Personalize voicemail for lasting experience Create a professional and personalized image for your business with Dialaxy’s customizable voicemail greetings, explicitly tailored to your unique business needs. Sign upRequest a Demo Endorsed by top industry leaders Trusted by industry experts for excellence and innovation. How to send voicemail from Dialaxy? To send voicemail, you must have an account with us. Create an account and follow these simple steps to send voicemail: Go to call dialer and dial receiver number. Wait for voicemail drop message. Record the voicemail after the beep sound. End call after complete message or Call will end automatically after 1 minute. What is a voicemail? A voicemail greeting is the recorded message that callers hear when they reach your voicemail. Common usage of voicemail are: Business communication: to ensure businesses capture all customer inquiries, orders. Personal use: to manage calls and messages from family and friends. Customer support: to manage customer support calls when agents are unavailable. How does voicemail work? When someone calls your phone and you are unable to answer (either because you are on another call, your phone is off, or you simply don’t pick up), the call is directed to your voicemail system. The caller hears a pre recorded greeting message. This greeting can be the default message provided by the voicemail service or a personalized message you record. The recorded message is stored on the voicemail system’s server. Depending on the service, this could be stored locally on a voicemail server maintained by your phone service provider, or in the cloud. How to send voicemail from Dialaxy? To send voicemail, you must have an account with us. Create an account and follow these simple steps to send voicemail: Go to call dialer and dial receiver number. Wait for voicemail drop message. Record the voicemail after the beep sound. End call after complete message or Call will end automatically after 1 minute. What is a voicemail? A voicemail greeting is the recorded message that callers hear when they reach your voicemail. Common usage of voicemail are: Business communication: to ensure businesses capture all customer inquiries, orders. Personal use: to manage calls and messages from family and friends. Customer support: to manage customer support calls when agents are unavailable. How does voicemail work? When someone calls your phone and you are unable to answer (either because you are on another call, your phone is off, or you simply don’t pick up), the call is directed to your voicemail system. The caller hears a pre recorded greeting message. This greeting can be the default message provided by the voicemail service or a personalized message you record. The recorded message is stored on the voicemail system’s server. Depending on the service, this could be stored locally on a voicemail server maintained by your phone service provider, or in the cloud. Benefits of voicemail for business 24/7 Accessibility allows your business to be reachable even when employees are away from their desks, travelling, or in meetings. Call Screening enables employees to prioritize calls. They can quickly respond to high-priority messages while sending less urgent ones to voicemail for later handling Eliminates On-Hold Time customers can leave detailed messages without being placed on hold, which is frustrating for most callers. Cost-Effective reduce the need for dedicated receptionists or customer service staff, resulting in cost savings for the business. Detailed Customer Feedback: encourages customers to leave comprehensive messages, providing valuable feedback and information that may be difficult to convey during a live call. Professional Image Ensures that all calls are answered professionally, even if a live person is not available, maintaining a consistent image for the business. Things to consider for voicemail messaging 01. Professional Greeting Ensure the greeting is clear, concise, and to the point with a friendly and professional tone that reflects your brand’s image. Provide any necessary instructions, such as how to leave a callback number or specific details you need from the caller. 02. Message Length Encourage callers to keep their messages concise. Typically, a duration of 1-2 minutes is ideal. Provide guidelines on the information you need to help the caller understand what to include in their message. 03. Privacy and Security Remind callers not to leave sensitive or confidential information in the voicemail. Use secure passwords or PINs to protect your voicemail system from unauthorized access. 04. Backup and Storage Establish a policy for how long voicemail messages are retained and ensure important messages are saved securely. Ensure voicemail messages are backed up to prevent data loss. Do’s and Don’ts about International number Do’s Don’ts Do Keep Your Voicemail Greeting Up-to-Date Don't Use Unprofessional Language Do Check Your Voicemail Regularly Don't Forget to Identify Yourself Do Provide Alternative Contact Information Don't Ignore Voicemail Notifications Frequently Asked Questions How do I set up personalized voicemail greetings for my business?In order to set up personalized voicemail greetings, you need to access the setting and personalize your greetings to suit your business preference. Can I update my voicemail greetings as needed?Yes, you can update your voicemail greetings as needed. Are there any additional costs associated with personalized voicemail greetings?Dialaxy provides personalized voicemail greetings at no extra cost, allowing businesses to improve the caller experience without any additional cost. Are there any best practices for creating effective voicemail greetings?Yes, the following are the best practices for creating effective voicemail greetings. Being professional Including key details Be specific about the information Using a script Can voicemail greetings be tailored for different departments or purposes?Yes, Dialaxy allows you to customize voicemail greetings for each department or purpose, providing a personalized experience and enhancing business productivity.