Call centers go hand-in-hand with communication. All kinds of call centers, including inbound and outbound, have been using traditional phone systems for a long time. However, the traditional phone system limits processes like reaching out to customers, building relationships, and achieving business objectives. 

Hence, traditional phone numbers are changing quickly as call centers shift towards a better, cheaper, and more versatile method; the virtual phone number.

We have seen a trend where outbound call centers increasingly rely on virtual numbers to communicate with their customers. It helps them with scalability and flexibility, geographical outreach, enhanced caller ID functionality, call tracking and analytics, and cost savings. 

So, in this article, we will discuss the role of virtual numbers in outbound call centers, and how these numbers are revolutionizing the call center industry. Let’s start. 

What are Virtual Numbers?

What are Virtual Numbers

Virtual numbers are internet-based or cloud-based phone numbers that are not tied to any physical location, device, or line. It provides all the services that any traditional phone system offers and more. 

With a virtual phone number, phone calls are made, received, and forwarded through the Internet using VoIP technology.

You need a good internet connection to use a virtual number, as they are not connected to any location or device like landlines. To receive incoming or outgoing calls, it can be operated from any device, including mobile phones, laptops, desktop computers, or tablets. 

The virtual phone numbers work in outbound call centers, providing services like call routing, number provisioning, and other call features. 

Benefits of Virtual Numbers in Outbound Call Centers

Virtual numbers can be a game changer in outbound call centers. It helps them with scalability and flexibility, geographical outreach, enhanced caller ID functionality, call tracking and analytics, and cost savings, and it can significantly improve the user experience and customer satisfaction. 

Here are some significant benefits of using virtual numbers in outbound call centers: 

1. Establish a Local Presence 

Outbound call centers can establish a strong local presence anywhere. The VoIP system offers the flexibility to acquire local numbers in different regions or countries, despite the location of the actual outbound call. 

This can also help you build some trust and familiarity with the local customers, enhancing their positive response and engagement. 

2. Cost Saving 

Outbound call centers can save you a fortune using a virtual phone number. As the traditional phone system or telephone line requires an astronomical cost for setup, materials, and maintenance, it can lead call centers to break the bank to facilitate many telephones and numbers. 

However, the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system uses the internet and has a minimal cost for set up and maintenance, which can help save call centers a vast amount of money.

3. Improved Call Quality

Virtual phone numbers do not require any physical line, location, or specific equipment as compared to the physical phone system. Physical telephones might have problems with call quality due to technical issues with the lines and equipment. 

On the other hand, virtual phone systems can offer the best call quality if there is a good internet connection. 

4. Scalability

Virtual phone numbers help call centers change their plans according to the requirements, which helps them with flexibility and scalability. 

It can help in geographical outreach and better planning per the requirements, giving the call centers an upper hand in scalability and market competition. 

These are some of the most important benefits of virtual phone numbers in call centers. 

Features of Virtual Numbers for Outbound Call Centers

Virtual numbers offer various compatible features for outbound call centers. Features like Call recording, Call routing, Call analytics, Voice Prompts, and IVR. 

Here are some of the major features of virtual numbers for outbound call centers: 

1. Call Routing

Call routing features enable calls to be directed toward any specific location, device, department, or person. You can easily route the calls based on the pre-set rules and programs like time-based routing or IVR (Interactive Voice Response) menus. 

It saves the time and waiting of the customers, which leads to better user experience, productivity, and success of the call center. 

2. Call Recording 

Call centers can record outbound calls using virtual numbers for quality control, employee training, and regulatory compliance. Customers’ chats can be recorded by agents, guaranteeing script compliance, gathering insightful feedback, and highlighting areas for development. 

Call recording can be evaluated to improve customer interactions and agent effectiveness and serve as a reference for resolving disputes.

3. Call Tracking and Analytics

Call centers can assess the efficacy and success of their outbound operations by allocating each virtual number to particular marketing campaigns or activities. In-depth call analytics offer information on call length, call results, conversion rates, and other essential variables. 

Managers at the contact center call center information to make data-driven decisions, improve strategies, and enhance performance.

4. Voice Prompts and IVR

Callers can use automated menus to go to their preferred location using virtual numbers that feature voice prompts and IVR capability. IVR systems facilitate features like account inquiries, balance checks, and appointment bookings. 

Moreover, routine procedures can be automated for call centers to minimize agent workload, increase efficiency, and offer 24/7 customer service.

Integration with Outbound Call Center Software

VoIP phone systems are compatible with outbound call centers and seamlessly integrate with the call center software. 

Here is how a virtual phone system integrates with outbound calls, virtual call center software, services, and software, and some of its benefits:

1. Integration with Call Center Software

The software systems used by outbound call centers can be easily connected with virtual numbers. The call center software and virtual number provider can communicate information and features using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). 

Call center agents may place outgoing calls utilizing virtual numbers directly from the software interface, streamlining operations and increasing productivity through this connectivity. 

2. Unified Communication System

Virtual numbers can be crucial to the call center’s operations when integrated with outbound call center software, forming a unified communication system. 

Agents may easily access and manage virtual numbers within the software interface, monitor call logs, record calls, and monitor the analytics.

This connection provides an integrated platform for call center operations while streamlining workflows and reducing manual tasks.

3. Compatibility with Different Software

Virtual numbers are compatible with the several outbound call center software options currently on the market. Virtual phones can interface with the software and utilize its functions whether contact centers employ on-premises or cloud-based systems. 

Tips for Using Virtual Numbers in Outbound Calls Centers

You will have a small bill when using virtual numbers in your outbound call centers. However, you must make sure to take advantage of every feature to make it up to your invested money. 

So, here are some essential tips for using virtual numbers in outbound call centers: 

1. Configuring and Customizing Your Virtual Phone Number

Most virtual phone number providers have configuration and customization features available. You can use it to customize and set your rules as per your requirements, which can benefit your outbound call center. 

For instance, you can customize and program features like call transfer, routing, monitoring, and recording as per the requirements of your outbound call center. 

Likewise, you can customize your clients’ messages and greetings, which can help retain existing customers and acquire new ones. 

2. Integrating Your Virtual Phone Number with Other Communication Tools

Integrating your virtual phone number can help you streamline your communication and workflow. You can integrate virtual phone numbers with inbound and outbound calls, and CRM ( Customer Relationship Management) tools and leverage the benefits for scaling and smooth operation of your business. 

Moreover, you can also use the APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to integrate with other software systems.

3. Monitoring and Analyzing Virtual Phone Number Performance

Last but not least, you should monitor and analyze your virtual phone number’s performance and evaluate if it is at least on par. 

It can help you understand the benefits and effectiveness of your plans and strategies. For this, you can integrate the virtual phone number with various analytical tools, that allow you to monitor call volumes, durations, quality, and response times. 

Additionally, virtual call center agents will be able to track client data and feedback so that your company can make better and more informed decisions in the future.

Comparison of Virtual Numbers with Traditional Phone Systems for Outbound Call Centers

There are numerous differences between a virtual number and traditional phone systems for outbound call centers. Here are some significant comparisons between them.

Basis of Comparison Virtual Numbers  Traditional Phone Systems
Cost  Significantly cheaper as it removes the cost of physical phones, lines, set-up, hardware, and other factors.  It is relatively expensive as it requires a physical phone, hardware, line, and other set-ups.
Scalability  It is highly scalable as it is cost-efficient, flexible as you can add or remove numbers easily, and offers geographical outreach. It has limited scalability and has a complex process of expanding.
Features  It offers features like call recording, routing, tracking, and integration with call center software.  It does not provide any extra features. 
Internet dependency VoIP can only operate with a good internet connection.  Traditional phone systems can operate without any internet connection. 
Call Quality Depending upon the Internet connection. It can provide consistent and high-quality voice calls if there are no technical problems, 


Summing up, call centers around the world have been changing along with new technology and innovations. 

In such cases, call centers can transform into virtual call centers, facilitating both inbound and outbound calls. A virtual contact center cannot compete using the traditional phone system, which is expensive, has limited features, and lacks scalability. In this case, they should turn to virtual phone numbers for best results and success. 

Based on the above-mentioned tips and suggestions, you can choose your virtual phone number per your call center’s requirements.

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.