The business does not call people on the “Do Not Call” Registry, as it respects the client’s enterprise communication preference and does not want any legal issues. So, how can you ensure that your company does not call any number registered with the DNC? 

This is where DNC scrubbing steps in and helps your company save thousands of dollars. It is a technology that removes the numbers registered in the national DNC registry from your contact list. It provides security for your business and complies with federal laws as well as state regulations. 

In this blog, we will discuss what “Do Not Call” scrubbing is, why you need it, how DNC scrubbing can help your business, and steps to scrub leads against DNC. So, let’s get into it. 

🔑 Key Highlights
  • DNC scrubbing is the process of eliminating and removing phone numbers registered in the National Do Not Call Registry from your contact list.
  • By leveraging the DNC scrubber, your business can ensure that no outbound call is made for the number registered in the DNC and comply with the telemarketing rules.
  • DNC scrubbing is critical for the business seeking to avoid legal issues and hefty fines of thousands of dollars for telemarketing regulations.
  • DNC scrubbing builds brand image by respecting clients’ preferences and opinions. While making outbound calls, it filters out and calls only the numbers not registered in the DNC.

What is the DNC scrubbing? 

DNC scrubbing is the process of removing the phone number from your contact list, which is registered in the National Do Not Call registry. Whether you run a large organization or small call centers, DNC scrubbing is essential for you, if you are a business owner. It can help your organization save thousands of dollars and keep its distance from legal issues. It includes using data providers to exclude and not implying phone numbers from your call lists. 

By leveraging the DNC scrubber, your business can ensure that no outbound call is made for the number registered in the DNC and comply with the telemarketing rules. Furthermore, you need to keep in mind that it is prohibited to make telemarketing calls after 9 p.m. local time and before 8 a.m. local time. This approach helps to prevent unsolicited calls, protect consumer privacy and peace, and avoid legal issues. 

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Why do you need DNC scrubbing?

I. To avoid legal compliance and fines 

DNC scrubbing is critical for the business seeking to avoid legal issues and hefty fines of thousands of dollars for telemarketing regulations. Thus, by eliminating call-to-numbers on DNC lists, businesses avoid legal consequences that could prevent them from operating or result in thousands of dollars in fines and penalties. Compliance practices protect the company from legal action and penalties, which lead to organizational insecurity and poor financial performance. 

II. Enhanced call efficiency 

DNC scrubbing improves telemarketing communication by increasing the ratio of picked-up calls as it targets the consumers who are likely to pick up the call. By removing the phone numbers from DNC lists, businesses can minimize the call lists while increasing agent efficiency and overall campaign efficiency. It further enhances the effectiveness of the call, ensuring that helpful resources are not wasted and the chances of getting the client’s attention are optimized. 

III. Honor the telemarketing laws. 

By leveraging DNC scrubbing, your business can demonstrate the willingness of business ethics and regulatory compliance practices. You can make a great impact for your competitors and clients that your business is lawful and working under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). You can gain the trust of your clients as they can feel their privacy is protected, and you respect their preferences and choices. Thus, by adhering to the telemarketing laws, businesses can indicate that their operations are legal, which decreases the impact of possible consequences of the violations of the rules. 

IV. Protect brand reputation 

Honoring the DNC helps your business protect its brand image by eliminating unnecessary outreach. This ensures that no clients receive the calls unless they want them themselves. This does not directly help you but eliminates the complaints that clients may file against you. Consumer trust and respect are maintained, and businesses secure the stability and dependability of their brand image, which contributes to brand and consumer satisfaction, thus further enhancing business success. 

V. Respect customer preference 

DNC scrubbing enhances customer preferences and respects their choice. It also acknowledges people’s freedom to decide whether to receive telemarketing solicitations. It accommodates consumers’ desires for privacy and limited interactions, which increases customer satisfaction. By coordinating with consumer demands and desires, businesses generate goodwill and form strong bonds to foster positive relationships with customers.

How can DNC scrubbing help your business?

How can DNC scrubbing help your business

1. Brand image 

DNC scrubbing builds brand image by respecting clients’ preferences and opinions. While making outbound calls, it filters out and calls only the numbers not registered in the DNC. This business strategy eliminates unwanted calls, ensures your business does not violate ethical standards, and prevents scenarios that might reduce customers’ trust and goodwill. Customers are likely to support a business that respects consumer rights and is under the call law and regulations. Thus, this type of impression can make an impact on your consumer to trust your brand. 

2. Enhance the relationship with the customer

Businesses must honor the decision of consumers who have registered their number on the national DNC registry to improve their relationship. This helps to reduce frustration and irritation resulting from calls that the clients do not want; demonstrating the client’s preferences is important. This can lead to an increment in customer flow and overall satisfaction as a result of gratitude and respect.

3. Increase conversion rate 

 DNC scrubbing focuses your efforts on potential customers who are more likely to be receptive to your message. Excluding DNC-listed numbers can help avoid contacting and wasting time on uninterested, thus increasing the possibility of a prospect turning into a sale. This specifies the utilization of marketing and sales strategies in sales, enabling the identification of the best practices that increase conversion and maximize Return on Investment(ROI).

4. Enhanced marketing effectiveness

DNC scrubbing helps ensure that marketing attempts to the potential audience are much more effective since attention is only given to an audience that could not opt out of the call. Email marketing enables you to communicate with people who are receptive to information concerning your products or services. Hence, there is a high probability that they will provide a positive response and take the necessary action that is required. It also refines the marketing strategies as it increases the efficiency of client attraction and maintenance.

5. Cost-effective

DNC scrubbing is beneficial in that it helps minimize useful contacts that are closest to the undesired recipient. Conveys savings in terms of operations costs, especially those relating to the number of unproductive calls and penalties for violation of telemarketing laws. It also enables the business to run smoothly since most of its efforts are directed mostly toward qualified leads and interested prospects, hence increasing returns on the investments made in marketing.

Steps to scrub leads against DNC

A. Obtain the DNC list

At first, you have to acquire the DNC list, and this is obtainable from the Federal Trade Commission(FTC), where they sell the list. This list is also generally extensive. Therefore, always ensure that the copy on hand is the updated version. 

B. Use DNC scrubbing software

While selecting the DNC scrubbing tools, choose the most reliable and trustworthy service provider. These programs automate the procedure by comparing your contact list with the DNC list. They flag or remove any numbers detected in the national DNC registry. 

C. Update your call list

Compare your call lists and call management software to the most recent DNC list to guarantee they are constantly up to date. This should be done on a regular basis, as the registration is regularly updated with new members. 

D. Audit the scrubbing process

Conduct regular audits of your scrubbing procedure to ensure compliance. This includes tracking your scrubbing initiatives and interactions with the DNC list. 


DNC scrubbing is a process for adhering to telemarketing regulations. It can also act as a proactive measure for a business’s reputation and an overhaul of organizational effectiveness. By not bothering those consumers who have indicated that they are not interested in receiving communications from the business, there will likely be trust and loyalty.

The concept of DNC scrubbing enables marketers to reach only audiences that are most likely to respond, thus enhancing their efficiency. This independence also reduces some legal exposures and possible penalties, enhancing the company’s financial sustainability in the long run. Adopting DNC scrubbing isn’t just a legal thing to do; it is the right thing to do to maintain a good image of the brand and safeguard valuable customers. 


What is DNC scrubbing? 

DNC scrubbing is the crucial process of removing all name and contact information that appears on the DNC registry from your company calling lists and database. 

What is the penalty for calling the DNC?

Calling a number on the DNC list can result in serious penalties, ranging from $100 to $25000 per infraction. These hefty fines are enforced to ensure that businesses follow telemarketing legislation and consider consumers’ privacy and preferences.

How much does it cost to scrub the DNC?

Mostly, it costs between $0.01 and $0.05 per phone number. Some providers may also have subscription plans that range from $100 to $500  per month, depending on the features and size of the database. The cost of scrubbing a DNC list varies greatly based on the service provider and the volume of numbers being processed. 

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.