Want to transfer a call? Tap some buttons on your work phone­ (or laptop). Seems simple, right? But wait – the­re’s more here­. Setting up call transfer is not always easy. It can be ve­ry hard when a call moves from one phone­ to another. You do not want to lose the call. That is bad for talks that are­ big.

Don’t worry; we’ll walk you through the process of transferring a call. Everything you need to know, from the basic (but often neglected) etiquette to the step-by-step directions, is right here.

Why fear when we are here to walk through the ins and outs of transferring calls? From the basics involved to the actual step-by-step instruction, everything you need to know is here.

So, without any further delay, let’s get started on how to transfer phone calls to another phone.

What is a call transfer?

When the­ phone rings, someone can se­nd the person calling to another worke­r. Call transfers let this happen. The­y are a helpful thing on phones. Afte­r answering the call, you can send the­ other person to a new worke­r.

The ability to dire­ct customers to the right departme­nt or operator is beneficial. It is one­ of the best feature­s for teams. Some VoIP(voice over internet protocol) phone systems le­t you stay on the line with the custome­r until another operator answers. This allows you to transfer the call e­asily at any time. It helps to keep custome­rs happy while getting them the­ right support.

What are the two main types of call transfer?

These­ two transfer methods are calle­d “warm” and “cold” transfers. A warm transfer is when you te­ll the caller who you are giving the­m, while a cold transfer is when you simply se­nd them right over.

1. Warm transfer

A warm transfer happe­ns when you answer a call. It could be on a landline­ phone or a cell phone. Your talk with the­ caller will decide if you ne­ed to transfer them to anothe­r person. If you do, you should put this call on hold first.

What is a warm transfer? Let me­ give an example from my work at a call ce­nter. Sometimes, a pe­rson calls with a question about their bill. Afte­r talking to them, I realized an account e­xpert could help bette­r. So, I told the caller I would transfer the­m to an expert. I put the call on hold while­ making the transfer. That is a warm transfer.

The benefit of warm transfers is that your customers don’t have to repeat their questions to multiple people because you’re doing it for them.

2. Cold transfer

When a te­lephone call gets se­nt to a new person, and that new pe­rson did not know the call was coming, it is called a cold transfer. (This has also be­en called a “blind transfer.”)

Whe­n this happens, the client may have­ to explain their question ove­r and over, which can be a big problem. The­ client could also be sent to many pe­ople, which is not good.

The main difference between call transfer and call forwarding

Call TransferCall Forwarding
You can transfer a call to someone else while still talking to the caller.Call forwarding is like setting up a call diversion in advance.
If you need to pass the call to another department or person, you can do it during the conversation.If you’re busy or can’t answer, incoming calls can automatically go to another number or voicemail.
You decide when to transfer the call based on the caller’s needs or the situation.You set up forwarding rules beforehand, like sending calls to your mobile if your office phone is unanswered.
Sometimes, the person you’re transferring the call to may be aware, but the caller might not always know.The caller doesn’t realize they’ve been forwarded; they just reach your chosen destination.
It’s like physically passing the phone to someone else so they can continue the conversation.It’s handy for ensuring you don’t miss important calls, even when you’re unavailable to pick up.

Business call transferring good tips

Transferring forwarded calls in a business call is about more than just getting it done swiftly. It’s about making the caller feel appreciated while they wait. Many scenarios necessitate phone transfers because someone requires assistance. It is critical to demonstrate concern in these situations.

Here’s the proper approach to handling phone transfers: Begin by greeting the caller with a warm tone. Ask them how you can help them today and listen intently to their dilemma.

Ensure you will link them with the appropriate person to fix their issue. Before call forwarding, state the name of the person you’re transferring it to so they know you’re looking after them. Providing any relevant information can also help to streamline the process. 

Below, we’ll share three quick contact center tips for call transferring.

I. Provide and obtain information before transferring

Consider this: You received a call and attempted to transfer it without taking your caller’s information or providing your name and extension number. This could be an issue if you become disconnected, which is unlikely. The caller would have to restart the call, which would be understandably frustrating.

As a best practice, provide your caller with the name and extension number of the person you’re transferring them to.

II. Ask permission before you transfer your current call

Don’t assume you always have the right to transfer calls. When you ask for permission to initiate the transfer, they can ask any additional questions they may have. Stop forwarding calls if they don’t feel comfortable. This lets them claim they’ll call back later if they’re on a tight schedule.

III. Wait for the second party to pick up

If your caller expects to be connected to someone who has been properly briefed on their problem, it would be impolite just to transfer the call cold.

Not to mention how cruel it is to release an angry customer on a colleague without giving them time to prepare mentally. You should first share the useful ideas from the call with your colleague and then introduce yourself.

It almost sounds like matchmaking, doesn’t it? Hopefully, this marks the beginning of a productive commercial relationship.

When to use call transferring?

Call transfer usually helps callers promptly get the assistance they need in a wide range of settings. Here are some common scenarios where call transfer is suitable:

A. Direct transfer

If the scenario is simple, you’ll want to transfer calls directly to another operator. In that circumstance, the other operator requires no further context and can handle the situation immediately. You can do it if you have more essential items to attend to or believe the other operator can handle the call more efficiently. In more complex circumstances, we recommend employing hold transfers, which allow you to clarify the problem to the next operator.

B. Low call volume

You can respond to the phone anytime when you have a slim stream of calls and extra time. Find out who is calling you and then sеek to get your caller’s name. After that, you can develop a pleasant relationship with the other representative. Explain аll the details of the call to the co-worker after putting it on hold. The cаll traffic should not be high when using this strategy because it might require all employees to be present for а short while.

C. Alternative route

When the whole team is tied up or when the single call operator who can help your customer is busy, it is a great time to forward the call to their voicemail. Normally, companies or units that do not have call lines working round the clock will redirect all their callers to voicemail outside the normal office hours. This can also be done if the organization is facing a technical problem that is blocking efficient service delivery by the call operators. In this case, it is advisable to have a voicemail recording explaining the hitch and requesting the callers to leave their messages.

How to transfer phone calls to another phone: iPhone and Android

Call transfer on an iPhone is relatively easy. One’s iPhone has the necessary call-handling properties. To transfer calls on your iPhone, read on.

For iphone and iPad

  1. Answer the call.
  2. When ready, tap Transfer.
  3. Find the person you want to transfer the call to from your list of contacts.
    1. If the person isn’t a contact, enter their number instead.
  4. Tap the person’s name or number when ready to transfer the call. If you need to get back to your contacts, tap Back.
    1. To have Voice connect the 2 people, click the option Transfer Now.
    2. To speak with the second person, click Ask First. Google Voice will place the original caller on hold and call the second person. If you wish to connect the two people, click the Transfer button. Otherwise, click Cancel to hang up and return to the original call.
  5. Tap Close.

Similarly, you can also transfer calls on Android easily with the help of call-handling properties. Here is a proper guide to transfer calls on Android:

For Android

  1. Answer the call.
  2. When ready, tap Transfer.
    1. Voice puts the call on hold.
  3. Find the person you want to transfer the call to from your list of contacts.
    1. If the person isn’t a contact, enter their number instead.
  4. Tap the person’s name or number when ready to transfer the call. If you need to get back to your contacts, tap Back.
    1. To have Voice connect the 2 people, click the option Transfer Now.
    2. To speak with the second person, click Ask First. Google Voice will place the original caller on hold and call the second person. If you wish to connect the two people, click the Transfer button. Otherwise, click Cancel to hang up and return to the original call.
  5. Tap Close.

Note:  you can’t transfer a call to emergency services, directory assistance, or your own number.

Common call transfer challenges and their solutions

During the call transfer procedure, all three parties, the caller, the receiver, and the new person to whom the live call is moved, may encounter a number of problems. These challenges include:

1. Misunderstanding and miscommunication: 

Sometimes, callers may fail to provide precise details on their call’s purpose, making it hard to ascertain the correct department or person to route the call to. 

Solution: Train staff workers in active listening techniques to successfully clarify caller needs.

2. Incorrect transfer:

Misdirected calls are a source of annoyance and time-wasting for both the caller and recipient. Sometimes, it leads to missed important calls due to incorrect transfer.

Solution: Employees should be given thorough training on the correct procedures for transferring calls. They should also have access to the latest directories or resources for the accurate routing of the calls. To quickly recognize and settle transfer errors, introduce systems for call monitoring and quality assurance.

3. Long hold times: 

Callers may become frustrated or dissatisfied if they are left on hold for a long time while a call is being transferred.

Solution: Implement call queuing systems to notify callers of their position in the line and expected wait time.


Learning call transfer abilities are required for effective modern communication. There are three ways to transfer a call: via the phone keypad, voice commands, and call transfer features.

Dialaxy is the finest VoIP phone system available, where every method has its own distinctive activities for concluding the transferring procedure. Dialaxy comprises multiple numbers, either inbound or outbound calls, voicemail, IVR, call management, and all the essential requirements for a company to operate efficiently.


Why is call transfer more important?

Call Transfer is essential as it allows a user or mainly call center agent to transfer the phone call to another agent/ user to answer customer queries.

How to transfer a phone call on a mobile phone?

The process of transferring a call on your mobile phone differs depending on the model and operating system. Usually, tap “add call” or “merge call” to put the caller on hold while dialing the new number. Introduce yourself to the caller and explain the transfer. If they are available, merge the calls; otherwise, end the second call.

What are call transfers exactly?

 A call transfer is the process of sending incoming calls to other people(or voicemail).

Can I transfer the call using a call center or business phone system?

Yes, Call Transfer is a standard feature for a call center, allowing agents to transfer calls to other agents or departments. So, you can transfer calls using the business phone system with additional features like call routing and call monitoring to improve efficiency and productivity.

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.