Previous traditional phone lines ruled out communication. But now, they are inefficient for businesses as they have multiple hidden costs, such as setup fees, monthly maintenance charges, long-distance charges, and early termination fees.

As a solution, virtual numbers are introduced to save the cost of maintenance and set-up fees. In addition, they offer low charges when making international calls.

We live in a world where virtual phone numbers are changing the way we interact with people nowadays. These numbers are widely used by businesses for their convenience, providing an affordable solution.

Similarly, in this guide, we will discuss the hidden cost of traditional phone lines and how virtual numbers save money in your business.

Understanding Traditional Phone Lines

Traditional phone lines, also known as landlines, are reliable during emergencies, have better voice quality than cell phones, especially in areas with weak cellular signals, and are easy to use for many people, especially older generations.

The traditional phone line is completely childlike, with high costs and poor call quality, which means lost customers. 

However, landline phones are fixed to a specific location and are less flexible for those who are always on the move. 

In today’s business environment, traditional phone lines come with numerous limitations, such as limited mobility, expense, dependency on infrastructure, limited features, and more, which make them less attractive than more versatile communication options such as virtual phone numbers or VoIP numbers.

They are expensive, especially for long-distance or international calls, compared to virtual phone numbers. Virtual numbers can be the best option for businesses to stay one step ahead of their competitors.

Traditional phone lines vs. Virtual numbers

Aspect Traditional phone lines Virtual numbers
Definition A physical phone line connected to the PSTN An internet-based number
Location dependence Tied to a specific physical phone line Internet-based, not tied to a physical line
Features Basic call features like call waiting and voicemail Advanced features like call forwarding, call recording, and integration with software.
Cost Higher cost Cost-effective 
Scalability Requires physical setup Easily scalable
Technology Analog phone line Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Mobility and flexibility Tied to a specific device Highly flexible
Call quality Consistent and reliable, less affected by network issues Depends on internet quality

The Hidden Costs of Traditional Phone Lines

There are various reasons to change your traditional phone line system and upgrade to virtual phone numbers. One of the main reasons is the costs associated with traditional phone lines.

Having a traditional phone line in your call center carries a lot of costs. Here are some hidden costs of traditional phone lines:

i. Long-distance charge

In today’s world, where technology plays a crucial role in business success, companies need to reach out to consumers via more than conventional phone lines. The additional cost of long-distance and international call charges with landline phones further increases the overall costs. This is the reason that businesses are adopting more advanced technologies to interact with global customers.

ii. Monthly service fees

Monthly service fees are another hidden cost to consider when using traditional phone lines. They may vary depending on your location, providers, and the features included in your plan. Businesses can save lots of money on service fees, equipment rental, building costs, and more by choosing alternatives to traditional phone lines like virtual numbers.

iii. Installation and activation fees

This involves a fee for dispatching the technical team. Setting up traditional phone lines involves installation and activation fees, including wiring, hardware, and labor. This makes it more costly than virtual numbers, which maximizes the expenses based on activation and installation fees.

iv. Maintenance and repair costs

Traditional phone lines have unexpected costs. They require ongoing maintenance and software upgrades, which can cost technicians additional fees. Having a landline phone not only increases expenses but also can disrupt service during installation.  

What Are Virtual Numbers?

Virtual numbers are cloud numbers that let you use your internet connection to make and receive calls instead of using traditional landline phones. It enables users to make voice calls from a computer, PC, smartphone, or other specialized VoIP phone.

These numbers are useful for all users as they come with extra capabilities that are not seen in traditional phone lines. Voicemail to email, personalized Caller ID, and call recording are just a few instances of its functionalities. 

Its features include audio calls, video calls, voicemail, text messaging, email,  call forwarding, call analytics, CRM integration, auto-attendant (IVR), and more, ensuring smooth and seamless interaction as well as improving overall contact center performance.

How Virtual Numbers Save Money?

The way VoIP technology makes the communication system more convenient for users to make and receive calls without being tied to one physical location is a remarkable advancement in communication fields. 

With its affordable price range and features, it can automatically grab businesses to implement in their contact center for the call center communication solution. 

It has the capability to enhance communication, smooth interaction, and remote working. People can connect seamlessly without worrying about any costs associated with long-distance or international calling charges. 

Virtual numbers can save you money in several ways:

1. Lower setup and maintenance costs

Virtual numbers often come with a lower cost than traditional phone lines. Because of their affordability, many businesses are turning to advanced and feature-reach virtual numbers. Compared to landline phones, virtual numbers have lower setup and maintenance costs which ultimately saves money.

2. Cost-effective international calling

Having virtual phone numbers is the way to boost your business’s recognition in the international market and reach your audiences globally. Virtual numbers significantly save costs for long-distance calling while not incurring any long-distance calling charges. This means you can connect with people from anywhere without worrying about international calling charge.

3. No need for physical office space

You can establish your virtual presence from anywhere without needing to establish a physical office, connect with your audience remotely, and expand your reach, which ultimately saves money on building an office. Converting your traditional phone line into virtual phone numbers can reduce call costs, establish a presence in the international market without needing a physical office, provide remote work enablement, and more that significantly save money. 

4. Flexibility and scalability

The flexibility of virtual numbers is remarkable, as they don’t require the installation of physical phone lines or hardware, which ultimately reduces initial setup costs. You can expand your global reach because of its flexibility, making it easy and affordable to establish a local presence in the international market.

5. Improved productivity and customer service

Virtual numbers offer several innovative features, enabling agents to make day-to-day calls and SMS efficiently, elevate customer service, and ensure seamless communication. This will maintain an effective work environment and ensure more work is done in less time, ultimately saving money.

Benefits of Virtual Numbers

Having a virtual phone number is a great choice for both individuals and businesses. It enhances communication, enables global presence remotely, and offers numerous features. 

Traditional phone lines are not acceptable in this modern business world and don’t fulfill the required needs of business communication as well as individuals. 

If you are using a traditional phone line in your business in today’s tech-savvy world, then you are not supposed to upgrade your business.

Just take advantage of the opportunity that virtual numbers provide for improved business communication. 

Here are some benefits of virtual numbers holding for you to uplift your business.


Virtual numbers are more cost-effective than traditional phone numbers. They save your business overall operational and installation charges and allow you to connect with customers seamlessly.


You can make and receive calls remotely with a virtual phone number, no matter where you are from. It only matters that you should connect to the internet.  You can make and receive calls globally without having long-distance charges or international calls. 


Businesses can easily scale up and down the numbers they use based on their needs. This scalability is beneficial for customer service lines, marketing campaigns, and expanding into new markets.

Advanced features:

Virtual numbers provide many features, effectively fulfilling the required needs of business communication, such as call forwarding, call routing, call recording, and more.

Global presence:

Virtual phone numbers provide flexibility, and you can run your business remotely without having a physical landline office. The comfort that virtual numbers provide to users is remarkable, as is the greater call quality. 

Compared to traditional phone lines, VoIP numbers not only help businesses save expenditures but also establish them as superior choices due to their flexibility and several features at an affordable price range.

What is the Process for Switching From Traditional Landlines to Virtual Numbers?

Switching from traditional landlines to virtual numbers needs careful planning. Businesses should choose virtual number providers that fit the required needs.

Here’s a detailed process to guide you through the transition.

  • Evaluate your needs: Assess your current needs, identify pain points, and set goals.
  • Choose a virtual phone number provider: Before choosing a virtual phone number provider, research providers, request demos and trials, and compare plans.
  • Select virtual phone number types:  Choose the appropriate number types that fit your business needs, such as local, toll-free, vanity, or international phone numbers.
  • Setup virtual number features: you must configure VoIP number functions like voicemail, call recording, call forwarding, and other most needed features in order to improve the effectiveness of communication.
  • Integrate with communication tools: to improve customer service, streamline workflows, and optimize business operations, you must integrate with email platforms, project management tools, customer relationship management systems, and others.
  • Test and optimize: Your setup must be tested and optimized effectively to ensure seamless functionality and maximize efficiency.
  • Train users: Train agents to effectively utilize the virtual number and integrate communication tools to their fullest potential. 
  • Monitor performance and support: By actively monitoring and utilizing existing resources, you can be confident that the virtual number service will provide you with the value you expect.

Visit Dialaxy to purchase a virtual phone number. With us, you can easily get virtual numbers for both business and personal use. We offer 100+ features at an affordable price.


Traditional phone lines used to be the main way to communicate, but now they are not the best choice for businesses. They have many hidden costs like setup fees, monthly maintenance charges, long-distance charges, and early termination fees, making them inefficient.

Virtual numbers help to reduce maintenance and setup costs and also offer lower charges for international calls. Supercharge your business communication with unlimited calling and messaging features in an affordable price range. 


What cost-saving features do virtual numbers offer?

Virtual numbers save money with competitive international calling rates, scalable solutions without extra setup costs, optimized call routing to reduce long-distance charges, and integrated communication tools that streamline operations.

Can virtual numbers reduce long-distance charges?

Virtual numbers can help reduce long-distance charges by allowing free or low-cost calls between virtual numbers within the same provider network. Advanced call routing features also optimize call paths, minimizing long-distance charges.

How much does a virtual number cost?

With Dialaxy, you can get virtual numbers at an affordable price. Here are our pricing plans:

Basic Plus  Pro (Popular) Enterprise 
$20 /month ($5 per additional user) $40 /month ($5 per additional user) $60 /month ($5 per additional user) Contact for pricing (For bulk usage)
7-day free trial  7-day free trial  7-day free trial  Contact sales
1 number 2  numbers 3 numbers Unlimited numbers
1 user 3 users 5 users Unlimited users

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.