Indeed, introducing A2P messaging has caused a gradual change in SMS marketing. For instance, businesses can send messages to their customers through web or mobile applications. These messages encompass two-factor authentication notifications, order updates, surveys, emergency notifications, and appointment reminders.

A2P SMS has a better open rate than email. Hence, its benefits lie in enhancing communication and connecting businesses with dispersed customers. A2P messaging has since gained wide acceptance in different sectors, namely banking, marketing, e-commerce, and health care, due to its simplicity and relatively cheaper means of operation.

This blog explains A2P messaging, including its types, usage, advantages, and regulation. It also compares A2P SMS over P2P based on various factors.

So, let’s get started. 🚀

What is A2P messaging?

What is A2P messaging

A2P messaging (application-to-person messaging) refers to an SMS practice wherein an application sends a message to the recipient or customer through an SMS-sending service. It can be used in organizations such as contact centers to send appointment reminders, new marketing offers, promotions, bank alerts, or shipping notifications.

A2P is also known as a business or professional SMS sent to the customers who have agreed to receive the marketing text. Hence, this is usually a one-way communication process because the receiver does not always respond to the message. These messages are stored on servers and can be easily retrieved at any given time when the need arises.

This form of communication can be highly beneficial for companies, as it is a cheap yet effective method of boosting customer interactions. It enables them to reach their customers immediately, and the immediacy is compelling enough to guarantee that the conveyed messages are read. It is now among the most effective marketing communication channels in the retailing, telecommunication, traveling, and medical services industries.

What are the top 3 use cases for A2P SMS?

The top-3 use cases for A2P messaging are:

  1. Businesses send customers exclusive offers, announce promotions, and advertise product details directly to their mobile devices via A2P messaging.
  2. A2P enables real-time transactional notifications like order confirmations, shipping updates, payment reminders, and appointment confirmations.
  3. A2P is best suited for sending SMS notifications and alerts, such as account updates, password resets, and security alerts. 

Types of A2P Messaging

The different types of A2P messages are: 

1. Conventional messaging

Conventional messaging is an exchange of text messages between customers and a business. Customers initiate the conversation by inquiring about a service or product. These messages are based on implied consent so they can be sent without additional permission. 

2. Informational messaging

Informational messaging, also called service-based or transactional messaging, is not sent for promotional purposes. It usually includes reminders, two-factor authentication codes, fraud alerts, order confirmation, or account updates. 

Business marketers must receive written consent from the customers before sending an informational message. 

3. Promotional messaging

Promotional messaging is a text sent for sales and marketing purposes. SMS or MMS texting includes deals, sales, special offers, holiday discounts, or a personalized coupon for a particular brand or business. 

Before sending promotional text, businesses must obtain explicit customer consent to ensure that customers clearly understand the reason for receiving such messages. 

What number to use for A2P text messaging?

Businesses can choose from three separate types of numbers for A2P messaging. Let’s discuss them individually. 

I. 10 DLC

10 DLC (10-Digit Long Code) numbers are a phone number designed to support application-to-person messaging (A2P).  It is a 10-digit phone number that we use today for making calls. So, businesses use 10DLC numbers to send bulk messages to their customers. 

However, the business must register with carriers to use A2P 10DLC communications. The significant advantage is that it facilitates 2-way conversations between the agents and customers. 

II. Shortcodes

A shortcode is a 5- or 6-digit number used in messaging services to send and receive text messages quickly and easily between mobile devices. It is widely used in A2P messaging, which enables companies to have brief and effective conversations with their clients. They are used mainly for interactive messaging, alerts, and promotional purposes. 

III. Toll-free numbers

A toll-free number is commonly used for A2P texting, which can handle medium-volume messages simultaneously. It is cost-effective, and businesses can use this number to send messages to appear more professional. 

Understanding the critical differences between A2P and P2P messaging. 

The critical differences between A2P and P2P messaging are:

Features A2P Messaging  P2P Messaging
Sender Automated applications or systems Human individual. For instance, you send a text to your friend. 
Recipient Customers Another customer. For example, your friend is receiving a text from you.
Volume High-volume, bulk messages Typically, there is a lower volume of messages.
Purpose Commercial or marketing purpose Personal communication between two people. 
Uses This is for sending shipping updates, payment reminders, appointment confirmations, two-factor authentication codes, fraud alerts, etc. For personal communication. 
Content Pre-scheduled or often automated messages.  Real-time conversational messages.
Speed Able to deliver bulk messages quickly and efficiently.   Generally, individual messages are sent at a regular speed.
Cost It usually results in high expenses because of volume and services. Regular shipping fees are charged.
Regulation It has stricter regulations due to bulk messaging.  Less regulation in comparison to A2P.
Infrastructure Needs A solid infrastructure is necessary for bulk operations.  A primary mobile carrier network is adequate. 
Routing & Delivery Routed through A2P messaging platforms or providers  Direct routing between devices or messaging apps
Examples Verification codes, promotional offers, or bank alerts. Regular text conversation between friends.

Benefits of Using A2P Messaging

Benefits of Using A2P Messaging

The benefits of using A2P messaging are: 

1. Improved customer interaction

Business agents can use A2P messaging to deliver customized and timely messages to clients and customers. Tailored communication makes it easier to hold the attention of the intended recipient.

Further, most A2P platforms employ AI and machine learning to help companies develop relevant messaging based on client actions. This ensures that the business is in constant contact with clients, thus increasing the rate of repeat purchases.

2. Global Reach

A2P is an effective means for targeting organizations that intend to expand globally. Using a mobile device makes it easier to attract more clients since there is no restriction on geographical location. It also removes the possibility of missing a chance to connect to lifelong customers. 

3. Cost-effectiveness 

A2P messaging is cheaper than other marketing methods like phones, newspapers, and television. It also automates client engagement by managing vast amounts of text, particularly in large organizations. It also helps companies reduce expensive operational costs while not impacting efficiency.

Furthermore, A2P messaging complements customer engagement approaches by conveying automated messages, alerts, or timely notifications.

Additionally, by sending automated messages, alerts, and timely notifications, A2P messaging dramatically improves client engagement compared to traditional methods.  

4. Advanced texting features

Besides sending simple text formats, A2P has other rich text messaging features. Some of these include the buttons that allow the user to perform specific activities, reply to messages quickly, check the number of new and old messages, edit the notes attached to a particular conversation, text at specified intervals, and schedule-based texting.

Furthermore, it allows incorporating videos, links, and photographs into the messages received to make them look more attractive and exciting.

5. Integrations

A2P SMSs are versatile and can easily be deployed in other applications, such as customer relationship management. They facilitate contact management for business agents, as they can easily integrate their platform.

Also, the company owner can attend to all customer communications in one interface and not switch apps. This helps businesses reduce the time needed for manual data input processes and optimize time efficiency.

6. Available on a device of your choice

Businesses can use devices like computers, tablets, and mobile phones to connect with their customers anytime, anywhere, by utilizing business texting software like A2P. 

Ensuring Compliance in Application-to-Person (A2P) Messaging

A. Obtaining Consent

The A2P messages can only be sent out to customers after organizations seek prior permission from the users in writing. To ensure A2P compliance, the business agent may get valid consent from the opt-in options, the web forms, or the consent form containing information about the messages’ purpose.

B. Maintaining transparency

Businesses must provide straightforward methods to opt-out and show their understanding of message policies. This means that one has to be very careful when determining exactly how often the interaction is to occur, what form it should take, and, lastly, the price tag that should be attached to it.

C. Staying up-to-date with Regulations

To enhance A2P messaging, it is crucial to abide by the regulations that apply to companies and industries, like TCPA, GDPR, or other applicable laws of the country. Breaking these rules carries inevitable consequences, namely penalties, ticket fines, or even endangering the company’s reputation.

D. Using a verified messaging provider

Employing a verified messaging service helps businesses comply with laws. These service providers have the skills and assets to guarantee that messages are transmitted securely and in compliance. In addition to strengthening security, it boosts customer trust and loyalty, ultimately increasing revenue.


What is P2P messaging?

P2P messaging, or Person-to-Person messaging, refers to exchanging text messages or other forms of communication directly between individuals, typically using mobile devices or messaging platforms.

What is an example of A2P?

Examples of A2P messaging in mobile marketing are:

  1. Promotional offers
  2. Event Invitations
  3. Appointment Reminders
  4. Customer Surveys
  5. Banking Notifications
  6. Travel and Weather alerts. 

What are the examples of compliance in A2P texting?

The examples of compliance in A2P texting are:

  1. Obtain Consent
  2. Providing Opt-Out Options
  3. Honoring Opt-Out Requests Promptly
  4. Respecting Time Restrictions

What are the types of A2P messaging?

The different types of A2P messaging are:

  1. Transactional Messaging
  2. Promotional Messaging
  3. Alerting Messaging
  4. Authentication and Verification Messaging
  5. Appointment and Reminder Messaging
  6. Survey and Feedback Messaging

What are some challenges associated with A2P messaging?

The challenges of A2P messaging are:

  1. Risk of Spam
  2. Lack of Personalization
  3. Potential Errors in the Messaging System
  4. Regulatory Compliance
  5. Cost Management
  6. Maintaining Customer Trust
  7. Competition and Noise. 

What are the types of A2P messaging fraud?

The different types of A2P messaging fraud include:

  1. Smishing
  2. Spamming
  3. Spoofing
  4. Billing Fraud

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.