Instantly Connect with Customers Using Voicemail Improve your business outreach with our voicemail feature, enabling you to deliver messages straight to your customers’ voicemail boxes so they don’t miss an update. Sign upRequest a Demo Endorsed by top industry leaders Trusted by industry experts for excellence and innovation. How to use Voicemail in Dialaxy? To use Voicemail, you must have an account with us. Create an account and follow these simple steps to drop a voicemail: Dial the number you want to send the voicemail. Let the call end and you will hear a beep sound. Record the voicemail. The message will be automatically delivered to the recipient’s voicemail box. What is Voicemail? Voicemail is a telecommunications feature that allows callers to leave recorded messages when the recipient is unavailable or unable to answer the phone. This tool is commonly used for: Marketing campaigns: to reach a large audience quickly with a consistent message. Customer updates: to inform customers about promotions, changes, or important updates. Sales: to follow up on leads or provide information without interrupting the recipient. How does Voicemail work? Voicemail works by storing audio messages left by callers when the intended recipient is unavailable. When a call is not answered, busy, or the phone is turned off, the call is automatically redirected to the voicemail system. The caller hears a prerecorded greeting. This greeting can be a standard message or a personalized one recorded by the recipient. After the beep, the caller can record their message. The voicemail system captures the audio and stores it as a digital file. How to use Voicemail in Dialaxy? To use Voicemail, you must have an account with us. Create an account and follow these simple steps to drop a voicemail: Go to the call dialer and select the Voicemail Drop option. Upload or record your pre-recorded message. Dial the receiver’s number. The message will be automatically delivered to the recipient’s voicemail box. What is Voicemail? Voicemail is a telecommunications feature that allows callers to leave recorded messages when the recipient is unavailable or unable to answer the phone. This tool is commonly used for: Marketing campaigns: to reach a large audience quickly with a consistent message.. Customer updates: to inform customers about promotions, changes, or important updates. Sales: to follow up on leads or provide information without interrupting the recipient. How does Voicemail work? Voicemail works by storing audio messages left by callers when the intended recipient is unavailable. When a call is not answered, busy, or the phone is turned off, the call is automatically redirected to the voicemail system. The caller hears a prerecorded greeting. This greeting can be a standard message or a personalized one recorded by the recipient. After the beep, the caller can record their message. The voicemail system captures the audio and stores it as a digital file. Benefits of voicemail for business Time Efficiency Allows you to deliver messages quickly to multiple recipients without engaging in lengthy phone conversations. Consistency Ensures that each recipient receives the exact same message, maintaining consistency in communication. Non-Intrusive Sends messages directly to voicemail, so recipients can listen at their convenience without being interrupted by a ringing phone. Professionalism Provides a polished and professional image by using pre-recorded messages that are well-crafted and consistent. Flexibility Enables you to tailor messages for different segments of your audience, ensuring relevant and targeted communication. Cost-Effective Reduces the need for extensive manpower and resources, lowering operational costs. Things to consider for sending voicemail 01. Message Quality Ensure your pre-recorded message is clear, concise, and professional. The tone should reflect your brand and be engaging. 02. Compliance Ensure that your voicemail drops comply with legal and regulatory requirements. Include opt-in/opt-out options to respect recipients' preferences. 03. Frequency Avoid overloading recipients with too many voicemail drops. Space out your messages to avoid annoyance and ensure positive reception. 04. Content Relevance Tailor your messages to your audience to ensure they are relevant and valuable. Personalize where possible to increase engagement and connection. Do’s and Don’ts about Voicemail Do’s Don’ts Do Personalize Your Messages Don't Use Unprofessional Language Do Monitor Feedback Don't Forget Legal Requirements Do Maintain a Professional Tone Don't Ignore Recipient Preferences Frequently Asked Questions What is voicemail drop?Voicemail drop, known as pre-recorded voicemail, allows businesses to leave pre-recorded messages directly in customer’s inboxes without ever ringing their phone. Are there any compatibility issues with Voicemail drop?Voicemail drop functionality may vary depending on your phone system or service provider. Dialaxy, a cloud communication service, ensures no compatibility issues with the voicemail drop feature. Can I track voicemail drop results?Dialaxy’s advanced contact center solution systems offer features that track message delivery and listen-through rates to measure campaign effectiveness. Who can benefit from voicemail drop?Salespeople, marketing teams, customer service representatives, recruiters, and anyone who relies on phone outreach with Dailaxy’s voicemail drop. What are the benefits of voicemail drop?Voicemail drops have several benefits, such as businesses and contact centers maximizing their outreach capacity, saving time for recording, and ensuring your message is delivered and read at a favorable time.