While businesses try to hurry up the adoption of new tools, some companies take the wrong approach by putting the cart before the horse. In other words, not knowing your needs clearly makes the adoption of solutions can cause several problems. 

Whether calls are piling up to unmanageable levels or your customers are complaining about satisfaction issues, there is a solution to such problems. 

The latest technological changes have introduced more advanced software, known as the IVR system, which can really make a big difference in your call center operation. This software can help you manage calls effectively and enhance customer experience. 

Are you worried about seeking an affordable solution to offer better customer service while trying to cut down on operational expenses? This article will update you about the IVR system and its cost.

🔑 Key Highlights
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) refers to a telephone system that utilizes menus and recordings to guide callers without the need for a live agent.
  • The cost of implementing an IVR solution depends on the organization’s size. The larger your company, the greater the price of the IVR service provider. 
  • To enhance customer service, an interactive voice response (IVR) system is essential.
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems come in several types, each catering to different business needs and customer interaction models. 
  • IVR systems are very significant in modern business communication as they provide a variety of reasons for them to work effectively.


What is an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System?

IVR is a menu-driven, recorded telephone system that controls caller-interactive options without the assistance of a live agent.

IVR System cost

It is very helpful because you don’t need to interact with any live agent. It provides 24/7 self-service, meaning customers get answers to frequently asked questions anytime, even after business hours.

An IVR system greets and interacts with callers using pre-recorded voice prompts and menus. This technology is widely used in customer service, telecommunications, and business environments to streamline communication processes and improve customer experience and satisfaction.

This technology has numerous business benefits: enhancing customer experience through reduced waiting times, improving call center efficiency by freeing agents to handle more complex calls and handling tasks and providing information and services at any time. 

How Much Does the IVR System Cost?

The cost of implementing an IVR solution depends on the organization’s size. The larger your company, the greater the price of the IVR service provider. At Dialaxy, our pricing for the IVR system starts at $17.99 per month.

Various factors influence the total cost of an IVR system:

I. IVR system type

  • Cloud-based IVR: Cloud-based IVRs are hosted by a service provider and follow a subscription model, which reduces upfront costs. These types of IVR systems are more affordable for small to medium-sized businesses. They typically charge per minute, per user, or interaction.
  • On-premise IVR: These systems have higher upfront costs, but they are installed on your company’s servers. In the long run, however, on-premise IVR systems can be more affordable for large businesses. It requires an upfront investment in hardware, software, and maintenance.

II. Customization and complexity

  • Basic IVR system: This system can easily simplify the task and has basic features like call routing and other basic pre-recorded messages. Basic IVRs are more cost-effective and are more suited for small businesses than advanced IVR systems.
  • Advanced IVR system: An advanced IVR system includes advanced features, such as speech recognition, natural language processing, CRM integrations, and more complex call routing. It is suitable for large businesses and is more expensive than a basic IVR system.

III. Additional costs

  • Setup fees: When setting up an IVR system, setup fees can be included, which cover the initial costs of configuring and deploying an IVR system. 
  • Call charges: Cloud-based communication systems commonly use a pricing model that charges users based on the duration of calls handled. Businesses should pay only for the actual usage of the service, which can be cost-effective for companies with changing call volumes.
  • Software integrations: Integrating an IVR system with CRM, ERP, and other software may incur additional costs to ensure seamless communication and data sharing between the IVR system and your existing software infrastructure.
  • Maintenance and support: On-site systems require continuous maintenance, including software updates and support services, which contribute to the overall cost of ownership.

Interactive Voice Response service providers

Selecting the best Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service provider can be confusing, as each provider declares that it is the best at what it does. 

However, you have to be careful when choosing them by understanding and reviewing them carefully that is most suitable for your business:

Here are some of the top IVR system providers:

Provider Type Features
Dialaxy Cloud-based CRM integration, advanced IVR, advanced routing, natural language IVR, workforce optimization.
Five9 Cloud-based Advanced IVR, omnichannel capabilities, integrations
Genesys Cloud Cloud-based Robust IVR, CRM integrations, flexibility
Twilio Cloud-based Programmable voice and SMS, IVR solutions
RingCentral Cloud-based Unified communications, IVR features
Cisco On-premises Advanced routing, analytics, integrations
Avaya On-premises Comprehensive contact center solutions, IVR
NICE On-premises Workforce optimization, IVR with analytics
Mtalkz Specialized Custom call flows, self-service, contextual conversations
Nextiva Specialized Conversational AI, natural language IVR
MightyCall Specialized Cloud-based tools, efficient call management

What Features should you look for in an IVR system?

To improve customer service, an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system is crucial, and the features that you should look for in an IVR system are:

A. Voice recognition

Your system should include high-accuracy voice recognition features, efficiently managing different accents and speech patterns.

It should also allow voice recognition to recognize and process the caller’s words for understanding, enabling customers to feel natural.

It will let callers have prompt resolutions for issues in simple steps while commanding the IVR system freely by speaking.

B. Automating call routing

Regarding features of IVR, it will facilitate the resolving of issues of the callers by directing calls in the right direction.

Automating call routing definitely lets callers reach targeted agents based on the input provided so that they land in the correct departmental sections.

Customers or users, on their part, are able to get their frequently faced issues resolved without seeking the assistance of agents like account balance inquiry and order tracking.

C. Integration capabilities

The integration capability within IVR is, indeed, very significant. This ability to integrate with CRM software enables agents to view the most relevant customer data, call history, and account details before they pick up the call.

This ability ensures that IVR will work seamlessly with other communication channels like chatbots, SMS, and emails.

This can also be integrated into Enterprise Resources Planning systems and databases for real-time access to customer data for better decisions.

D. Customization 

In IVR, customization is also an important feature that can enable one to easily change the IVR menu structure for constantly changing business needs and update the same with ease.

The customizable welcome messages make them more personalized to the customer based on past data regarding call history, account status, etc. It can adapt the flow of the call based on different measures of caller location, time zone, and customer history.

E. Reporting and analytics

These features in the IVR system ensure the tracking of key metrics such as call drop rates, call handling times, customer wait time, and call transfer rates for performance improvements. They also afford an understanding of how customers interact with the IVR system, helping the management monitor call traffic in real time and enabling the identification of system inefficiencies.

F. Multi-language support

It should provide a wide range of languages. The most elemental reason one needs to decide on an IVR system in advance is that it provides multilingual support. It effectively helps the organization convey its message to all customers or buyers from diversified cultural backgrounds. This provides personalized prompts with multiple choices in the language for the IVR, which leads to an improved customer experience. 

Types of IVR Systems

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems come in various types, each with features that serve different business needs and customer interactions. 

Here are the main types:

1. Inbound IVR System

The primary responsibility of the inbound IVR system is to direct inbound calls to the right department or agent on the basis of the user input. IVR provides menu options, call routing, and sometimes data collection or authentication. It is best suited for customer support lines with callers that must be promptly and accurately directed to the right person.

2. Outbound IVR system

Outbound IVR systems are utilized for outgoing calls to get in touch with clients. They are used to conduct surveys and reminders. An outbound IVR system best applies to automated reminders, surveys, and marketing campaigns. Consecutively, this system efficiently handles calls inclusive of a pre-recorded message, sharing a call schedule, and response collections.

3. Cloud-based IVR

These types of IVR systems are hosted in the cloud and Internet-accessible. They are more flexible than both on-premises and other IVR systems, scalable, easily accessible remotely, and integrated with other cloud-based tools. They contain features like automatic updates and maintenance. They are most positive for companies that want flexibility, scalability, and minimum on-site infrastructure.

4. On-premise IVR

Installed and managed on the company’s servers and hardware. Provides more control over the system, customization, and integration with existing on-site infrastructure. Suitable for organizations with specific security requirements or those that prefer to maintain full control over their IVR system.

Key Factors Affecting the Cost of IVR Systems

It depends on several factors on how much an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system will cost. Several factors influence IVR cost:

1. Complexity

Incorporating advanced systems with features like speech recognition, voice recognition, and complex menus typically incurs higher costs. However, these sophisticated functionalities can significantly improve customer service and boost operational efficiency.

2. Customization

Tailoring an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to fit your specific needs may result in higher upfront expenses. Nevertheless, this customized approach ensures that the system aligns perfectly with your existing workflows and embodies your brand identity, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction.

3. Call Capacity

The ability of the system to manage calls is directly linked to the number of lines and ports available. More lines and ports enable the system to handle a larger volume of calls simultaneously. While this increases costs, it also provides more robust call management capabilities.

4. Maintenance and Support

Ongoing maintenance and support for the IVR system may come with additional costs. However, these services offer significant advantages in terms of ensuring optimal system performance. Although regular maintenance can be expensive, it can greatly extend the system’s lifespan, ensuring the IVR operates effectively within the business.

5. Cloud vs. On-Premise

It’s crucial to select the IVR system that best meets your business’s needs and requirements. Failing to do so could lead to unnecessary expenses. Both cloud-based and on-premise systems have distinct requirements, and larger organizations often find on-premise systems, which tend to be pricier than cloud options, to be more suitable.

6. Vendor Pricing

You must be careful about the pricing of IVR systems. Different IVR system providers may have different pricing and plans based on factors such as usage time, number of users, or fixed rate. By learning sophisticated models, you can make informed decisions. You can choose according to your business needs. If your business is small, then it is recommended that a basic IVR system be effective, and an advanced IVR system is for larger companies.

Importance of IVR systems in modern business communication

IVR System

IVR systems are extremely important in modern business communication as they provide a combination of reasons for them to work effectively and ensure customer service is efficient and less complex.

Here are some reasons why they are important:

I. Enhancement in Customer Experience

IVR systems with custom greetings and those dealing with historical-based decisions or account details make it possible for customers to do their inquiries themselves. This decreases the number of calls requiring the attention of agents, saving a great deal of time and eliminating unnecessary effort. It also ensures that all callers experience a high standard of professionalism.

II. Make Your Business Sound More Professional

Efficient IVR systems help create a first impression of the business as organized and technologically advanced. Consistent branding is achieved through pre-recorded IVR prompts and messages with your brand’s sound. A professional IVR system can handle and provide information for calls even after hours, thus increasing the overall professionalism of your business.

III. Improve Agent Efficiency

The IVR system guides calls to the right department or person according to customer needs, thus saving time and effort during call transfers. The system gathers necessary information from the caller before getting through to an agent, and then agents can deal with calls much more effectively. 

IV. Faster Service

Interactive Voice Response Systems allow users to easily navigate through various options and help redirect them to the desired information or department. Such systems handle calls very efficiently and thereby significantly reduce the time the caller has to be put on hold. This is because automated responses clear the most basic queries without the presence of a live agent.

V. Quick Access to Information

Through the automated quick replies, customers can quickly access their account balances, delivery status, or working hours. Information and notifications are also regularly sent to them, so they are kept informed, whether it is day or night or a holiday.

Final Thoughts

IVR systems are important in business communication, enhancing workflow efficiency and customer satisfaction. They help callers interact with pre-recorded voice prompts and menus. The cost of interactive voice response software can differ significantly depending on its type, features, customization, and more.

Small businesses can look for basic, cloud-based solutions with lower upfront costs, while larger companies may benefit more from an on-premises system that provides greater control and customization.

Before committing to an initial investment, businesses should consider the long-term benefits of IVR systems, including enhanced customer service, improved operational efficiency, and round-the-clock availability.

Finding the ideal IVR system is akin to selecting the perfect pair of shoes: it should be comfortable, appealing, and tailored to your specific needs. By selecting a solution that aligns with your business objectives, you can ensure that your IVR system not only reduces costs but also enhances customer satisfaction and streamlines your operations.


How do I set up an IVR?

In order to set up an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, you will need a phone system with IVR capabilities and a comprehensive script outlining menu options and call routing instructions.

Here are some steps to help you set up an IVR:

Step 1: Define your goals and needs

Step 2: Choose the right IVR system.

Step 3:  Design the call flow

Step 4: record prompts

Step 5: Configure the IVR system

Step 6: Integrate with other system

Step 7: Monitor and optimize

What are the benefits of IVR calling?

There are numerous benefits of Interactive Voice Response calling where businesses use them for handling incoming and outgoing calls. 

Here are some key benefits of IVR calling:

  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Enhanced call-handling capabilities
  • Improved customer service efficiency
  • Improved call center agent productivity
  • Personalize customer experience
  • Increased first-call resolution (FCR)

How do I get an IVR for my business?

Firstly, you need to access your business needs, then choose between cloud-based or on-premise IVR, research IVR providers, request demos and trials, compare features and pricing, plan the implementation, launch the IVR system, and lastly, monitor system performance.

What is standard IVR?

A standard IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system is a basic, automated phone system that interacts with callers, gathers information using recorded messages, and directs calls to the appropriate department or representative based on the caller’s input through their phone keypad (DTMF tones). It is a tool for managing high call volumes efficiently without needing human operators for standard tasks.

What is the IVR rate?

The IVR rate refers to the percentage of calls that are successfully handled by an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system without the need for a live agent. It’s often used to measure the efficiency of the IVR system in managing customer interactions. A higher IVR rate typically indicates a more effective system that can handle customer inquiries or issues independently.

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.