In the dynamic e-commerce market, businesses are continuously seeking new ways to improve customer engagement and generate sales. Conversational commerce has emerged as one of the most significant and revolutionary tools of recent years. This strategy, which uses messaging apps and chatbots, is significantly changing the landscape for e-commerce businesses. 

In this blog, we will discuss conversational commerce, its rise, how it works, its types, features, and benefits, with real-life examples, conversational commerce best practices, and its future trends. So, let’s get into it. 

🔑Key highlights

  • Conversational Commerce is a combination of messaging systems, chatbots, and commerce. 
  • Conversational commerce uses SMS, chat, social media, and messaging apps. 
  • It boosts loyalty by creating friendly customer interactions and improving the buying experience. 
  • This method cuts costs by reducing the need for many support staff. 
  • It also personalized recommendations and responses by analyzing user behavior and preferences. 

What is conversational commerce?

Conversational Commerce

Conversational commerce combines messaging systems, chatbots, and commerce. It allows customers to speak with business and make purchase directly through chat apps, websites and mobile apps. 

This includes chatbots, voice assistants, and messaging systems that facilitate transactions, provide customer service, and make tailored recommendations. It represents a transformation in how organizations connect with customers. It uses popular messaging channels to provide a seamless, personalized purchasing experience. 

Conversational commerce uses SMS, online chat, social media, and messaging apps. A live agent or chatbot can make sales. Businesses can use AI chatbots for customer service, product promotion making wish lists, and real-time connections. 

How conversational commerce works?

Conversational commerce uses chatbots and virtual assistants, which use cutting-edge technologies such as AI and machine learning. These sophisticated technologies can answer client questions, make product recommendations, and even help with the checkout process. Here’s how it works.

I. Customer engagement

When customers visit an e-commerce website or app,  they are greeted by a chatbot or virtual assistant. This chatbot can start a conversation and answer consumer inquiries. 

II. Product recommendations

The chatbot can recommend products based on the user’s browsing history, preferences, and past purchases. It can also upsell, cross-sell, and offer discounts. 

III. Assistance with order

Clients can inquire about product specifications, size availability, and pricing. The chatbot can also help you add goods to the cart, calculate totals, and handle payments. 

IV. Customer support

If clients experience issues or have queries after purchasing any items, the chatbot can provide fast assistance, enhancing customer happiness. 

V. Feedback and personalization

Over time, the AI chatbot collects information from client interactions and uses it to personalize future shopping experiences. This might include individualized product recommendations and improved customer service. 

Types of conversational commerce

A. Messaging apps 

Messaging programs such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat are essential for conversational commerce. They enable businesses and customers to communicate in real-time, making it easier to answer queries, resolve complaints, and process payments. 

These apps improve the customer experience by offering multimedia messages, payment alternatives, and autoresponders.  They make interactions easier and more intimate. 

Furthermore, businesses may leverage data from these applications to provide more personalized recommendations and targeted incentives, increasing loyalty and sales. With the popularity of messaging applications, it is apparent that they play an important role in modern business. 

B. Voice assistance

Voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri enhance conversational commerce. They make it easy and convenient. Users can order products, control smart devices, and get information using voice commands. 

These assistants work with various apps and services to manage products and purchases. Moreover, they boost shopping efficiency by offering personalized suggestions and quick responses based on customer behavior. 

C. Live chat

Real-time assistance is the most popular type of customer care since it connects users with help agents via websites or apps.  Its multifaceted approach makes it particularly useful for answering questions, offering advice, and resolving problems.

The live chat system interfaces with CRM platforms, allowing agents to analyze user behavior and modify conversations. Furthermore, live chat can be improved using chatbots that can handle basic queries and applications, leaving unresolved issues to human operators.

The capacity to serve clients promptly increases their satisfaction and trust. Thus, live conversations are essential for customer service and sales in conversational commerce.

D. Chatbots and AI

Conversational commerce is key in communication. It uses chatbots and AI machine learning, allowing for longer customer interactions.

Basic applications follow set rules and scripts. They handle direct questions, introductions, and or orders. 

In contrast, deep-learning chatbots manage complex talks. They improve with user feedback and experiences. This leads to more relevant responses over time. 

What are the features of conversational commerce?

Conversational Commerce

1. Personalization 

One of conversational commerce’s most unique characteristics is its potential to provide highly tailored experiences.  Conversational technology can tailor recommendations, promotions, and responses to specific users based on their behaviors, preferences, and previous interactions. 

This level of customization makes clients feel valued and understood, which can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business.

2. Omnichannel presence

Being present on multiple channels is crucial for conversational commerce. It enables businesses to offer a smooth, consistent experience across various platforms. 

These include websites, apps, social media, messaging services, voice assistants, and physical stores. Customers can connect with the business anytime, anywhere. 

3. 24/7 availability

Traditional customer care channels and conversational commerce platforms are available 24/7. This guaranteed customer support anytime, be it during the day, late at night or on weekends. Such constant availability boosts satisfaction and helps business seize missed sales chances. 

4. Real-time interactions

Conversational commerce is very effective in engaging consumers by offering quick responses and interactive experiences. Responding to inquiries, giving product recommendations, and assisting with transactions all contribute to client engagement and satisfaction. This real-time interaction replicates the in-store experience, making online shopping more personal and engaging. 

5. Data collection and insights

Conversational commerce systems evaluate consumer interactions to collect useful information. This data include feedback, behaviour and personal information. Such insights improve customer experience, procedures and revenue. 

Benefits of conversational commerce

A. Improves customer engagement

Conversational commerce, compared to other e-commerce models, significantly boosts customer connection due to real-time communication.

A business can start a conversation with a single individual, answer all of their questions, and even generate ideas using technologies that allow for interactions via chat. 

Such direct and two-way contact strengthens the relationship between the retail brand and the customer, making the buying experiences more personalized and informative.

Companies can use data and artificial intelligence to create interactive discussions with customers based on their preferences and activity levels. 

Though it captures the customer’s attention and causes them to spend more time on products and services, it also assists in earning greater satisfaction, thereby increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction. 

B. Creates upselling and cross-selling opportunities

Conversational commerce makes upselling and cross-selling more personal and natural. Business owners can identify customer needs and product usage. Then, they can suggest related products or better versions. 

For instance, if a customer picks a product, the system can suggest complementary items or upgrades. These recommendations match the current context, boosting cross-sellingh chances.

Typically, this upseeling and cross-selling approach raises order value and improves revenue. 

C. Reduce abandoned carts

In conversational commerce, these challenges and concerns may be addressed immediately, making it easier to remove abandoned carts. When a user adds things to their basket but abandons the buy trips. 

Chatbots or live agents can assist them in completing the purchase journey without difficulty or encourage them to take advantage of special offers such as discounts or free shipping. Preselling communication can resolve issues that a customer may have about a product, causing them not to check out during the checkout process. 

Additionally, the usage of reminders can aid in reminding customers to return and complete their transactions. A good example is giving assistance and rewards to clients before they move to checkout since the rate of cart abandonment can be reduced. 

D. Increase customer retention 

Conversational commerce increases loyalty by facilitating friendly conversations, which improves the purchasing experience. Frequent contact helps business better grasp their customer needs. 

Regular check-ins, continuos discussions and support keep clients engaged and encourage repeat business. Customers may now quickly connect and purchase, making shopping easier. A solid customer experience map raises the odds of client retention. It encourages repeat purchase. 

E. Cost-effective 

Conversational commerce can be formed as a cost-effective technique because it reduces the need for a large number of customer support representatives and other employees. Self-service technologies are used for minor requests and cases that are routed through the chatbots whole real staff handles complex issues. 

This automation lowers operating costs, particularly personnel costs, as chatbots may communicate with a huge number of people at once at no additional cost. Furthermore, automation in conversational commerce has the advantage of allowing business to expand their offerings without experiencing significant new expenditures. 

Conversational commerce has been seen to improve customer service and operations by lowering the overall cost of consumption of services while simultaneously increasing efficiency and quality. 

How to start with conversational commerce?

I. Choose a conversational commerce platform

It is crucial to select effective conversational commerce platforms. Measures include AI capabilities on the platforms, compatibility with messaging apps like Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp, and integration with the CRM system. 

It is critical to choose systems that enable customization, expansion, and extensive analysis. Make sure there are secure payment integrations and that you have enough servers to handle the amount of traffic you expect, as this affects your team and customer experience. 

II. Define your conversational commerce strategy

You should always have a clear reason for implementing conversational commerce and what end goals it will achieve, such as increasing sales or enhancing customer service. There is always a need to understand the target market in order to attain the appropriate level of interaction. 

Create extensive descriptions of various chatbot usage scenarios, such as FAQ section or purchasing guide. It is also critical to establish specific goals related to your strategy in order to accomplish outcomes, such as engagement rates and conversion metrics that are linked to company objectives. 

III. Plan a Conversational Flow

The planning phase also includes creating scripts for various discussions and overall mapping out of the user experience. Create complex scripts for each time the personnel will interact with the clients. These should include proper greetings, general queries, and purchase-related responses. 

Introduce personalization so that responses are tailored to the customer’s specific data and preferences. It is also vital that users can express their compliatns to human attendants. This preparation ensures that interactions between the system and the user are fluid and efficient, hence improving the experience. 

IV. Train your chatbot

To train your chatbot, provide your bot scripts and use AI, natural language processing, and other AI technologies to comprehend the user’s input. Conduct testing and changes to capture frequent circumstances in people’s behavior. 

Use data from initial interactions to make future connections more accurate and relevant. With references to real-life experience, always make changes to the chatbot based on user input or evolving business requirements. 

V. Optimize and Monitor the Workflow

When you have all the essential tools, test whether the software runs smoothly. Some practical challenges of managing official conversational commerce workflow include response rates, user engagement, and so on. 

Collect data on the effectiveness of the occurrences to modify scripts or qualities when possible. Review regularly and conduct thorough tests to refine responses and address scenarios. Furthermore, update your chatbot on a regular basis to ensure it remains effective and engaging for your customers.

Conversational commerce examples

Conversational commerce is being adopted by lacrosse on various business platforms and used in multiple ways. 

Product discovery and recommendations: Brands use messaging applications to provide personalized product recommendations based on a customer’s browsing history, preferences, and activity. For example, fashion companies may utilize chatbots to make style recommendations based on consumer profiles or previous purchases. 

Transaction messaging: Businesses can use messaging systems to streamline processes such as ordering, payment processing, and delivery tracking. Customers can finish their purchases without leaving the chat interface, which streamlines the purchasing process. 

Customer support and engagement: Companies employ messaging apps to deliver real-time customer service, answer questions, and address issues. This improves the client experience while simultaneously lowering response times and operational costs. 

Marketing and promotions: Messaging apps are great for sending personalized promotions, offers, and reminders. For example, a retailer could offer exclusive discounts to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts or notify them of future sales. 

Real-time example of conversational commerce success

H&M: The fashion retailer utilizes Whatsapp and Facebook messenger to offer tailored styling tips, update customers about new arrivals, and make purchasing easier. 

Sephora: The beauty retailer employs chatbots on platforms such as Facebook Messenger to provide product suggestions, book makeover appointments, and send reminders to customers, resulting in increased interactions and revenue. 

Domino’s Pizza: Customers can order from the pizza chain’s chatbots on Facebook Messenger, which provides a seamless ordering experience integrated with the company’s delivery tracking system. 

Conversational commerce best practices

Conversational Commerce is a new way for business to transform their customer interactions, combining e-commerce and live chats. As a result, businesses recommend methods that ensure simple, effective, and engaging communication. Here is a guide to the best practices in conversational commerce. 

1. Know your Audience 

Conversational Commerce is all about engaging the customer in a conversation, and if you want the technique to work, you must first understand your target audience. This requires learning about their preferences, actions, and difficulties. Thus, utilizing data analytics, audiences may be classified into major groups, and the message to be sent can be tailored to the appropriate pace. 

2. Leverage the Automation

Save time for your lobe operators by having an automated chatbot handle the initial client meet. Many of the users you contact will not be qualified buyers, and virtual agents can screen out these leads. For example, you can create an automated chat or an auto-response to all inbound SMS.

 Also, you can use buttons or keywords to assess intent. Clients seek sales and support. Direct them to live reprenentatives.  

3. Create Multiple  Conversation Channels

The best way to understand customer intebent is by creating multiple conversation paths with various buttons or response options. This method, similar to an IVR call flow, enhances automation. It allows customers to indicate their needs. 

Based on the customer choice, you can offer automated support or connect them to the right agents. Many chatbtos and IVR software products offer a simple tool. This tool allows you to create a network of conversation paths, each linked to specific actions and reponsed and routing options. 

4. Integration

Integrating conversational commerce with third-party technologies such as CRM systems, databases, inventory logs, and communication apps benefits both your company and your customers. 

CRM connections such as Salesforce and HubSpot can provide your automated message system with customer journey data such as recent purchases or web page visits. CRM systems can also record each contact and lead’s interaction history. 

Integrating with databases and inventory logs can notify customers about item availability and even ease transactions. 

Integrating your messaging platforms or call center solutions with communication apps such as Slack and Microsoft Teams improves project management. Users can receive and respond to messages, as well as coordinate internal tasks without hassling between apps. 

5. Integrate Chat into your Website

Chat built into your app, or website is the most convenient and effective form of conversational commerce. Web chat is available immediately for clients who are considering making a purchase on your website, catching them a the optimal time.

Customers don’t need to memorize a phone number or open a new device to contact your business. They may do it in the same window they’re currently using. 

6. Choose the Right Platform

Choosing the correct platforms is critical in conversational commerce. 

Along with website chatbots, other platforms include: 

  • Social media messaging apps like Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp. 
  • Voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant. 

It should be created based on where your potential clients want to spend most of their time. For example, the public may prefer social media for communication, but the working population may also prefer email or other platforms. 

Conversational commerce key drivers of growth

Consumer preferences: Modern customers, especially younger ones, expect quick, direct and easy interactions with brands. Messaging apps are a perfect platform for rapid responses and real-time communication. 

High engagement rates: Messaging apps have some of the best engagement rates of any digital medium. Message open rates often exceed 90%. In contrast, email open rates are only 20-30%. This makes them an extremely effective means of engaging clients. 

Technological advancements: AI, machine learning, and NLP have enabled the creation of chatbots and virtual assistants. These can handle many customer interactions, from answering FAQs to completing purchases. 

Mobile-first approach: as smartphone use and internet access grow, more consumers buy from their mobile devices. Messaging apps are a natural extension of conducting e-commerce in a mobile-first era. 

The future of conversational commerce

The future of conversational commerce will improve communication and customer interactions, driven by rapid technological advancements. Here are some of the potential trends shaping this future. 

I. Enhanced data and analytics

Future enhancements will incorporate enhanced data analytics capabilities. Conversational commerce and CX software will gather detailed customer interaction data. This allows companies to better understand preferences, behavior and trends. 

Improved analysis helps businesses make informed decisions. It also enhances strategies to boost customer engagement and satisfaction. 

II. Improved customer experience

The goal will increasingly be to improve the consumer experience through conversational commerce. Businesses will launch more interactive services, like AI shopping assistants and real-time support. 

These aim to make online shopping as regarding as in-store experiences. 

III. Voice commerce expansion

Voice commerce will expand with advanced assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri. soon, customer will use voice commands to shop, manage lists, and get recommendations. 

This hand-free, easy method will become a key for the buyers. 

IV. Better integration across platforms

conversational commerce technologies will be more deeply integrated across platforms and devices. As technology advances, corporations will integrate chatbots and voice assistants into their websites, apps, and even virtual and augmented reality platforms. 

This move will make it easier for customers to communicate with bsujess across a variety of channels, including smart speakers, mobile apps, and augmented reality experiences.

V. Advanced AI and natural language processing(NLP)

Conversational commerce will gain from advances in AI and NLP. These technologies will enable chatbots and virtual assistants to answer complex queries more naturally and accurately. 

For instance, further chatbots will handle multi-turn discussions, understand the content better, and provide more complex responses. This will make interactions more human-like. 

Bottom Line

Conversational commerce is transforming the way businesses operate and interact with their customers. Brands can provide personalized experience, efficient and engaging experiences by leveraging solutions such as chatbots, messaging applications, and voice assistance. 

It delivers optimized, seamless buyer experiences while simultaneously providing useful insights. While building conversational commerce takes significant financial and time investment, the potential rewards outweigh the challenges. 

Finally, business may increase consumer engagement, satisfaction, and sales while dealing with issues such as privacy, platform fragmentation and integration. 


What is conversational commerce?

Conversational commerce is the use of chatbots and messaging apps. It lets businesses interact with customers. Customers can ask questions and make purchases without using traditional web or in-person channels. 

What are the benefits of conversational commerce?

Conversational commerce benefits businesses in many ways by enhancing customer engagement, providing personalized experiences, and improving overall customer satisfaction. It streamlines the shopping process, making it more convenient and enjoyable for customers. Some of the notable benefits of conversational commerce are: 

  • Improved customer service 
  • 24/7 support
  • Valuable insights

Are conversational commerce and social commerce the same?

No, social commerce and conversational commerce are two different terms, yet both are similar to each other. Social commerce refers to the buying and selling of products on social media platforms. Conversational commerce can take place om social media, company websites, and messaging apps. 

What are the examples of conversational commerce?

Some examples of conversational commerce are: 

  • AI-powered chatbots
  • Voice assistance
  • Messaging apps 
  • Live chat

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.