Virtual contact centers play a significant role in today’s businesses. They have revolutionized the traditional phone system by advancing modern communication channels that streamline business communication, leading to increased sales growth. 

Numerous call center software such as CloudTalk, Zendesk, Five9, Dialaxy,, Inc., and many more facilitate the smooth operation of the customer service business. 

This blog will discuss optimizing contact center operations with virtual numbers in SaaS products. Read this blog till the end.

Let’s get started. 🚀

Understanding Virtual numbers in SaaS products

A contact center is an organization with a team of agents who handle all incoming and outgoing customer interactions across various channels, such as phone calls, live chats, email, and social media platforms. It implements modern technology solutions to support call centers, where agents only handle calls and multichannel contact centers. Contact centers benefit your business by providing an omnichannel communication strategy. They also offer improved customer service, quicker resolution, and call handling time, enhancing sales and growth.

Virtual numbers, operating via the Internet, are a cloud-based phone system that eliminates the need for physical SIM cards,  cellular networks, and expensive infrastructure. This cost-effective business communication option provides unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to make and receive calls from anywhere.

Software as a service (SaaS) is cloud-based software that gives customers access to applications like office tools and email via an internet browser. Multiple SaaS tools exist, such as  Trello for project management, Slack for communication and collaboration, and Dropbox as a file-sharing solution. It can manage client interactions without expensive upfront infrastructure, software, or hardware investment.  

With the SaaS call center,  you can easily access the features through the subscription payment method, eliminating the expenses on the service you don’t need.  

Function of SaaS product in the contact center

The role of SaaS products in the contact center includes:

1. Centralized Management 

SaaS solutions centrally manage and handle all contact center activities, such as call routing, interactive voice response, call queues, automatic call distribution, KPIs, and customer interaction.  Furthermore, SaaS products improve overall efficiency by streamlining the procedure.

2. Multi-Channel Communication

SaaS products improve communication quality in geographically dispersed or internal teams by enabling the integration of several channels, including chat, email, voice, and social media, into a single platform.  

3. Integration with CRM System

A SaaS product facilitates integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. It analyzes customer previous interaction data and helps the agent to provide personalized service to each customer.

4. Automation and AI integration

Many contact center management software solutions include automation and AI, which improve customer engagement and operational efficiency. Automating various tasks, such as call planning or routing calls to specific departments or agents, reduces long wait times and enhances operational efficiency. 

Integration of virtual numbers in SaaS products

The integration of virtual numbers in SaaS products involves several steps. The detailed guide includes:

I. Describe the goal of Integration

Defining the outcome you want to accomplish by integrating virtual numbers in SaaS products is crucial, as is specifying how this integration will support the company’s overall objectives. The objective involves enhancing user experience, streamlining procedures, and facilitating a better communication platform.

Furthermore, companies must consider boosting customer engagement by optimizing customer support services and using powerful call management features. 

II. Select a reputable provider

Your company should choose a reputable virtual number provider that aligns with the goal you want to accomplish with your SaaS integration. Before finalizing the provider, you must also consider its features, coverage area, availability of API, and cost for successful integration that meets your predefined targets. 

III. Understand API documents

API (Application Programming Interface) is a technique that allows two software programs to communicate using a set of definitions and protocols.  The API document contains guidance on integrating and using the API efficiently, focusing on security limitations. Additionally, it offers lifecycle updates for the API, such as new versions or an approach to retirement. 

IV. Deploy API requests into practice

Your SaaS product must include a feature that automatically connects with the virtual number provider’s platform. It must also support call routing, generating new phone numbers, and gathering call logs. 

V. Handle incoming calls and message

Establish a system that controls incoming texts and phone calls from virtual numbers to guarantee effective communication. Adding automated responses, message forwarding, and phone routing will enhance the user experience and facilitate your company’s growth. 

Advantages of virtual numbers in SaaS products

The advantages of virtual number in SaaS products include:

A. Improved communication Capabilities

In addition to increasing accessibility, virtual numbers enable businesses to establish local presence internationally. Moreover, it facilitates seamless communication across multiple channels, such as voice or voice calls, SMS, live chat, etc., eliminating geographical barriers and streamlining business communication.

B. Scalability

Virtual numbers are highly scalable. Therefore, companies can easily add or remove features, phone lines, or human resources based on their requirements. This process does not involve complex infrastructure changes, and the scalability feature allows businesses to quickly adapt to changing communication needs without any delays or additional costs. 

C. Global Reach

Businesses can quickly expand their horizons in the international market with a virtual number in that country. It facilitates advanced voice and video communication at competitive international calling charges. Using local or toll-free numbers helps establish a local presence in the global market, leading to business growth. 

D. Cost-Effectiveness 

Virtual numbers are cloud-based telephony systems that do not require expensive physical hardware and software for inbound and outbound calls. They also reduce the cost of physical phone lines, upfront fees, and maintenance costs. The business can easily buy the number from a reliable provider and initiate the calls promptly.

E. Better agent productivity

Interactive Voice Response automation helps the agent by assisting the customer with basic queries. It frees the agents’ time to focus on complex issues. It also speeds up call handling time, giving agents more time to provide outstanding customer service. 

F. Effective Call Management

In association with virtual numbers, SaaS products simplify call management processes by allowing intelligent call routing and offering exact call tracking and analytics. This way, organizations can optimize their customer service quality, guarantee quick customer feedback, and decide based on statistics to help improve a business’s overall performance.


What is Software as a Service?

Software as a service is cloud-based software that enables individuals to access data from any internet-connected device. Under this web-based model, software maintains all the databases, servers, and code. 

How can I assess whether virtual numbers are helping to optimize contact center operations?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as call abandonment rate, average handle time, first call resolution rate, and customer satisfaction score can assess virtual numbers’ efficiency in enhancing contact center operations. Furthermore, virtual number providers’ call analytics and reporting capabilities can yield insightful data regarding call volume, trends, and agent effectiveness.

Who should use a contact center?

A contact center can be helpful to all sizes of companies or brands looking to enhance customer service and set itself apart as a competitive, customer-focused brand.

How can my current SaaS contact center solution incorporate virtual numbers?

Adding virtual phone numbers to your existing operating contact center software is relatively easy since most virtual number providers propose APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or connectors together with sound SaaS systems. If you are willing to integrate virtual numbers, then contact your provider. They will help you with setup and integration. 

What are the criteria for choosing a virtual number provider for contact center optimization? 

While choosing the virtual number provider, you must consider the following points:

  1. Compatibility with existing tech stack
  2. Global Reach and Coverage
  3. Budget-friendly
  4. User-friendly Interface
  5. Voice Quality and Uptime Guarantee
  6. Contract Flexibility
  7. Data protection measures

What are the benefits of optimizing contact center operation with a virtual number?

There are multiple benefits of optimizing contact center operations, and they are:

  1. Reduced cost
  2. Enhanced customer experiences
  3. Unified view of the customer
  4. More innovative planning and workforce management
  5. Increased sales and growth

What makes a SaaS product great?

User-friendliness: Your product should be simple and intuitive and provide a straightforward user experience, giving people confidence in its utilization. Performance: Select a technology stack that can be expanded as needs and users increase.

What makes SaaS better than the traditional software?

SaaS is far better than the traditional software in the following ways.

  1. Enhanced Security
  2. Cloud Accessibility
  3. Regular Updates
  4. Budget-friendly

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.