If you feel that your contact center is struggling with long wait times and a lack of efficiency in handling calls, you may need to raise immediate concerns and make it more comfortable for customers to reach the right agents or departments without needing to wait long. 

Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) technology comes with your solutions and might transform your contact center and improve overall customer communication. DNIS plays a crucial role in the call center. 

It is a service offered by a telecom company that allows call centers to route incoming calls more efficiently. It helps the call center develop an efficient call-routing strategy based on the number dialed by a caller.

Let’s take a ride into the call center zone and see why Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) is needed.

🔑 Key Highlights
  • DNIS helps the call center develop an efficient call-routing strategy based on the number dialed by a caller.
  • DNIS stands for Dialed Number Identification. It is a service offered by telephone companies to their commercial customers.
  • One of DNIS’s primary benefits is efficient and accurate call routing. It can streamline call routing in a way that is both efficient and precise.
  • DNIS improves call center efficiency by making the call routing process more accurate.
  • This technology is used in a call center to identify the number dialed by a customer.


What is DNIS?

DNIS stands for Dialed Number Identification. It is a service offered by telephone companies to their commercial customers.

dialed number identification service

This service lets them know the actual number that was dialed for each incoming call. This technology is used in a call center to identify the number dialed by a customer.

DNIS provides better customer support. It allows the contact center to identify the number dialed before the call is routed to an agent and then directs the call to the right recipient.

Dialed Number Identification (DNIS) in call centers can enhance customer experience and boost brand essence.

DNIS is a feature used primarily in contact centers to identify the phone number dialed by callers. It is a useful tool that helps businesses manage multiple lines.

How Does DNIS Work?

Firstly, the caller who wants the service dials the number. The data is transmitted as a series of Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency, and the firm’s PBX system interprets those data at the destination, thereby allowing the PBX to track the calls.

The call routing engine or the IVR system receives DNIS data or information. According to the caller’s number, the call is routed to the proper destination. The calls coming in are further routed to the most appropriate agents.

This, in turn, improves call center KPIs like First Call Resolution. DNIS, therefore, has an important position in a call center, improving its call routing by automating the process and avoiding human transfers.

Here are the step-by-step guides that show how DNIS works:

  • Step 1: Dialing the Number 
  • Step 2: DTMF signal transmission
  • Step 3: DTMF signal reception and interpretation
  • Step 4: DNIS Data Extraction
  • Step 5: Routing to PBX System
  • Step 6: Call Routing Decision
  • Step 7: Call Connection
  • Step 8: IVR Menu Script Triggering
  • Step 9: Call Handling and Tracking

Benefits of DNIS in Call Centers

This technology has numerous benefits in call centers. It provides insight into customer preferences and behaviors, which improves inbound call center efficiency.

Letting call center agents know what number was dialed for each incoming call. Some key benefits of DNIS in call centers are presented below:

1. Efficient and accurate call routing

DNIS helps route calls to the department or receptionist concerned based on the number dialed.

This ensures that customers are directed to the right service without extra transfers to improve response times, thereby enhancing the customer experience within the call center.

Among the many benefits of DNIS is efficient and effective call routing.

It can effectively route calls in an appropriate and correct manner. DNIS lets a business ensure that every call is channeled appropriately, requiring less effort for better customer experience and operational effectiveness.

2. Helps to reduce operational complexity

DNIS helps call centers reduce operational complexity by identifying the dialed number.

This helps agents manage the calls effectively, reducing the need for a complex call-routing system.

In a contact center, agents can sometimes face several problems while handling a large volume of incoming calls with minimum manual intervention. 

DNIS can easily reduce such complexity when a call center agent receives calls from callers.

DNIS has already figured out the callers’ demands for calling and what they want from the agent’s interactions.

This will increase the agent’s productivity and reduce the operational complexity.

3. More personalized customer experiences

Because DNIS allows call centers to assign unique numbers to different campaigns, it gives agents context about why a customer is calling even before they pick up the phone.

This small but significant detail helps agents tailor their responses, leading to a more personalized interaction for the customer.

It not only personalized the customer experience but also enhanced the efficiency of the call center agents and helped boost customer satisfaction.

It allows agents to be ready with the correct information and the issues of customers can be promptly solved satisfied customers and promote a higher satisfaction level.

4. Multiple phone line support

DNIS allows call centers to manage multiple phone lines without the hassle of setting up separate systems.

Whether managing various departments within a single organization or overseeing multiple distinct businesses, this solution provides the flexibility to adapt and scale without the need for a complicated and costly infrastructure overhaul.

Due to its efficient support for multiple phone lines, DNIS is one of the best inbound call centers.

It helps the call center route inbound calls to the right agents or departments without transferring them to many teams, which can speed up and smooth communication.

5. Improved inbound call center efficiency

Implementing DNIS in a call centers can optimize call routing by directing calls to the most suitable agents based on the caller’s specific necessities.

DNIS technology can effectively handle a larger number of calls, reduce call transfer times, and allocate more time to addressing customer issues, ultimately improving the quality of service provided.

It significantly improves inbound call center efficiency by making the call routing process more accurate.

This reduces call handling times, optimizes staffing, and ensures that agents are only handling calls suited to their expertise.

This leads to faster, more effective service and a smoother overall operation. 

What is the Difference Between DNIS and ANI?

The key difference between DNIS and ANI is that DNIS helps identify the actual destination number dialed by the callers, whereas ANI tracks the number associated with the caller.

Some differences between DNIS and ANI are given in the table below:

Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) Automatic Number Identification(ANI)
Use case  DNIS is mainly used to manage calls made to different business numbers. Where, ANI is used to identify who the caller is.
Benefits Enabling accurate call routing. Providing caller identification.
Purpose DNIS helps identify the original destination number dialed by the caller to reach the recipient. ANI tracks the number associated with the caller. 
Example Scenario When a customer dials the technical support line, DNIS identifies the number and routes the call to the support team. Even with a blocked caller ID, ANI reveals the customer’s number, allowing the agent to retrieve their account information for personalized assistance.

Enhance Your Call Center Efficiency with Dialaxy

Dialaxy stands out as the number one VoIP service provider in cloud telephony service with its 100+ automated features.

dialed number identification service

With Dialaxy, you can effectively enhance your call center efficiency. 

Managing call volumes in a call center is tough until you have the right technologies and tools.

Dialaxy’s advanced call routing feature ensures the calls are directed to the most appropriate agents.

With our 100+ innovative features, you can easily boost your contact center performance and overall operational efficiency. 

The features that Dialaxy holds for better call center efficiency are as follows:

A. Intelligent call routing

Routing calls to the most appropriate agents ensure that customers are happy and satisfied.

This ensures that customers can get quick solutions and end up with a happy face.

There are various applications in this tech world to facilitate the call center more efficiently.

Intelligent call routing: This feature of Dialaxy enhances call center efficiency more effectively.

B. Automated call distribution

Effectively distributing calls among agents can reduce the workload for the workers in the workplace, minimizing agent burnout.

It also helps to manage the calls effectively in the call center during high call volume times.

Advanced automated call distribution increases the efficiency of the call center.

C. Call recording and monitoring

Call recording and monitoring can easily boost contact center insights.

To enhance your call center efficiency you need to properly monitor the call volume and should keep the records to improve communication strategies for the future.

This helps call center agents to have a personalized conversation with customers.

It also helps the call center to make a decescision according to the forecasted data in the near future.

D. Integration with the existing system

You can easily activate integrations with just one click from the Dialaxy admin dashboard, streamlining all settings management.

This feature helps you simplify your workflow with seamless CRM integrations compatible with leading CRM platforms without switching tabs.

Discover top-tier platforms compatible with Dialaxy for enhanced marketing, productivity, and CRM capabilities.

E. Outbound and inbound calling

This feature helps call center agents manage inbound customer calls more efficiently and also allows businesses to engage in outreach using business phone numbers.

This improves your business reach and encourages customers to make a finding to engage with companies effectively. It also expands business reach in a wide range.

You can get all the features that you need to make the call center more powerful and effective from DIalaxy.

It is a complete solution that can easily solve the various problems of call centers.

There are numerous cloud contact center providers in the market each has features related to contact centers.

Dialaxy is the best choice to boost the efficiency of call centers with its numerous advanced features that every business contact center needs in this competitive business landscape. 


DNIS is an essential tool for improving call center efficiency and enhancing customer experience.

It boos the call center performance by accurately identifying the dialed number by the callers.

This enables precise call routing, reduces operational complexity, and supports personalized customer interaction. 

It can handle multiple phone lines, streamline call routing response times, and minimize manual interventions.

DNIS works in conjunction with ANI to offer deeper insights into customer calls, making it a valuable asset for modern contact centers that want to improve agent productivity and customer satisfaction.

Dialaxy’s comprehensive suite of tools ensures optimal management of inbound and outbound calls, improves agent performance, and enhances customer satisfaction.

By leveraging DNIS and Dialaxy’s features, businesses can streamline their operations and achieve better performance in today’s competitive market.


How can DNIS improve customer experience in a call center?

DNIS can provide a more personalized experience by routing calls to the most appropriate agent or department based on the dialed number, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction.

How can DNIS be used for call routing and distribution?

DNIS can be used to direct calls to specific agents, departments, or even IVRs based on the dialed number, allowing for efficient call routing and distribution.

What does DNIS mean in telecom?

DNIS stands for Dialed Number Identification Service. It is a telecommunication feature that identifies the number that the caller actually dialed.

What is the difference between DNIS and DID?

While both DNIS and DID are related to phone numbers, DNIS identifies the number dialed by the caller, while DID (Direct Inward Dialing) is a service that allows incoming calls to be routed directly to a specific phone number or extension.

What is the service ID number?

A service ID number typically refers to a unique identifier assigned to a specific service provided by a telecom company. It is often used for technical support or tracking purposes. However, the context can vary (e.g., it could be used in mobile services, IT support, or cloud-based services).

Can you be traced from a call?

Yes, calls can often be traced, especially when law enforcement or telecom companies are involved. Key details like the phone number, location, and sometimes device information can be tracked through Caller ID, cell towers, or the telecom network.

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.