Effective Communication is the key element in every business to foster growth, increase sales, and run marketing campaigns successfully. Reliable and efficient communication is required in every organization in this digitalized world. However, sometimes, you may have experienced an instant call cut-off and interruption during your call. This is called call drop.

Dropped calls are the most annoying thing that can happen during the important communication. It can affect the business deal that you are about to close, exchange misinformation due to interruption, and lead to unsatisfied customers. So, what is a Drop call, and how can you eliminate it to make your communication effective and reliable? 

In this blog, we will discuss Drop calls, their causes, how they can affect your business, and solutions to eliminate them. After reading this comprehensive guide, you will understand and get information on how to eliminate the call drop rate, whether you are using a traditional phone system or advanced VoIP service

So, let’s get into it.

🔑 Key Highlights
  • Dropped calls occur when a phone call disconnects unexpectedly due to various issues like weak signals, obstacles, or device problems.
  • They can negatively impact business productivity, customer satisfaction, and brand reputation.
  • Causes of dropped calls include weak signals, obstacles, dead zones, overoccupied cell towers, and software or device issues.
  • Solutions to reduce dropped calls include improving internet speed, using signal boosters, contacting the service provider, and managing device location.
  • Consistently dropping calls can lead to missed business opportunities and customer frustration, harming a business’s growth and competitive edge.

What is a drop call?

Call drops refer to issues that cause a phone call to disconnect unexpectedly after you pick up or at any time during the middle of a conversation. They occur when the receiver and caller have done nothing to cut the call, but the call automatically cuts off for various reasons. 

This can be frustrating and irritating during any interaction, mainly during important business communication, and leave both parties in confusion and dissatisfaction. Furthermore, Dropped calls can create misunderstanding between two parties, which can lead to the opportunity to slide from your hand. 

Call drops are the most common problem in every phone system, whether using a traditional telephone, landline, smartphone, or VoIP service. It can be a serious issue when calls are cut off during the middle of a business interaction. This can decrease sales and affect business productivity overall.

What are the causes of dropped calls?

1. Weak signal

Drop calls are mostly caused due to connection lost or weak signal connection. A poor signal can lead to time-to-time call drop. Mostly, weak signal is caused due to overload in the network connection or barriers like other networks, buildings, hills, and natural terrain. 

2. Obstacles in your signal 

Signal waves can be hindered by barriers on the way from the signal tower to your device. Obstacles such as mountains, big buildings, and other networks can be obstacles in your signal transmission, which can lead to drop calls. 

3. Dead zone 

If you are in a dead zone where there is no signal connection or a poor connection, that can also lead to dropped calls. A lack of towers or poor cell tower alignment might cause this. 

4. Overoccupied cell tower

When multiple numbers of the device are connected to a single cell tower that can cause dropped calls. If the number of devices is more than the cell tower capacity, users can experience drop calls in big numbers. 

5. Distance from the tower

Tower alignment and management should be done properly. Before installing a cell tower, nearby areas’ tower locations and requirements should be analyzed thoroughly so that no tower is over-occupied, less occupied, or distant from the user’s location. 

If your device is also far from the cell tower, you can experience call drops. Thus, cell tower management should be precise. 

6. Software issues

Call drops often occur due to a bug in your phone’s software or OS. If your phone’s software has issues or a bug is present, that can lead to dropped calls even if you have a good signal.

7. Roaming 

Sometimes, while roaming, the call gets disconnected. This attribute happens when the phone changes between two different networks, the service providers of which are incompatible with each other. 

8. Device issues

Another cause of drop calls is issues with your device. If your device has any problems with hardware, software, battery, or other things, they can also increase the drop call rate. Due to the issues in your device, it will not be able to connect and hold the network connection strongly, so you lost your connection. 

How do dropped calls affect your business?

How do dropped calls affect your business

Drop calls can be a serious issue if you are a business owner handling a client through telephone and other communication mediums. This can impact your business productivity and your relationship with the clientele and downgrade overall communication efficiency. Thus, your sales team needs to create effective calling and communication tools to exchange information.  

Drop calls can frustrate your customers, miss business opportunities, and decrease the customer experience. Whether you are conducting meetings, providing customer support, or interacting with remote team members, effective communication is crucial. 

Thus, you should be careful and eliminate the dropped calls as fast as possible. Effective and complete communication is essential for your business to thrive, grow, and get desired heights. 

Here are some reasons why drop calls are serious issues that can hamper your business growth. 

I. Missed opportunity 

Drop calls can lead your business to slip opportunity from your hand. If important business enterprise communication is interrupted in the middle, it can give your client a negative impact on your business and customer support. You can lose potential clients and leads if your communication is left incomplete. 

II. Customer frustration 

When calls drop unexpectedly, customers often are left in confusion, and you have to start over again on the same topic, which can frustrate and anger your customers. If a call drops at the beginning of a conversation with potential clients, they can have doubts about your business’s reliability and service quality, which can raise trust issues about your business and decrease customer lifecycle

III. Brand image and reputation 

Businesses that provide great customer service, but if the call drops frequently in the middle of the conversation, their Image automatically downgrades in the perception of the clients. They think your business for poor service quality and harms your relationship with the existing customer. 

IV. Business Productivity 

Dropped calls not only hamper customers but also affect the internal departments of the business. If an unsudden call drop occurs during the internal information exchange, employees cannot rely on each other, which can lead to concussion and time loss. This can hinder workflow and employee productivity. 

V. Competitive disadvantage 

There are many service providers that offer great customer support with reliable and effective communication tools. In the competitive market, customers have many choices to choose any service provider that offers reliable and quality service. Thus, if they are unsatisfied with your service, they can switch to another service provider in an instant. 

Hence, attracting customers is not enough to survive in this dynamic market. You need to satisfy every customer every time they contact you. Businesses with frequent call drops and low service quality do not require any time to lose customers. 

Effective solutions to fix call drop rate

A. Improve Internet speed 

Proper bandwidth speed is very important so that VoIP calls do not break. Low bandwidth and lag time result in call drops since calls are transferred at a slower rate. Check if the internet connection speed aligns with the advised speeds for VoIP and adjust it if the current speed is insufficient for VoIP communication. 

B. Implement a signal booster

Implementing a signal booster is also a good idea that can help fix the call drop rate. It is a powerful tool that can retransmit a weak signal and attract a strong signal from nearby cell towers, effectively strengthening your network connection and resulting in a lower call drop rate. 

C. Contact your service provider

Sometimes, call drops are caused by poor service provided by the service provider or issues in the system. Thus, if you are facing an increased call drop rate, contacting your service provider can help. If the issue is from the service provider, they can fix that in an instant. Even if the issue is not from their side, they can assist you in fixing the issues. 

Thus, choose the service provider that provides 24/7 customer support and excellent customer support, like Dialaxy. 

D. Reboot your router and place your router in a good location

Call drops can occur if your router has issues related to the Wi-Fi connection. You can solve that by restarting your router, which you can do yourself in an instant. Also, you need to be careful about where the router is placed. The router should be placed in the center of every user’s point so that signal waves can connect directly with the device without any barriers like walls, dry walls, mirrors, or furniture. 

E. Manage your device location

Call drops can occur due to improper placement of your device. If your device is too far from your Wi-Fi router and signal connection, that can also lead to a higher number of call drops. Your device might be in a dead zone inside your office or house. Thus, if you are facing a rapid increase in call drops, changing your device location can sometimes fix it. 

F. Change your device 

If your calls are dropped frequently with a particular device, consider switching devices to see if the issue is from the device or something else. Switching to new generation smartphones and advanced computers, which can manage and keep up with strong cellular signals and are compatible with the newly existing communication protocols, can help call connectivity and make it less likely to drop calls. 


Drops calls might seem a small issue during the call, but if it happens on a regular basis, that can lead your business to face serious damage and lose customers. You need a lot of factors and effort to gain a single customer but if they feel a tiny degradation in your customer support and service quality, they don’t hesitate to switch to your competitor. 

Call quality is the first thing potential clients see when they connect with your business, and if that goes wrong, it will be difficult for your business to convince them. Thus, you need to be careful if your call center is starting to drop calls. You can implement ideas and success factors of call center solutions like changing service providers, switching Internet service providers (ISPs), changing your device, and moving your router location to eliminate call drops. 


What are drop calls?

Call drops refer to issues that cause a phone call to disconnect unexpectedly after you pick up or at any time during the middle of a conversation. They occur when the receiver and caller have done nothing to cut the call, but the call automatically cuts off for various reasons. 

How to fix call drops on my Android phone?

You can fix call drops with a few steps.

  • Restart your phone 
  • Check if airplane mode is on. 
  • Check for the router and turn the router off and on. 
  • See if the SIM card is faulty or not.
  • Clear background apps

Why did my call drop automatically after 2 hours?

If your call drops automatically after 2 hours every time, that may be due to the limitation applied by the service provider. You can contact your service provider to increase their limitations.

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.