Silence Notification: What it is and what are its benefits? A detailed introduction In this 21st century, effective communication is crucial. Effective communication is more than just exchanging information. It’s about understanding the emotions and intentions behind the information. When someone sees "notifications silenced" in a messaging app, it indicates that the recipient… Read more
What Is SIP Trunking and How Does it Work? A Detailed Guide SIP trunking is considered to be a crucial technology in business communication today. There are efficient and cost-effective solutions to replacing old phones (traditional phones). SIP trunking stands for Session Initiation Protocol Trunking, which uses the internet to handle voice… Read more
What is Customer Engagement Platforms: A Complete Guide Every business that wants to survive and foster growth in today’s competitive world needs to retain more customers rather than attract new ones. To retain customers, your business needs to understand their needs and preferences. You need to know about… Read more
The Essentiality of Omnichannel Customer Support for Businesses The adaptation of omnichannel customer support is gradually increasing and is now a top priority for contact center businesses. It enables companies to deliver seamless customer service across multiple channels to streamline business communication. Are you still using high-priced conventional… Read more
Voicemail Drop: What It Is, How to Set Up? Everything You Need to Know According to recent research, voicemail messages have an impressive 95% open rate, far surpassing the average email and text open rates. Voicemail drops have become increasingly popular in marketing and call centers. It allows businesses to connect with their customers… Read more
What is Enterprise Communication: Benefits and Features The more your organization becomes larger, the more critical communication is yet to succeed. So further strategies to scale, have to overlook enterprise-grade tools. Effective communication is key, especially in the corporate environment. Using the right language, medium, or a… Read more
How to Create B2C Marketing Strategies in 2025: The Ultimate Guide According to recent research, the global B2C market was worth around US$4.8 trillion in 2023 and is expected to reach US$9.0 trillion by 2032. Business-to-consumer is expected to grow rapidly. Business-to-consumer (B2C) refers to selling products and services directly between… Read more
How Does Multimedia Messaging Service Work? The average open rate for MMS and SMS is around 98%. MMS is a popular messaging channel that allows the sender to send messages containing various multimedia elements. Regarding effective marketing, MMS is the best way to go. It is… Read more
Benefits of an SMS campaign for businesses? An Extensive Review According to research, 91% of business owners say they see higher conversion rates with SMS marketing campaigns. This statistic shows why you should implement SMS marketing/campaigns into your business. An SMS campaign is a marketing strategy that sends promotional messages… Read more
What’s the Difference Between UCaaS vs. CCaaS? An In-Depth Look Businesses are quickly shifting from on-premise communication models to cloud-based ones designed to provide different types of solutions for business communication. Cloud-based communication systems present various “as a Service” models, including the popular UCaaS and CCaaS. These cloud-based services, UCaaS,… Read more