on the recipient’s activities, likes or dislikes, and touchpoints. 

C. Scheduling and timing 

As many of your calls will be during business, it is important that you schedule the times that you will call so that you can get through at the most effective time. For calls that are made to the recipients, schedule them during those times when they are most likely to be able to respond appropriately. This is an effective way of call blasting if you have clients in different parts of the world. 

D. Keep your message sweet, short, right tone, and professional.

While call blasting, you need to create a message that contains the main information in the highlights and should be filled with interesting and ideal messages. Also, it will not please your audience if your message is too long. You should keep it short and sweet and only keep your important message. 

Also, your voicemail should sound professional, and the use of the right tone and the same style should be done to attract your customers. Long, inconvenient, and unprofessional voicemails are mostly not taken seriously and thought of as spammers. 

E. Be transparent 

Craft a clear, transparent, and professional message for your call-blasting campaigns. You need to be transparent and mention your brand name in the beginning to the customer and clearly mention the reason for your call. Your message should not leave the customer in confusion and be misleading. Instead, you need to share relevant information, the customer’s profit in the deal, the data-driven information. 

How can call blasting help your business?

Your business can take alot of benefits from call blasting. Your brand visibility can increase and reach a wider customer base. also, it helps to save your business expenses and manual effort. Furthermore, here are some more benefits that your business can get from the call blasting. 

1. Wider customer reach

Call blasting can help your business reach its visibility to a wider audience as it enables you to contact a large number of customers and leads at the same time. You can quickly spread the message to a wide range of people, ensuring your message is reached worldwide. 

2. Cost-effective

Call blasting is affordable and reliable for businesses seeking to reach large audiences without hiring a team or using the traditional method of dialing people one by one. It is lower in cost as it does not have to send voicemails individually but with an automated system, saving labor costs and time. 

3. Real-time update

You can update your message any time you want, and it does not need a lot of time to reach your audience. You can send messages to thousands of people at a single click. This is beneficial if your events have some changes in plan, delay in events, or any other urgent information, you can send it an instant. You can recreate the message and be relevant to your audience which helps to gain their trust and loyalty. 

4. Enhance Productivity 

Call blasting is simple to use and saves a lot of manual work. This is helpful for your business as the automation does the simple tasks, while manual efforts are used in bigger client management. If your employees are set to call everyone individually, then it would take their time, and during that time, they can focus on other productivity for your business. 

5. Support sales and lead generation

When you robocall someone, the message is sent to all the desired persons listed on the recipient list regardless of their geographical location. That can support your sales metrics and attract potential leads. You reach out to the potential leads with follow-up promotional offers, increasing the chance of conversion. 


Call blasting can be an effective communication tool utilized in limited and strategic ways. By employing call-blasting platforms, businesses can efficiently reach their target audience and meet their communication objectives. It can build customer connections, increase the conversion rate, and contribute to the overall success of the business. 

Call blasting allows your employees to reach thousands of people in far less time than it would take to call them individually. But, if you send more messages to the clients, it would lead to disappointment as the clients would be irritated by the messages. Thus, making your message short, sweet, and professional can help to attract potential leads and new customers. 


What is Voice broadcasting?

Voice broadcasting is another term for call blasting. It is the process of sending automated pre-recorded voice messages to multiple recipients simultaneously, such as reminders, information, and notifications. 

Call blasting is suitable for what kind of business?

Call blasting is suitable for every kind of business that has customers and leads. Some of the suitable businesses are:

  • Healthcare
  • Education 
  • Banking 
  • Telecommunication 
  • Automobile 

What is the main purpose of call blasting?

The main purpose of call blasting is to send information to all the people who are included in the recipient list. It can include

  • Marketing campaign
  • Emergency Notification 
  • Event remainder 

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.