Traditional marketing practices do not bring the desired results in today’s digital world, as they lack the features and capabilities to meet contemporary needs. So, if you are looking for ways to digitize your business, look no further than SMS marketing. 

Gadgets like laptops, desktop computers, and cell phones have become essential to modern life. Most of the time, people are glued to their phones. Considering these things, Short Message Service (SMS) marketing has grown in popularity for both small and large businesses. It enables companies to communicate with clients in real-time, significantly increasing the conversation rate.

This is the perfect blog for readers willing to expand their knowledge of easy  SMS marketing best practices for SMBs.

So, let’s dive into the blog. 🚀

What is SMS marketing?

What is SMS marketing

SMS marketing is a digital marketing campaign in which businesses send promotional messages, updates, or news via text to customers’ mobile devices. It is permission-based marketing, which indicates that messages can be sent to only those groups of people who have given their permission to receive them. 

SMS is a powerful communication channel for small and medium-sized businesses that facilitates remote communication. It is also a marketing statistic for startups and contact center businesses as it is a cost-effective advertising space. Additionally, SMS campaigns can be carried out to reach loyal customers without investing in expensive production. According to the global communication platform Kaleyra, SMS messages have a higher opening rate than Emails. Within two hours of sending an SMS, 98% of messages are opened. 

Message marketing will help your company advertise its products, services, or events through customized messages and generate winning sales. The personalized message makes the audience feel valued and creates a personal connection between your company and the customer. Successful SMS marketing will help you help your business return on investment (ROI). 

Types of SMS marketing messages

Types of SMS marketing messages

There are different types of messages, and the most popular ones are:

I. Promotional 

The most common type of Short Message Service (SMS) campaign is promotional messages. These are informational messages sent by businesses that explain ongoing sales, deals, the availability of new products, or an upcoming event. The primary purpose of these messages is to promote a brand, product, or company and generate sales and customer loyalty. 

II. Transactional

A transactional message is a non-marketing automated text message you receive after purchasing or signing up for something. These messages are sent to consumers in real time to support their journey and enhance their experience. Purchase confirmations, greeting text messages, and shipping updates are a few examples of transactional messages. 

III. Reminder

A reminder message is a message businesses send to remind customers about appointments, due dates, late payments, or missed deadlines. It is a valuable tool for small and medium-sized companies to follow up on registration and minimize no-shows and last-minute cancellations. Besides ensuring successful appointments, follow-up messages also improve consumer experience. 

IV. Broadcast

Sending a single message to a list of contacts and clients simultaneously is called broadcast messaging. It is also called one-to-many communication, which allows the organization to select the lists and marketing preferences to which it wants to send the message. The organization can also send a single bulk text to a single contact. 

What are the SMS marketing best practices for SMBs?

What are the SMS marketing best practices for SMBs

Obtaining purchaser consent, identifying your company’s needs, and incorporating excellent customer service are essential to consider when using text campaigns for your SMBs. The best practices for SMS marketing are: 

1. Obtain explicit consent from Subscribers

It is crucial to understand that company agents send messages to only the recipients who have been permitted to receive notifications. According to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), sending promotional marketing text messages without obtaining written consent from consumers is illegal. 

Additionally, unaware customers might consider the incoming company message spam. They may complain about these prohibited messages, damaging the business’s reputation. So, initially, the agents should work to acquire consent using SMS keyword marketing, in-store sign-ups, or opt-in forms on their website. 

2. Keep texts simple

Text messages reach purchasers in real-time and have a higher opening and reading rate than email marketing. Therefore, marketers must deliver concise and digestible information in a conversational tone, adding value to their messages. 

Simplicity plays a significant role in text message marketing. Write a short and precise message, focusing on critical information so it can be easily consumed at a glance. People don’t like to spend their time reading long texts. 

3. Offer incentives

Many people don’t like receiving promotional messages and prefer to receive messages from companies they respect and appreciate. Marketers can develop strategies to enhance their engagement with their services and products. They can offer an alluring incentive, like a discount, coupon codes, or free service, in exchange for an SMS message.  

Not every user has unlimited talk and text on their mobile phones. Therefore, marketers should make it beneficial for these clients to sign up for SMS alerts. 

4. Focus on the present

Text campaigns offer flexibility in real-time communication between clients and customers. So marketers should focus on advertising or providing promotional information for a short-term plan near the date. They should not include the long-term strategy that is months away. 

Providing the one irrelevant message can drive potential buyers away. Therefore, marketers must focus on delivering only relevant, short, and essential messages or notifications. 

5. Consider relevant holidays, events

SMS marketers must schedule the messages promptly, keeping special holidays or festivals in the content. The marketer’s team can send messages with relatable gift links and suggestions during the festival. They can also send a list of luxurious hotels and flight booking information, helping clients have a wonderful trip.

6. Include SMS in a multichannel strategy

Marketers should not use text marketing as a stand-alone strategy. To maximize the effectiveness, marketers should integrate it with other communication channels. It must be incorporated into every multichannel strategy of organizations where they interact with customers on various channels such as social media and email. 

The multichannel strategy will also help your small and medium-sized enterprises foster brand loyalty. Since each communication channel has unique strengths for reaching customers, including SMS in this multichannel strategy will enhance buyer engagement and sales.  

7. Segment audiences for better targeting

Segmenting the consumer base according to several criteria, including location, demographics, regular versus one-time purchasers, and engaged versus disengaged customers, will enhance communication’s overall performance. Such segmentation benefits marketers by allowing them to send targeted messages quickly and effectively. 

Additionally, marketers must ensure that all their communications are consistent across various platforms and align with the consumer’s holistic brand journey. 

8. Avoid text that redirects a customer elsewhere

Marketers should be responsible when sending SMS messages with links that could lead customers to other websites. A consumer unaware of such messages and brands may believe it is a phishing or scam. 

Consumers will report such scams or junk messages if they continuously receive them without consent. Such complaints can cause financial loss and damage to the company’s reputation. Therefore, when sending a message with links, marketers must give the receiver the option to say yes, no, or ignore the recommendation.

9. Respect the frequency of messages

Avoid sending messages frequently. Frequent pop-up notifications can disturb or irritate customers, leading to a higher opt-out rate. On the other hand, sending a few messages over a long period can result in lost engagement. To avoid the opt-out rate and loss of engagement, test different frequencies and analyze the correct one to enhance consumer engagement for your business. 

10. Test and Analyze

Never stop testing and evaluating your text marketing initiatives to find areas for improvement. Conduct A/B tests using various offers, send timings, and modify messages. Optimize your strategy using the information acquired from these tests to achieve the most remarkable outcomes. It ensures an increase in sales brand awareness, engages consumers, and helps your businesses build brand identity. 


SMS marketing is a modern, effective marketing strategy for small and medium-sized businesses with around 100 to 1500 employees. It is an essential tool that revolutionizes companies’ communication with clients and customers. Instant and direct communication also helps capture and retain potential buyers’ attention. It is a cost-effective marketing strategy but slightly more expensive than email marketing. Furthermore, it has a higher open rate and click-through rate than email marketing. Therefore, the message should be short and precise, with only essential information or reminders. The informative message will enhance audience engagement and help your business return on investment (ROI). 


What kind of content should I include in my SMS campaigns?

The SMS marketers must only provide valuable information or tips to the recipients to foster engagement. The SMS campaign should include:

  1. Exclusive offers
  2. Discounts
  3. Event Reminders and
  4. Important updates.

 How can I ensure compliance with SMS marketing regulations?

SMS marketers must be aware of the regulations regarding SMS marketing, such as GDPR in Europe and the TCPA in the US. The regulations highlight obtaining express consent from SMS recipients before sending a message to them. So, marketers should adhere to these rules and only send SMS to the permitted audience. Additionally, providing an easy opt-out for receiving messages is essential; they should respect privacy and safeguard their information.

How can I track and analyze the performance of my SMS campaigns?

To analyze the performance of the SMS campaigns, keep an eye on critical metrics such as:

  1. Open rates
  2. Click-through rates
  3. Purchase rate

What types of SMS campaigns work well for SMBs?

To run successful campaigns for SMBs, marketers should send the following types of messages.

  1. Promotional messages
  2. Special offers
  3. Event reminders
  4. Product launches
  5. Surveys
  6. Loyalty program updates.

What tools can SMBs use for SMS marketing?

Small and medium businesses can use various tools for SMS marketing, and the tools include:

  1. Twilio
  2. EZ Texting
  3. Simple Texting

Prasanta Raut

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.

Prasanta is the founder and visionary CEO of Dialaxy. He is on a mission to redefine the landscape of SaaS solutions, infusing creativity and ingenuity into every aspect of Dialaxy’s offerings. His fervent dedication to simplifying sales and support processes drives Dialaxy’s forward momentum, delivering unparalleled value to businesses of all sizes. Embark on a transformative journey with Prasanta and Dialaxy as they pave the way for a new era of sales and support excellence.