Are you tired of your business text messages getting caught up in spam filters?

SMS marketing is one of the most effective ways to interact with customers directly through their mobile phones. It would be difficult to conduct business today without having a text message service.

Be sure to have the right options for your business among A2P 10DLC and short codes to communicate with your clients via text messages efficiently. Each service caters to different communication needs. 

To help your business text messaging effectively it is necessary to examine if a short code or a long code would be appropriate in the process of incorporating SMS messaging into your business operations. 

Let’s delve into the topic of A2P 10DLC vs short codes, highlighting their differences, benefits, and drawbacks.

What is A2P 10DLC?

What is A2P 10DLC

Application-to-person 10-digit long code is a service that allows businesses to send secure SMS/MMS messages using 10-digit phone numbers. Where businesses are able to reach out to customers with personalized updates, special offers, or important alerts directly through their mobile phones. 

A2P 10DLC is commonly utilized by a number of corporations for advertising their products to clients through the use of text as well as making notification alerts among others.

These numbers make it easier for clients to contact you or ask questions because they have reasonable response rates, unlike spam numbers, and do not increase consumer response rates like dedicated numbers did.

Let’s talk about the Benefits of long code for business:

  • Cost-effective
  • Local presence
  • Quick setup
  • Versatility
  • Compliance 

If you are looking for an affordable, reliable, and easy-to-use solution for your company’s moderate messaging traffic, long code is a feasible option for businesses in SMS marketing and related fields.

What are Short Codes?

Short Codes are 5-6 digit numbers used for high-volume messages, mass marketing campaigns, high-volume alerts, and one-time passwords. We are all familiar with shortcodes, which are widely used in marketing because they are easy to remember due to their small size and shortness.

Short codes are often preferred for large enterprises with high-volume messaging needs and established marketing campaigns. Higher messaging speed, delivery rates, and memorable numbers distinguish shortcodes from longer numbers, making them perfect for enterprises that need to reach large audiences.

People find it easier to remember and input brief, concise numbers into their phones. There are lots of benefits that short codes hold for business, including:

  • High throughput
  • Brand recognition 
  • High deliverability 
  • Engagement
  • Compliance 

Suppose you are looking for a powerful, reliable, and efficient way for businesses to communicate with their customers and enhance their marketing and operational efforts. In that case, Short Codes is the best option to send and receive SMS or MMS messages at scale.

A2P 10DLC vs Short Codes: Key Differences

Both A2P 10DLC and shortcodes are used for business text messaging. Although there are some differences like cost, delivery rates, approval process, use cases, and more. 

Decide your required business needs, and choose A2P 10DLC for cost-effective, lower volume messaging with potentially faster setup. Choose Short Code for high-volume campaigns, guaranteed delivery rates, and advanced features.

Let’s explore the key differences:

Criteria A2P 10DLC Short Codes
Definition  A2P 10DLC is used for messaging between businesses and customers. 5-6 digit numbers used exclusively for high throughput messaging.
Appearance 10-digit local phone number 5 or 6 digit number
Cost  Lower than short codes Higher than 10DLC
Two-way communication Yes  No
Versatility  Versatile for both conversational and bulk messaging. Primarily used for bulk, non-conversational messaging. 
Setup time Quick setup, usually within days. Longer setup time, often weeks, due to carrier approval processes.
Suitable for  Customer support, notification, lower volume messaging, personalized communication, and surveys Mass marketing campaigns, contests, fast message delivery,  and alerts. 
Compliance and regulation Subject to regulations requires proper registration Strictly regulated with mandatory opt-in requirements
Delivery rates Goods  High 
Approval process  1-5 business days 3-6 weeks 

As SMS marketing continues to evolve, both Long Code and Short Codes are poised to play significant roles. 

In terms of SMS marketing, here’s what the future holds:

  • Increasing demand for personalized communication
  • Enhanced customer engagement and interactivity
  • Technological advancement and integration
  • Cost considerations and accessibility

Both the A2P 10DLC and Short Codes have a bright future, both alone and together, for even more profitable opportunities with SMS marketing. Adding messaging with a Long code adds low-cost value, whereas it becomes a must for high traffic volume and mass reach with a shortcode.

A2P 10DLC vs Short Codes: which is best for your business?

When it comes to A2P 10DLC Vs Short Codes, it all comes down to the needs of your business – how much messaging traffic do you need, how much are you willing to spend, and how branded do you want your messages to be?

You must evaluate your messaging requirements and determine your budget and how you wish to engage with your customers when deciding between A2P 10DLC and ShortCoder to pick a telephone phone number for sending and receiving an SMS from your business.

Consider the following factors:

Message volume

  • A2P 10DLC: Suitable for average message volume.
  • Short Codes: perfect for high-volume messaging.


  • A2P 10DLC: lower setup and per-message costs.
  • Short Codes: higher setup fees and per-message costs.

Use cases

  • Long Code: Customer support, notifications, surveys.
  • Short Codes: Mass marketing, alerts, and two-factor authentication.

Brand recognition

  • A2P 10DLC: Local and familiar.
  • Short Codes: Highly recognizable and memorable.

Setup time

  • Long Code: Quick setup.
  • Short Codes: Longer setup due to carrier approval.


  • Both require compliance with regulatory and carrier guidelines.

It is important to note that you will sometimes need to use both long code and short code in particular cases and markets. Short codes are best suited for mass marketing with memorable 5-6 digit numbers, whereas long codes are affordable and best suited for average message volume.

When to Use A2P 10DLC and Short-Code?

You can use A2P 10DLC (long code) and Short Codes in your SMS marketing strategy as follows:

I. Use a long code (A2P 10DLC) when:

  • Cost is a major concern
  • Faster setup is important
  • Personalized communication is preferred 
  • Local brand recognition is desired
  • Two-way interaction is required

II. Use a short code when: 

  • High-volume campaigns
  • Guaranteed delivery is paramount
  • Brand recognition and memorability are key
  • Advanced features are needed
  • Speed is a priority

Here’s how businesses can leverage A2P 10DLC and Short Codes effectively:

  • Segmentation: Target marketing can be achieved using the A2P 10DLC in certain geographical locations or demography. However, it is also possible to target more extensive communities with the help of Short Codes to some extent.
  • Campaign types: A2P 10DLC is ideal for appointment reminders, delivery updates, or any customized campaign. Whereas short-codes are ideal for even more engaging promotions like contests or flash sale campaigns.
  • Two-Way Communication: Utilize A2P 10DLCUs two-way messaging efficiently for great customer response or feedback for various services or products. The next Short Codes can be used for alerts alone or connected with a website for other uses.
  • Brand consistency: Ensure that there is a unified message for both A2P 10DLC and short code products to enhance branding purposes. One should consider using the same short code for all campaigns for easy memorability.


A2P 10DLC is best suited for organizations that require medium to high volumes of customized messages at a relatively low cost. Short codes are designed for sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages at scale and are widely used for marketing campaigns, alerts, and other mass communication needs.

Short codes are perfect for large campaigns, while a long code is best suited for personal interactions with your database. This results in a good and balanced SMS marketing strategy that will keep the customers updated and interested.


How long does it take to set up each?

Whereas A2P 10DLC has a short time to set up as no carrier approval is needed, Short Codes take time to set up as they have to pass through carrier approval.

Which is better for brand recognition?

Nevertheless, Short Codes are more recognizable compared to A2P 10DLC and easier to remember due to their local origin.

Which is more cost-effective, A2P 10DLC or Short Codes?

A2P 10DLC is generally more cost-effective with lower setup and per-message costs.

Which offers higher message throughput?

Short Codes offer very high message throughput, up to 500 messages per second.

How do I choose between A2P 10DLC and Short Codes for my business?

Consider the following factors:

  • Message volume
  • Costs
  • Delivery speed and throughput
  • Delivery rates
  • Branding and memorability
  • Use case

However, if you prioritize cost and two-way communication, and your message volume is low to medium, A2P 10DLC might be sufficient. But if speed, high throughput, and faster delivery rates are critical, short codes are a better option.

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.