Ending a phone call may seem like a small thing, but it’s important to handle it with care. It’s not always easy to end a call smoothly, especially when you want to ensure the other person feels respected and valued. 

When saying goodbye, it’s important to be polite and considerate of the other person’s feelings to leave a positive impression. A polite ending to a phone call reflects professionalism, enhances customer experience, builds a strong relationship, and improves positive impressions.

This article enhances your calling experience and teaches you the art of ending a call smoothly and politely.

🔑 Key Highlights
  • A polite and smooth end of the phone call shows respect for the other person’s time and contributions.
  • It is beneficial to conclude a phone call politely for several reasons, such as enhancing a positive impression, maintaining positive relationships, or projecting professionalism.
  • It is important to end a call politely and professionally to foster a positive impression.
  • The way you end a call can leave a lasting impression on the other party.

When Ending a Phone Call, Why Is It Important to Be Professional & Polite?

Ending a phone call is a simple practice but it has significant benefits in both professional and personal interactions for maintaining positive relationships, ensuring clear communication, reflecting professionalism, and enhancing both personal and business interactions.

I. Strengthens relationships

A polite closing while ending a phone call can strengthen relationships. How you end a call often leaves a lasting impression on the other party. 

A professional and polite ending shows respect and appreciation for the other person’s time and effort and maintains strong relationships.

II. Project professionalism

While ending a call, it’s important to be polite to show respect for their time and effort this will help you to maintain professionalism. 

At the closing of the call, it’s important to express your professionalism by conveying a courteous and thoughtful message that leaves a strong and positive impression.

III. Encouraging future communication

A good phone call experience can encourage future communication. It shows the other person feels valued and respected during the call. 

A good end-to-phone call can help keep the lines of ongoing communication open and foster future collaboration. 

IV. Leave a positive impression

To foster a positive impression during the call and build a strong relationship, you need to end a call professionally and with a polite word that will leave a positive impression.

Ending a call in a polite manner isn’t just about reinforcing professionalism but also about fostering good relationships, ensuring good communication, and upholding both your personal and professional image.

Here are some polite and efficient ways to end the phone call smoothly:

Expressing gratitude

  • “Thank you”
  • “I appreciate your time.”
  • “Thanks for speaking with me.”

Offering help and support

  • “If you need anything else, please let me know.”
  • “Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.”

Confirming next steps

  • “We’ll talk again soon.”
  • “I’ll follow up with you shortly.”

Wishing well

  • “Have a great day”
  • “Take care”
  • “Enjoy the rest of your day.”

Closing the call

  • “Goodbye”
  • “Talk to you later.”
  • “I will speak to you soon.”

Example of combining all the phrases:

“Thank you for taking the time to connect with me. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m eagerly anticipating our next conversation. Wishing you a wonderful day and goodbye for now!”

📋Also Read: 6 Most Important Call Center Skills Every Agent Should Have in 2024

How to End a Phone Call Smoothly and Politely: 7 Ways

Suppose you have an important call in progress and need to attend another meeting at the same time. 

No worries; you can handle the situation and end the call smoothly. There are various ways to end the call smoothly without being rude.

Here are 7 ways to end a phone call smoothly.

1. Summarize the main points discussed during the call

If you want to end the call, you can summarize the key points discussed during the call and ensure you have understood what has been discussed before. This technique will help you to end the call politely and smoothly. 

You can apply this technique in various situations; mainly, it is useful in business when you are handling talkative customers and conversations.

Example: “I’ve enjoyed hearing about your upcoming graduation ceremony. It’s such an exciting time for you!”

2. Show appreciation by thanking the person for talking with you

Show your respect for the caller’s time and effort, and show appreciation by thanking the person for talking with you. It is the best way to end the call smoothly.

By acknowledging someone’s time, you indicate that you appreciate the value of their information. This simple act fosters a positive interaction and plays a key role in strengthening relationships with the callers.

Example: “Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I genuinely appreciate the insightful discussion we had about your new customer service system. Your input has been extremely valuable. 

3. Politely find the right moment to signal that the call is ending

If you feel tired while on a call with someone, and want to end the call smoothly, find the right moment to end the call, such as “don’t want to keep you too long, so I’ll let you go now.”

You should politely ensure that the call ends smoothly without appearing abrupt. This skill involves paying attention to social cues, such as pauses or changes in tone, and finding a natural break in the conversation.

Example: “I need to leave soon to go to the bank before it closes, but I don’t want to shut you down.”

4. Suggest another time to talk to continue the conversation

If you have several meetings with the caller, consider scheduling the next call as a positive way to complete the current conversation with a forward-thinking mindset. It shows your interest in continuing the discussion or relationship. 

One of the best ways to conclude a call with a forward-looking attitude is to schedule the next call. This not only demonstrates a proactive approach but also sets a clear plan for future discussions.

Example: “Let’s schedule another call soon to discuss these ideas. Are you available next week, perhaps Monday afternoon?”

5. Ask the caller whether they need further help

To conclude any lengthy telephone conversation with a customer, asking the caller whether he or she has any other questions is appropriate. This skill assists you to determine the right words to use each time you need to politeness in ending a call.

Example: “Is there anything else I can do for you?” or “Do you have any other questions?”

6. Make an excuse to finish the conversation quickly

Suppose you are in a situation where you are communicating with a person who doesn’t understand social signals. In that case, without being rude, you can give a proper excuse to change the topic or end the call smoothly. 

It’s important to understand that an effective excuse should be easy to finish the conversation with the callers in a polite manner.

Example: “I prefer to go now because I have many things to do here. Finally, I would like to continue this conversation, but now I have to return to work. I have to finish it early tomorrow. We can continue our conversation later.”

7. Schedule a call for the future to talk about any additional issues

Another better way to end the call politely is to propose a time in the future to discuss other matters. As applied to this approach, the technique’s signification simply means that anyone using it is trying to indicate to the other party that they are through with that particular discussion and would not want to engage in any other discussion.

With this technique, you can conclude the call while ensuring the caller does not feel offended and arrange another call in the near future in order to continue the conversation.

Example: “It’s been a pleasure meeting you and addressing your concerns. I would love to continue our conversation, but I have to attend my next meeting. Can we schedule a time to talk on Saturday?”

Some people are natural storytellers, which can sometimes lead to extended conversations. To gracefully conclude the call without causing offense, consider implementing the following seven tips. These strategies will assist you in navigating various situations and ending the conversation in a polite manner.

Some effective final lines in phone calls

There are various ending lines for phone calls. We have mentioned some effective final lines that you can use to end a phone call smoothly and politely.

Let’s have a look:

  • Thank you for your time today. I look forward to our next discussion.
  • If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Have a great day!
  • I’ll follow up with an email summarizing our conversation. Take care!
  • I’ve enjoyed our conversation. Chat with you later!
  • I appreciate your insights. Let’s schedule a time to meet soon and finalize the details.
  • If there are any other topics you’d like to cover, feel free to inform me. Goodbye for now!

It is important to adapt these statements according to the particular situations and the nature of your relationship with the individual involved.

📋 Related: Texting Tips: How to Respond to a Missed Call by Text?

Why is it beneficial for businesses to end a phone call politely and professionally?

Being rude while ending a phone call is not applicable. Imagine if you are calling someone and having a bad experience while ending a phone call. This will definitely make you feel unwanted and create distance between you and the other person. 

If you manage the call politely and ensure that you end the call efficiently without harming the second person in the call, you will foster a positive impression and maintain a professional image. 

In this advanced business world, every business has a call center and customer support team that takes care of customers’ interactions and queries. Having good phone calls can be the best way to attract customers to the organization.

Let’s explore why it is beneficial for businesses to end a phone call smoothly and politely;

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Reinforces professionalism
  • Positive employee morale
  • Facilitates efficient follow-up
  • Encourage repeat business
  • Builds stronger relationships

However, ending a phone call is not a big deal, but it is a powerful practice that can significantly improve customer satisfaction, build a strong relationship, and ensure clear communication.

Ending a phone call should be polite and smooth in order to maintain a professional image, maintain relationships, encourage future communication, and leave a positive impression.


What should I do if I need to end the call quickly?

If you need to end the call quickly, you can use phrases like:

‘I apologize, but I have another commitment I need to attend to. Can we continue this conversation later?'”

These types of excuses tend to be effective in wrapping up a call swiftly.

What are some polite ways to ask if the caller needs further help before ending the call?

Here are some polite ways to ask if the caller needs further help before ending the call:

  • “Is there anything else I can help you with today?”
  • “Please let me know if you need anything else from me.”
  • “I’m happy to assist you further if needed.”
  • “I appreciate your call. Do you have any other queries?”
  • “Do you have any other questions?”

What should I avoid when ending a phone call?

When ending a phone call, you should avoid abrupt endings, rushing the conversation, vague statements, negative tone, no follow-up plan, and overpromising.

Here are some examples of a bad phone call ending:

  • “Okay, bye.”
  • “I have to go. Bye.’
  • “Gotta run, talk later.”

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.