I still remember the days when people could only type 160 characters in a message, and the word ‘emoji was unfamiliar to many people.

However, technology has rapidly developed, introducing complex changes in the many facets of communication, including effects on the message systems currently in place.

This blog focuses on Short Message Service (SMS) and rich communication service (RCS) and their characteristics. In other words, RCS is an advanced messaging service, while SMS is also. Nevertheless, RCS provides more benefits compared to SMS’s basic and plain text.

So, without much ado, let’s explore them to understand which one better answers your needs and how to stay on top in the constantly evolving field of Digital Communications.

🔑 Key Highlights
  • SMS is limited to sending text messages, while RCS enables the sharing of multimedia content such as images, audio, and videos.
  • SMS is convenient and reliable for simple, short messages up to 160 characters.
  • RCS is a relatively new messaging platform designed to replace SMS.
  • Both SMS and RCS have their place in business. SMS is great for alerts and confirmations, while RCS shines for marketing and customer engagement.
  • Unlike SMS, RCS enhances communication transparency by providing real-time delivery and read receipts.

What is SMS and How does it work?

SMS stands for short message service. It enables people to exchange short text messages of limited length, usually 160 characters maximum, between mobile devices. It is a reliable means of communication that runs on cellular networks and does not depend on web networks.

However, the trend has changed due to the availability of Internet-based applications such as Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, and so on, and SMS traffic has declined. SMS is a communication tool with limited features and does not support, for instance, the RCS, but it is useful in locations with low network coverage. SMS is more personal and is a multi-purpose and essential medium for improving interaction and security, advertisement, and customer relations in different fields.

While short message services have strengths, they experience numerous limitations in providing vibrant, outgoing, secure, and highly interactive individuals and business communications in today’s world.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Creating the message: You craft a text message on your device.

Step 2: Transmission: Your device dispatches the message to a short message service center (SMSC).

Step 3: Routing: The SMSC identifies the recipient’s network and transfers the message.

Step 4: Receipt: The recipient’s network delivers the message to their device.

What is RCS and How does it work?

RCS stands for Rich Communication Services. It is an advanced messaging method that offers a richer and more interactive messaging experience to users and facilitates more convenient communication with its advanced features, such as group chats, media sharing, high-resolution, rich interaction, and end-to-end encryption. It is the advanced version of SMS.

RCS is a relatively new messaging platform designed to replace SMS. It allows the input of other media formats such as photos, videos, and even audio; it has the read receipt feature and also allows the creation of groups. It offers rich features but is not universally available. 

Thus, like any other messaging service requiring content delivery, rating collection through RCS may also need an internet connection. However, it, in any case, can only be provided through WiFi or mobile operator data connection and, in fact, requires the support of the carrier and the device to be implemented at all.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: RCS is a communication protocol that improves traditional SMS messaging, offering a more interactive and engaging experience.

Step 2: The sender inputs the recipient’s mobile number and composes the text message.

Step 3: The message is then sent to a Cloud service, like the RBM agent and Cloud Pub/Sub.

Step 4: Subsequently, the same cloud service delivers the message to the recipient.

RCS vs SMS: Key differences

The difference between SMS and RCS presents a significant advancement in messaging features. 

RCS surpasses SMS with its ability to share high-quality media, advanced management of group conversations, internet-based connectivity, read notifications, improved security features such as possible end-to-end encryption, and enhanced user engagement, establishing itself as a contemporary and adaptable communication medium.

Here are some differences between  RCS and SMS:

Feature RCS (Rich Communication Services) SMS (Short Message Service)
Message Type Rich media (text, images, videos, audio) Text only (up to 160 characters)
Internet Requirement Requires internet (mobile data or Wi-Fi) Does not require internet
Multimedia Support Yes (images, videos, GIFs, etc.) No
Character Limit No strict limit 160 characters per message
Interactivity High (supports read receipts, typing indicators, and group chats) Low (basic text communication)
Delivery Confirmation Read receipts, typing indicators Delivery receipts (optional, limited)
Encryption Not end-to-end encrypted by default Not end-to-end encrypted
Cost Data charges apply, generally cheaper for large volumes Carrier-dependent charges can be expensive
Integration Better integration with other apps and services Limited integration
Adoption Still gaining traction, carrier, and device-dependent Universally supported on all mobile phones
Spam and Security More advanced spam filtering capabilities Prone to spam and phishing
User Experience Enhanced with rich media and interactive features Basic, text-only communication

Comparing RCS and SMS, you must consider your communication priorities, such as sharing media, group messaging, security, and upcoming trends. Knowing these distinctions will assist you in selecting the most suitable platform for safe and effective messaging, enabling your business to stay ahead in digital communication.

How can SMS and RCS benefit your business?

Still, depending on the client’s needs and further actions, both RCS and SMS can be applicable to your business. Quite a number of companies incorporate both RCS and SMS as their general messaging marketing communication methods.

SMS is convenient and reliable for simple, short messages up to 160 characters. At the same time, RCS chat offers more features and the possibility of sending longer messages to the audience via Android smartphones.

That might be why so many firms seeking to adopt a rich communications future begin with a simple solution: To this end, old conversational SMS should be transformed to RCS where possible, while the ability to send SMS should be retained where required by the GSMA. Implementing this company communications strategy ensures that you reach out to the largest population base possible.

Short Message Service (SMS) Benefits:

  • High open rates
  • Wide reach
  • Speed and reliability
  • Cost-effective
  • Versatile

Rich Communication Service (RCS) Benefits:

The potential of RCS to replace SMS

The advancement of technology in the field of communication is far more appealing, and the convenience of sentinel text messages can be the best way to connect with your friends, family, and loved ones. 

RCS is a modern-day texting service that helps you make your content engaging with various multimedia, such as emojis, file transfer, location sharing, group chats, and more. 

Here is why RCS could replace SMS:

1. Enhanced user experience

A key advantage of RCS is its additional characteristics that simplify the administration of message creation and communication. It enables the users to share more appealing messages or texts accompanied by valuable items such as high-quality images, videos, sound files, etc.

2. Increased engagement

Users can take advantage of RCS by creating interactive messages with interactive controls, quality media content, location sharing,  and rich notifications, which improves users’ engagement. These features and functionality can be more flexible for better communication than SMS service.

3. Seamless integration

Its most defining feature is the Rich Communication service, which differentiates it from the normal Short Messaging Service. RCS also incorporates a transition plan to help both business-to-business and business to consumer environments to transition easily. This makes communication more effective and helps to get the people involved and interact in a better way.

4. Business opportunities

The introduction of RCS over the old style of SMS messaging has the potential to shift the paradigm of messaging and open a great number of opportunities for business. Some of the ways that customer experience innovation can be beneficial to business include: A business can be able to develop a new approach to delivering a customer experience that can lead to the development of new possibilities in business.


RCS is the new version of SMS, and both services can significantly enhance individual and business communication. Each offers unique benefits that can be tailored to different needs. 

By combining SMS and RCS, individuals and businesses can achieve an effective communication strategy. SMS ensures messages are delivered reliably to a wide audience, while RCS provides the advanced powers necessary for engaging and interactive communication.

Dialaxy can be a game-changer for reaching out to new customers and exciting them about your promotions. They’ve really nailed it with their modern messaging method. So, when you’re ready to take the first step into the world of RCS, Dialaxy can help you make the most of it. It’s all about connecting with your audience in a whole new way.

Together, RCS and SMS enable robust and adaptable communication solutions that meet the needs of today’s modern communication world.


Do I need a special app for RCS?

No, RCS is already supported by the most of modern smartphones. Simply ensure that your messaging app is up to date.

Is RCS more expensive than SMS?

The costs and advantages associated with RCS can vary depending on your provider and how you use it. However, in most cases, the potential cost increase is outweighed by the benefits of RCS.

What are the features and capabilities of RCS messaging?

Here are the top features and capabilities of RCS messaging:

  • High-quality media sharing
  • Group chats
  • Customer support capabilities 
  • Location sharing
  • Larger message size
  • End-to-end encryption 

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.