The average open rate for MMS and SMS is around 98%. MMS is a popular messaging channel that allows the sender to send messages containing various multimedia elements. Regarding effective marketing, MMS is the best way to go. It is a powerful gem of modern communication that comes into play.

 MMS text messages can incorporate images, video, and audio files, making them more appealing and effective than social media or email marketing. 

This ultimate guide will discuss MMS, how does multimedia messaging service work, and some best practices. 

Let’s get started!!!!!!

🔑 Key Highlight
  • MMS is a multimedia message service that allows users to send text messages containing videos, images, GIFs, and audio clips.
  • MMS users can send up to 1600 characters with other multimedia elements, whereas SMS users can send only 160 characters.
  • MMS  is more expensive than SMS marketing and requires an internet connection to send text messages, but it is more effective than any other messaging channel. 
  • MMS marketing provides various benefits, such as higher open rates, customer engagement, better storytelling, etc. 
  • To make your MMS marketing message more effective, always consider getting custom consent, sending marketing messages reasonably, keeping your file size small, etc. 

What is a Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)?

MMS is a multimedia message service that allows users to send text messages containing videos, images, GIFs, and audio clips. It is an updated SMS version built to support a wide range of multimedia content and longer text. 

 SMS messaging is limited to 160 characters, whereas MMS can send up to 1600 characters with other multi-media elements. MMS is perfect for a wide range of business and personal use. It is best for quick text-based alerts or notices.  

How Does Multimedia Messaging Service Work?

The first important step in sending an MMS message is to have an internet connection or any mobile data connection. Once you write and send the intended MMS to the other party, the receiver receives the message even if their phone is switched off. The message goes directly into the phone and is downloaded automatically without notification. Users can save their MMS and send it to any other user’s phone. 

The following is the standard procedure for sending MMS.

  • Step 1: Ensure your device is connected to the internet or mobile data.
  • Step 2: Write your personalized text, and select any multimedia you want to send, such as audio, photo, video, etc.
  • Step 3: Add the receiver number and press send. 

Once you press send, the receiver will receive a message notification. When the receiver opens the MMS, a picture will appear at the top, and text will usually appear below it. 

What File Types Can I Send With MMS Marketing?

With MMS marketing, you can send various files to make your messaging more effective and engaging, such as:

  • GIFs
  • MP4 video files
  • Audio files (MP3)
  • Image files 

What are the benefits of MMS marketing? 

MMS marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing, with a 98% open-text rate. The following are the top benefits of MMS marketing.

1. High open rate

 All text messages, including MMS, have a 98 percent open rate, more than four times that of email and social media marketing. Since text messages are sent directly to consumers’ phones, they’re hard to ignore, quick to read, and enticing to open. On top of that, MMS includes pictures, audio, etc, making it more attractive. This makes the receiver more interested in reading and clicking the entire message. 

2. Higher engagement

MMS messaging campaigns get comparatively higher engagement rates than SMS marketing campaigns. This can be due to MMS’s multimedia element. Multimedia elements such as images, audio, and GIFs make marketing messages more appealing and more likely to engage the receiver. 

3. Boost visibility

90% of all MMS marketing messages are read within 3 minutes, with a 98% open rate. You can send out limited-time discounts, temporary coupon codes, and other time-sensitive offers, knowing the customer will see them before the offer expires. This way, customers are more likely to click on the offer, increasing your conversation rate

4. Better storytelling 

Storytelling and aligning your product with text alone can be a severe challenge. You can significantly enhance the storyline you’re telling with visuals and audio. And it’s not just the visuals because you also have many more text characters to work with. With MMS, you can use up to 1600 characters, making it much more flexible for writing. That means you can add various information regarding your product and make it a knowledgeable and informational marketing message.

Best practices for MMS marketing 

The following are some of the best practices for MMS marketing.

I. Getting consent

Getting the receiver’s consent before texting anyone is very important. If you send a message without the proper permission of the receiver, you can land yourself in some legal trouble. With the customer’s consent, you can also learn about their likes and dislikes, helping you provide a good customer experience. Also, be clear about getting their consent and do not trick customers into giving consent. This can result in an unhappy and angry customer list, harming the brand’s reputation. 

II. Personalized and custom messages 

Your business can use MMS marketing to get a quick response from customers, contributing to effective communication. MMS also has the highest delivery and 98% open rate. According to research, one in three people checks their text notifications within a minute. Customers are also more likely to see and respond to personalized marketing messages as they feel seen and heard. This way, you can enhance your business’s engagement and increase your conversation rate via MMS’s marketing. 

III. Make your file size small for easy downloads

Consider file size, as your MMS marketing messages contain images or GIFs. Smaller file sizes mean faster and easier downloads. Your file size should range anywhere from 350 KB to 1.2 MB. The recommended size would be around 900 KB to around 1.2 MB. Larger file sizes usually cost more money and time and make customers uninterested.  The trick is also to go for the recommended size, as larger ones cost more money, and smaller ones usually result in low-quality images. 

IV. Keep timing in mind

It is essential to keep timing in mind while sending out your MMS marketing messages. You want to avoid sending text messages during quiet hours, usually before 8 a.m. and after 9 p.m. However, you also want to ensure you reach customers at the right time and within their buying hours—the best time to send a marketing message depends on the type of business/ customer base. Use case and campaign data from your reports to find the best time and methods. Generally, it’s a best practice to test different send times to find the best fit. This way, you can utilize this information in the future as well.

Final Thoughts 

To sum up, MMS would be a great addition to your marketing strategy. Although SMS and MMS are almost the same, they differ significantly. With MMS marketing incorporated into your business, your business can experience various benefits, such as higher open rates, increased conversions, higher visibility, better storytelling, and more. 

The above article mentions all the necessary information regarding MMS and MMS marketing. We hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. As always, we recommend that all our readers do their research before considering anything.


What is MMS?

MMS, also known as a Multimedia messaging service, is a messaging channel that allows users to send text messages using various media, such as video, images, a slideshow of multiple images, audio, etc, to be delivered rather than just a text.

What industries can benefit from MMS messaging campaigns?

The following are the top few industries that most benefit from MMS messaging.

  1. Retail industry
  2. Real Estate industry
  3. Travel industry 
  4. Entertainment industry
  5. Healthcare industry

What are some examples of business MMS?

The following are some examples of business MMS/marketing MMs.

  • In-stock MMS
  • New stock announcement
  • Birthday message
  • Loyalty program invite

What are some challenges regarding multimedia communications? 

The following are some challenges regarding multimedia communication.

  • Managing platform limitations
  • Bandwidth Constraints
  • Security and Privacy 

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.