The popularity of virtual numbers has transformed the telephony industry. A virtual number is a cloud-based number that allows users to make or receive a call over the Internet. Many businesses have systematically handled  inbound and outbound  calls and provided better customer service.

Like the old telephone number, you don’t need any telephone lines or physical objects to call a virtual phone number, so you can set up a virtual call center to receive any inbound call despite geographical location. And have amazing features like call routing, transfer, and better customer experiences through the use of virtual numbers for inbound call centers.

What is an inbound call?

An inbound call is a call that a customer initiates with a call center. An inbound call center is a contact center where customers make calls seeking help, make inquiries, or express concerns. 

The main objective of handling inbound calls is to provide effective and efficient communication between customers and businesses and ensure a positive customer experience.

What are virtual numbers?

A virtual phone number is a telephone number that is not tied to a physical line or a cellular service. It uses VoIP technology to route calls through the internet. With Virtual numbers, users can communicate from any line to any device, like a PC or mobile device with a good and stable internet connection. 

What are virtual numbers

The Types of virtual phone numbers are:

  • Local phone number: It is a telephone number based in a specific geographical area or local area code. 
  • International number: this telephone number allows international inbound and outbound calls with a local presence in the country.
  • Toll-free number: This phone number with a different three-digit code can be called from landlines without incurring charges. E.g., 911,100
  • Vanity number: vanity numbers are catchy alphanumeric customized numbers businesses own, e.g., 313 Detroit, 1800 Flower

Benefits of Using Virtual Numbers for Inbound Call Centers

Using virtual numbers for inbound call centers offers several benefits:

  • Cost Savings: Virtual numbers eliminate the need for physical phone lines and associated hardware, reducing infrastructure costs. They also allow for flexible scaling, so you can easily add or remove numbers as per your call volume requirements without incurring additional expenses.
  • Geographic Flexibility: Virtual numbers can be assigned to any location, regardless of where your call center is physically located. It allows you to establish a local presence in different regions or countries without needing multiple physical offices. Customers feel more comfortable calling a local number, which can improve trust and customer satisfaction.
  • Scalability: Virtual numbers are highly scalable, making handling fluctuations in call volumes and managing inbound calls easier. You can quickly add or remove virtual numbers to accommodate changes in demand, ensuring efficient call handling and reducing the chances of customers waiting in queues for extended periods.
  • Call Routing and Distribution: Virtual numbers offer advanced call routing and distribution features. You can set up intelligent call routing based on time of day, the caller’s location, or language preferences. Inbound and outbound Calls can be automatically forwarded to the required designation, improving customer satisfaction.

Getting Started with Virtual Numbers

By now, you know that a virtual number is far more beneficial than a traditional landline number. Getting a virtual number is very simple; you can quickly sign up for a virtual number. All you have to do is select the virtual phone number provided, purchase the subscription, sign up, and choose the number, a local or international virtual number, according to your requirements.

Want to quickly sign-up with a top business phone number provider? Sign up with Dialaxy, get a premium subscription, and enjoy the next generation of telephony.

Integrating Virtual Numbers into Your Inbound Call Center

Integrating your virtual phone number into your inbound call will bring many benefits and better functionality. Some of the benefits are:

  • Configure routing rules: configuring virtual phone numbers with inbound calls will help define routing rules based on business hours, availability, and call volume.
  • Personalizing greetings and IVR menus: virtual number in inbound call center helps businesses add personalized greetings as they wish, and IVR menus help to engage the callers by allowing them to provide information and redirect calls automatically.
  • Setting up call analytics and reporting tools: call analytics function of virtual numbers helps capture data from inbound phone calls with the help of AI, which is helpful in data tracking. Call reporting tools allow users to record all the business’s inbound and outbound calls and prepare a report.

Best Practices for Using Virtual Numbers

Best Practices for Using Virtual Numbers

Some practices help to maximize effectiveness and provide smooth communication.

  • Monitoring and optimizing call flows:  monitoring call flows will be much easier with a dashboard that also helps optimize inbound and outbound calls.
  • Better security: Virtual numbers help eliminate unwanted calls, protect personal phone numbers, and maintain privacy.
  • Keeping track of virtual number usage: unknown numbers can be traced by using the existing tools available on the virtual number service.
  • Optimize call routing: Virtual numbers allow call forwarding to various devices or locations, which helps in effective communication.
  • Regularly review billing and usage: It monitors your virtual number usage and costs to ensure accurate charges. It also helps in identifying unauthorized usage.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

This post will walk you through a few troubleshooting tips for getting VoIP back up and running as quickly as possible if you’re experiencing VoIP issues.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Call quality issue 

There can be poor quality due to poor internet connectivity, which creates call quality problems. To avoid that, ensure that your internet connection is stable and fast, or try a different device and verify your device’s audio setting.

Unable to make or receive call 

This can also be an issue when you need help making an outgoing call. If you have this problem, check your account balance and top-up if necessary. If you cannot receive any inbound calls, ensure your virtual phone number is correctly configured, check call forwarding rules, or contact the service provider or contact center.

Handling caller ID issues                                                                                                   

If you have an issue where the caller ID is not displaying while making calls, check your caller ID setting and make sure the setting is enabled, or seek help in the contact center.

Virtual phone numbers are becoming popular, and many businesses have started using them because of their benefits and functionality. Many companies have evolved from line-based telephony to virtual numbers or cloud-based telephony, making phone calls much better and more accessible despite their physical location.

Virtual numbers are continuously evolving due to technological advancements. The use of virtual phone numbers for inbound call centers will be automatic. Some potential trends we might see are:

Use of AI 

A virtual number will be fully integrated with artificial intelligence, automating telephony. The help of AI algorithms will help companies analyze call behavior, preferences, and old data, which will help optimize call routing, filter inbound calls, and offer a more tailored experience.                                                                                                                                          

Better  security and privacy

Virtual numbers will have strong security measures due to data security and privacy issues. Encryption and authentication will be essential features that will protect the sensitive information of the company and the customer.

Combine with CRM systems

 Customer relationship management (CRM) provides users with real-time customer information, call history, and related data, enabling them to provide efficient support and better call handling for inbound calls.

To stay ahead in evolving telephony era, here are some recommendations Here are my recommendations:

Adopt emerging technology 

Businesses should stay updated about emerging technology, which will help companies gain competitive advantages if the technology is adopted quickly. 

Observes customer expectations 

A company should regularly monitor Communication channels and support experiences based on customer expectations and preferences. Companies should continuously adopt virtual phone number systems to meet changing customer needs.

Enhance security 

Stay updated on security, as data security and privacy are major concerns in today’s generation. Prioritize strong security measures to build trust with customers and their sensitive information.    

Leverage analytics and insights 

Utilizing analytics and reporting features helps gain valuable insights into customer behavior, handle inbound calls effectively, and provide customer satisfaction.

By adopting these recommendations, companies can provide a good customer experience and stay ahead of evolving technology.


This article concludes that using virtual numbers in an inbound call center has great functionality. The use of virtual numbers helps businesses configure routing rules, personalize IVR greetings, and minimize costs. Virtual numbers are highly scalable, which helps in managing inbound calls efficiently.

The advanced call routing features of a virtual number help to set up intelligent call routing based on time of day, the caller’s location, or language preferences. Inbound and outbound Calls can be automatically forwarded to the required designation, improving customer satisfaction and saving time for both customers and businesses. 

Using virtual numbers for inbound calls is very effective, provides excellent support for businesses, eases communication, and encourages customer satisfaction.

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.