Did you know that leveraging intelligent call routing can enhance client experience and reduce customer service costs?

Customer satisfaction is the most important thing in the business, and as a business owner, you must ensure customer satisfaction first. 

However, if the call routine is not properly configured or customized, clients may experience long wait times or be routed to another department, which leads to poor client experience.

So, how can you ensure call routing is proper and maintained precisely?  

This blog will explain Intelligent call routing, how it works, its top features, types, benefits and disadvantages, and best practices. So, let’s get into it. 

🔑 Key Highlights
  • Intelligent call routing(ICR) is an advanced telecom system that effectively routes incoming calls according to several variables, including the caller’s requirements and the availability of an agent. 
  • Intelligent call routing uses various data to route calls to the appropriate agents or departments to achieve the best possible call outcome. 
  • Calls are routed across various channels, including chat, emails, social media, and phone, to provide a consistent customer experience and enhance client retention and loyalty. 
  • Every intelligent call routing has a unique purpose and serves differently according to the scenarios. It is designed to improve customer service under particular conditions. 
  • During unexpected periods of high call volume, like emergencies or product recalls, ICR serves as a robust support system to guarantee that calls are managed properly and efficiently.


What is intelligent call routing?

Intelligent Call Routing

Intelligent call routing(ICR) is an advanced telecom system that effectively routes incoming calls according to several variables, including the caller’s requirements and the availability of an agent.

By matching callers with the most competent operators via data points and algorithms, ICR streamlines call handling and enhances customer experience management

This advanced technology is especially helpful to large-scale businesses that handle high volumes. ICR uses advanced algorithms and real-time data to make routing decisions proactively.

Caller characteristics, previous contacts with the contact center, agent availability, and more are some of the criteria it can use to route calls to the most appropriate agent or department. 

This high-touch client approach drives client satisfaction and operational efficiency. The ICR system uses integrated advanced analytics to evaluate accessible real-time caller data and determine how to route the call. As a result, fewer calls are redirected, and client wait times are shorter.

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How does intelligent call routing work?

Intelligent call routing uses various data to route calls to the appropriate agents or departments to achieve the best possible call outcome. The system obtains its data from the following three main sources of information. 

Data collection: Upon receiving a call, the ICR system collects caller information. This includes Caller ID, location, time of day, purpose of call, and previous communications. 

Analysis and matching: Next, the ICR system examines the data in relation to pre-established routing guidelines and agent skill sets.

These guidelines take into account the caller’s requirements, the agent’s experience, workload, and even language skills. The algorithms then choose the right agent to answer the calls. 

Routing and connection: Lastly, if the selected agent is not available, the call is routed via the ICR system to a call queue or directly to the agent. 

After the call is routed to the appropriate department agent, who compares the collected data to the business’s predetermined distribution rules and criteria, the callers are reassured that they will always be linked to the appropriate agents who are capable of efficiently resolving their issues. 

Top Features of Intelligent Call Routing Systems

Some of the top features of Intelligent call-routing systems are

I. Skill-based routing

Skill-based routings define the process by which a company routes calls to agents who meet specified requirements, have specialized training, or speak a foreign language.

This decreases call handling times and boosts agent productivity while improving first-contact resolution rates and customer satisfaction. 

II. Omnichannel integration

Calls are routed across a variety of channels, including chat, emails, social media, and phone, to provide a consistent customer experience, enhancing client retention and loyalty as a result. 

This facilitates organizations’ efforts to meet customers’ growing demand for a standard and customized experience across all channels. 

III. Real-time analytics

A company will have the chance to direct and optimize its call center operations by using routes that leverage data and analytics to achieve a high-performance call center overall. For example, recognizing high-value customers, VIP customers, or detecting abandoned call rates. 

IV. Contact-aware routing

To match the caller with the highest-quality agent, ICR gathers as much information as possible about customer interactions, preferences, and behaviors. 

Enhancing the customer experience and decreasing the number of follow-up calls will result in effective utilization of the resources at hand and a positive customer experience, both of which promote business expansion. 

V. Priority based routing

Calls are routed according to priorities determined by the clients’ worth, the urgency of the issues, or the time of day. 

The primary goal is to minimize client turnover and irritation by providing a faster call response time. This will help the company preserve its good brand reputation and gain the trust of its clients. 

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What are the Types of Intelligent Call Routing Strategies?

Every intelligent call routing has a unique purpose and serves differently according to the scenarios. It is designed to improve customer service under particular conditions.

These routing strategies are the foundation of ICR, guaranteeing that each call is handled effectively and efficiently. 

A. Interactive Voice Response(IVR) Routing 

Customer interaction is enhanced with IVR routing. A customer contacts an automated system with multiple alternatives, for example, pressing 1 for sales, 2 for assistance, etc., when they call. IVR routing routes the call to the relevant department or representative based on the customer’s selection. 

This improves the customer’s timely arrival at their destination while streamlining the call distribution process and enhancing customer management. 

B. Time-based routing

Time is the key element in the time-based routing system. This system routes calls based not just on the day of the week but also on the hour of the day.

For businesses that must cope with varying operating hours or coordinate work across time zones, such a tool is quite helpful. 

It is simple to route calls received after hours to a foreign contact center that is still open for business or to a voicemail.

C. Voicemail routing 

Voicemail routing is a basic but essential backup plan in the event that the ICR system’s live help is unavailable. Calls made after or during busy periods are sent through an efficient call routing system to a voicemail system. 

Giving the customer the choice to leave a message and receive a callback when an agent is available helps achieve this. Assuring clients that their questions are significant and will be addressed may considerably aid in retaining their happiness and trust. 

D. Priority-based routing

The core of routing is determining a call’s priority or urgency based on priorities. Calls are ranked in this system according to several factors, including the type of inquiry and the caller’s status.

High-priority calls are forwarded to specialized agents at the front of the line, guaranteeing that urgent issues are handled right away.

For companies that serve a variety of clientele or service levels, this kind of outing is crucial for guaranteeing that important or urgent calls get answered right away in an instance. 

E. Overflow routing

Overflow routing functions in contact centers as a safety tool. This technique is used when an agent or team is overloaded with calls.

Overflow routing automatically forwards overflow calls to other agents or teams that have availability capacity, preventing more calls from building up and creating lengthy wait times. 

It’s especially helpful during busy times or unexpected spikes in call volume, as it ensures that client calls are handled effectively, even in situations with high demands. 

F. Percentage-based routing

Percentage-based routing involves playing with numbers. Incoming calls are divided up according to present percentages among various agents or divisions. This approach is ideal for managing calls between teams or locations. 

For example, a more skilled team may receive a higher volume of inbound calls, while the less experienced team may receive a smaller, more manageable percentage.

This advanced call routing system may be changed based on the team’s capacity and knowledge, ensuring a fair job distribution.

What are the benefits of intelligent call routing?

Intelligent Call Routing

Intelligent call routing offers various benefits to businesses. It helps to improve first-contact resolution, increase agent efficiency, reduce first-reply times, and more. Here are some of the benefits of intelligent call routing. 

1. Improved customer satisfaction

The increased efficiency that ICR brings about directly leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction. This is not only in a call connecting system. It makes meaningful interactions possible, guaranteeing that every encounter with a consumer is productive and engaging. 

ICR’s ability to handle each caller as an individual with specific needs is what makes it unique. Properly routing calls to the most appropriate agent guarantees that clients feel heard and understood. They are more than just a name in the lineup. 

They are put in touch with someone who, frequently on their first try, can successfully handle their concerns. This customized approach is what really makes the difference. 

2. Faster issues resolution

The routing procedures streamline the process of connecting callers with the appropriate agent. When a consumer contacts, ICR determines their needs right away based on a number of variables, including previous exchange, the type of questions, and even the language they speak. 

After that, the call is connected to the most qualified agent to address the issues, not just the available ones. This accuracy significantly reduces the time spent changing the calls or placing consumers on hold.

Consumers get a better positive experience when their issues are resolved quickly. They receive the assistance they require faster and spend less time waiting.

As a result, businesses will benefit from increased efficacy since agents will spend more time solving issues rather than handling misdirected calls. 

3. Cost-effective

ICR enhances service quality while optimizing resource use, ensuring businesses get the maximum value from their customer service operations.

ICR accelerates call handling procedures. The most appropriate agents receive calls, cutting down on the amount of time spent on each conversation. 

Because of their efficiency, agents can handle more calls in less time, which may result in a decrease in the number of employees needed. Efficient issue-solving and smart call routing also lead to financial savings. 

Reducing the number of misdirected calls can save time, and expediting resolutions can satisfy customers and possibly lower the number of follow-up calls. This effective functioning may result in operational cost savings. 

4. Data-driven insights

Dta-driven insights are one of the main advantages of ICR. The system collects vital information that may be used as a resource to improve customer support and optimize the company.

With every call, ICR systems monitor and examine a significant amount of data. Metric data on call duration, wait times, successful resolution, and caller feedback are all included.

A company will have a better understanding of the needs and behaviors of its clients. In addition, it can assist highlight trends and patterns that might be difficult to recognize. 

5. Enhanced scalability

The amazing scalability of ICR is one of its few unique advantages. As the system is designed to expand your business, it can easily handle an increase in call volume.

ICR grows in accordance with the expansion of the interactions that companies have with their clients. This means that even during periods of peak demand, the system can handle a greater volume of calls without seeking a decline in service quality.

This adaptability is essential for companies looking to expand without sacrificing the level of their clientele service. Furthermore, the capacity to scale is useful for accommodating unexpected spikes in call volume or swings in demand during specific seasons.

ICR will quickly set up to the task, regardless of the reason: a rapid fluctuation in the market or heavy demand around the holidays. Businesses are more equipped to deal with environmental changes in this way.

6. Optimal resource utilization

ICR guarantees call distribution among agents through improvements in workforce management. Using real-time data, the system assigns calls dynamically.

It suggests that when an agent is discovered to be busy, incoming calls are instantly forwarded to the free agents. This prevents any one worker from being overworked and maintains high service levels.

This planned call distribution results in shorter customer wait times and a more tolerable workload for the agents. To the fullest extent possible, expert agents handle calls that fall within their areas of expertise. 

As they can handle inquiries that fall within their area of knowledge, this increases the staff’s job satisfaction and improves their ability to service customers. 

7. Crisis management

ICR is excellent at handling crises, which is a benefit that is very helpful in difficult situations. During unexpected periods of high call volume, like emergencies or product recalls, ICR serves as a robust support system to guarantee that calls are managed properly and efficiently. 

ICR adjusts quickly to the unexpected spike in call volume. By reallocating resources in real-time, it ensures that calls are answered and routed to the agents who are most qualified to handle them.

This flexibility is essential for controlling caller stress at high-stress times and avoiding lengthy wait times. 


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What are the disadvantages of intelligent call routing?

As you know, intelligent Call Routing(ICR) systems offer significant benefits, but they also have some disadvantages.

If you are employing ICR systems for the first time, there could be a number of challenges along with a potential cost and time investment. 

Hardware and software investments must be made at a high level to establish organizations. Installing the systems in accordance with the business’s organizational needs takes a lot of time and work. 

Furthermore, resources and technical assistance are needed for maintenance and updates, which are typically costly and out of reach for many organizations.

Technical difficulties and even system breakdowns are some possible concerns that could arise. An ineffective system that affects call handling and quality issues impacts customer satisfaction. 

Additionally, calls are longer, involve many transfers, and are inviolable customers, which leads to dissatisfaction when the call routing strategy is ineffective.

The other two issues that were possible to bring up were privacy and data protection. Because ICR systems automatically use customer information for routing, privacy and security concerns may arise. 

The process is made more difficult by having to ensure the system maintains its compliance with privacy laws.

Additionally, automation may result in less tailored expenses for consumers. Automation and artificial intelligence(AI) are good at repetitive tasks, but they lack the complexity required to react to emotions. 

Similarly, staff personnel must receive training on how to use and maintain the ICR system. This will also cost a lot of money and could raise operating expenses.

The only significant drawback of using ICR systems would be the possibility of having to buy additional systems when a company grows in order to accommodate the extra traffic or new demands. 

What are the best practices for intelligent call routing?

I. Know your targeted audience

You should know your target audience and know what kind of audience is watching you. You can split up your audience so that attachments involving valuable clients receive top attention.

Assess their buying history or transaction volume to figure out which aspect of building relationships is most important. 

This will enable you to effectively implement resources and provide personalized service to your most important client. 

While speed of service is an important factor, you should also consider the quality of support. Dedicating experienced agents to handle VIP customer issues will help you achieve service-level agreements and provide great customer experiences. 

II. Integration 

When ICR is integrated with other software, you can get a 360-degree view of customers, agents, and overall operations. As a result, agents will be prepared for conversation, and personnel management will be much simpler. 

The likelihood of misdirecting calls will decrease, and the total customer satisfaction index will increase. Also, you can forecast staffing needs with your analytics solutions by integrating ICR. 

III. Measure key Metrics

Metrics for tracking and evaluating ICR performance include IVR transitions, call wait times, and first contact resolution rates. By regularly reviewing such metrics, you can optimize the performance of routing algorithms and agent skill matching. 

This guarantees the desired overall results. Monitoring these KPIs consistently will identify weaknesses. As a result, it enables insightful data-driven decisions and promotes business growth. 

IV. Streamline call handling 

Create a thorough call-handling rule to improve your ICR system’s efficiency. To guarantee optimal availability, implement clear escalation protocols, visually represent your phone tree, and provide staff with time management training. 

Call wait times will be shorter, and general customer service will improve. Additionally, direct your employees on how to manage their time to maximize availability.

If they need time between calls to handle administrative tasks, agents should update their status in the system so ICR can route calls to free agents.

V. Update routing criteria 

Review and adjust the call routing criteria regularly. Routing rules can be adjusted to ensure that callers are always paired with the correct agents, which improves efficiency and customer service as your business and customer needs change. 

Final Words

Intelligent Call Routing is a cutting-edge advanced solution that helps businesses by leveraging natural language processing and machine learning to streamline client experience, increase agent productivity, and enhance client satisfaction.

The routing strategy guarantees that calls are not only answered quickly but also routed to the most appropriate agents. Implementing ICR can address common customer support challenges and provide measurable improvements by using KPIs.

Overall, ICR is an excellent choice for any company trying to improve the customer service process and provide better results for clients and staff.


What is the difference between intelligent call routing and traditional call routing? 

Intelligent call routing uses real-time data to make dynamic adjustments to maximize efficiency and optimize customer experience. In contrast, traditional call routing is static and provides many callers with a less personalized experience. 

What is smart call routing?

Smart call routing routes calls to the most appropriate agent or department using sophisticated algorithms and real-time data to improve customer experience and operational efficiency. It reduces wait times, matches callers with appropriate agents, and distributes calls across agents as efficiently as possible. 

What is automated intelligent call routing?

Automated call routing uses software to make call decisions without manual effort. It analyzes incoming calls based on predefined criteria and real-time data for efficient connection ro the right agents or resources. 

Should I use an intelligent routing system?

If your business deals with a variety of client contacts or large numbers of incoming calls, you should employ an intelligent routing system. With intelligent routing, your company can shorten wait times, route calls to the most appropriate resources, and improve the customer and agent experience. 

What are the best intelligent call-routing solutions?

Some of the best intelligent call-routing solutions are: 

  • 8×8
  • Genesys
  • Cisco
  • Talkdesk
  • Five9 
  • Aspect 

What are the three fundamental concepts of call routing?

The three fundamental concepts of call routing are: 

Caller identification: who is calling and their specific needs and previous history. 

Agent matching: determining the best agent for the client based on the caller’s needs, agent skills, and availability 

Routing strategy: implementing specific routing methods to direct the call most efficiently and effectively. 

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta, founder and CEO of Dialaxy, is redefining SaaS with creativity and dedication. Focused on simplifying sales and support, he drives innovation to deliver exceptional value and shape a new era of business excellence.

Prasanta, founder and CEO of Dialaxy, is redefining SaaS with creativity and dedication. Focused on simplifying sales and support, he drives innovation to deliver exceptional value and shape a new era of business excellence.